Mike Works said:
Those fools, they weren't fleeing from the cinema, they were running to hoist Indy up on their shoulders
Ecrofirt said:
What the fuck was the Atlantis story?
This was it...I'm not sure if the comic series was based on the PC game or vice versa, but the storyline was more or less the same. The PC game owned BTW...if you can find it at an Abandonware site somewhere, you could a lot worse.
FoneBone said:
:lol :lol :lol I still can't stop giggling over that one...
I like Temple and Crusade about equally...both are really cool movies in their own right. But Raiders so completely beats these two and all other movies that it's amazing to me that there's actually an argument. Raiders is about as perfect an action/adventure movie as you can see. So many classic scenes...the boulder, the snake the legend behind the ark, the dotted red line across the map, the shootout in the bar (and subsequent hot metal scorching), the monkey with his "hail Hitler!", the "fight" with the swordsman (still one of the funniest scenes ever, probably because it was ad libbed), the map room, the Well of Souls, the floor of snakes, the raising of the ark, Indy vs Nazi Goliath (not to mention NG's subsequent end), the incredible truck chase, the mirror/bed scene, the Nazi clothes being too small for Indy, the opening of the ark (good God did that scare me out of a year's growth), and of course the final scene in the warehouse. These are all just timeless scenes, and help make up what is my all time favourite movie alongside Jaws.