3.3 million for this game?
Seriously? I feel bad for the people who spent money on this.
hahaha yup
3.3 million for this game?
Seriously? I feel bad for the people who spent money on this.
Did he say that 4 billion is watching us live?
I haven't had this much fun watching a show with a host named Joel since MST3K.
Yup.This game is cute. Double Fine is always better at this adventure game thingy than TellTale. Especially their art talents.
3.3 million for this game?
Seriously? I feel bad for the people who spent money on this.
*checks Twitter*
Because it looks like it could be made for $5?
3.3 million for this game?
Seriously? I feel bad for the people who spent money on this.
Joel McHale is an actor... why can't he just ACT like he's interested?
This can't be true....
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
That's a joke right?
Reading these butthurt fanboys posts is 10x more entertaining than this show.Vgx is a hoax show never watching that show ever again The Last of Us deserved to win not GTA games ... it's not that good of a game.
oh hai thar
dude literally just bicep curls.
Joe McHale actually trying to sell and promote Broken Age. What the heck is happening?