Thats a parody account.Oh, that's sad.
Ah, you got me!
Still, best thing to come out of this.
Has the show really been this bad, or is this hyperbolic internet anger?
Terry Crews plays 10 hours of Donkey Kong every day.
.Joel is really gifted at not being funny
i'm genuinely not sure if this is a joke or not..
will someone tell me who the girl in this is. Everything I see the gif its so annoying because she looks familiar but I cant place her.
3.3 million for this game?
Seriously? I feel bad for the people who spent money on this.
You're saying the highest rated game of the year isn't very good? sure.
How does Jack Black fit in the game, I mean physically, he's huge.
Fuck, this is gold. This show is god's gift to humanity.
oh hai thar
Why not both?I could have my girl ride me on my couch insyad of this shit. Thank god for booze.
Clink n point shiz
What did he say to make Shaffer cringe?
A video game that can't even get basic gun-play right doesn't deserve anything. I was ok with every other nominee except the one that won.