God as much as I adore this game, playing ranked properly has made me see some of its major flaws.
1) Matchmaking is total ass.
If you've got 3 C+ ranked people, 1 C rank and 4 C-, where the C+ people are also all at least 10 levels higher than the C-s to boot (indicating considerably more time spent on the game), why the hell does it put all 3 C+ and the C on one team and all 4 C- on the other?
2) Lack of weapon switching means some matches are lost before they even start.
When you're playing tower control and you've got 3 aerospray users in one team and the other team has a balanced mix of charger, splattershot pro, dualies and Tri slosher you almost know it's going to be rough before the game has started.
The Aerospray is so good in turf war that people get to level 10/11, try to play ranked with it and just aren't good enough at killing.
3) Lack of public voice chat
Turf war is fine for casual play. However Salmon Run and ranked modes require team work. They require coordinated pushes, knowing your role and knowing the tricks for certain maps and game modes. Lacking public voice chat damages these modes. Salmon Run gets so ridiculous later on that it needs good teamwork. Rainmaker also requires coordination. These modes would be so much more fun if you could at least explain to your team what you wanted to do.
So many times I've played Rainmaker, inked a lovely lane for the persn on my team with the RM to use and they've just ignored it and jumped about firing it at nothing in particular. I would have loved to patiently explain that they should get in squid mode and follow the lane I'd laid. This is impossible in public games.
Some may say "oh just play with friends" but I would argue that this is not the point. A game needs to be fun to play in all modes even without a premade group. At the moment it's far too easy to end up in a crap group and damage your ranking, in ranked and SR, simply because the rest of your team didn't know what to do and you couldn't even try to formulate a plan with them.