It used to be my favorite mode. But now I find it toxic, it's the only mode that can make me a little mad cause most of the time I'll get paired with sub level 8 users against a full team of level 30+.
I mean I don't mind losing, I got beaten a lot in ranked but a least in ranked if you're getting slaughter the battle only last a few moments, it's not 3 minutes of frustration.
I agree. I also find the "level doesn't mean skill!" crowd very irritating. It's exactly the same as Overwatch. Level does not equal skill in terms of aim, no. However it does equal vast amounts more time spent playing the game. It equals map knowledge, knowledge of how the guns work, of experience of the different tactics for each map.
Just like it would be very unfair to pit a team of level 1-10s in Overwatch against a team of level 100+ players. It's not that the level 100s have better aim, it's that they have got VAST amounts more experience of the maps, weapons and tactics.
Splatoon 2's matchmaking in Turf War is fricking awful and people shouldn't be defending it. A group of level 20+s should not be playing a group of level 1-10s. It's that simple. Not because the 20s have better aim, but because there's a bloody good chance that the extra 100 hours + of time spent playing the game probably gives them an advantage in tactics and map knowledge.
I wish people would stop using the "level doesn't mean skill" argument when talking about games like this. It can have a huge effect. Aim isn't everything. Try putting a team of people who have put 3000 hours+ combined into Counter Strike against a team of people who barely have 100 hours between them. The more experienced team will likely win a lot more than they lose because they know the maps, the strategies and the weapons.