Why do people like the ink jet so much? For me, pretty much everytime I use it, I get shot out of the sky. I guess you have to be safer with it? But to me it doesn't seem that good if you have to be really cautious with it all the time.
I'm no pro player, so I'm legitimately asking. What are the strategies for using it?
I personally like Inkjet a lot, since I'm a nut for mobility and an idiot for any kind of flying mechanics (guess which splatfest team I'll be on...). You can use it to sneak around and flank enemies from angles they don't normally expect, you can get very aggressive and chase down enemies over a distance, you can fly up to high(er) ground and shoot at enemies from your vantage point, and you can also just activate it and shoot a nearby enemy for a quick OHKO. You don't usually have to engage enemies at their immediate visible angle, but even when you do they still probably have to work harder than you do.
Even though Inkjet's movement along the XY plane is not all that fast, you still have a lot of maneuverability along the Z axis that you can use to dodge lots of things coming right at you. Plus you can compensate a bit for the slow air speed by squidding into ink and swimming to where you want to be. Being able to traverse terrain freely is also incredibly powerful, since it means enemies can't reliably take cover against you, and you can also move into positions which are normally not available.
The other thing that Inkjet has going for it, which I think needs to have its range cut in half and maybe not OHKO, is a built in rocket launcher that deals tons of damage. Inkjet shots will kill on a direct hit, deal very heavy damage with near splash and moderate damage with distant splash. It can shoot and OHKO targets from an incredibly far distance, though the Inkjet shot is somewhat slow. But even then, the ability to whip out an OHKO shot nearly at will without having to charge up or line up your shots is absolutely brutal.
Bouncing back to wherever you started Inkjet is also a super great benefit that I don't think gets emphasized enough. Sure the landing spot is visible to everyone and enemies can wait for you to come back and kill you, but that's honestly not that bad of a weakness. You can start Inkjet, get stupidly aggressive into the enemy team and push them back, then when Inkjet ends you'll bounce back to wherever you started, which greatly reduces the risks you're taking (as opposed to say, Baller leaving you right in enemy territory once it explodes). You can also start Inkjet on high ground, drop down to aggress, then bounce back up once you're done. You can also just... guard your landing point if you're really that concerned about enemies wanting to take advantage of you using Inkjet, which will be difficult for them if you're paying attention. You can also use Inkjet to just save yourself from falling off the map if you activate it before hitting the threshold to count for falling off, and staying alive and holding territory is often more important than having a special anyway.
Oh yeah, and Inkjet exhaust being able to damage and kill is hilarious :3
Collectively this means that, no matter where enemies are, you can always leverage some kind of advantage over them. You're either more mobile, doing more damage, or straight up have better coverage due to your firing angle, range and splash. Yes, you're not invincible and you can still screw up while using Inkjet. But as long as you're paying attention, you can be really hard to actually hit, which is nearly just as good.
I can't deny that Inkjet is just stupidly powerful at this time, despite some of its risks. What I'd personally like to see is for the range to be reduced by a lot, maybe even up to half of what it is currently. It would be interesting if they're willing to make Inkjet directs not OHKO. A slightly longer delay before being able to shoot might also be worth looking into, kind of like how they introduced a delay to Inkzooka back in S1 (which was actually a very good change).
I feel like blasters and sloshers are generally good counters to Inkjets, since they can cover wider areas to partially nullify the Inkjet's maneuverability, but I don't think Inkjets should be comfortable vs chargers, splatlings and squelchers, even if I don't think those three weapons are the natural counters to Inkjet anyway. I think Inkjet should be a special that requires and rewards aggression, and forcing players to get up close will reinforce that, instead of being this high ground tower that can shoot slow rockets over a safe distance.