Shame, that isn't in the European version. She mentions smog but not draw distance.
U.S. version just seems overall more funny, which is too bad for European people
Shame, that isn't in the European version. She mentions smog but not draw distance.
How are there still people who are level 20+ and rank B but still do shit like not getting on the tower when it's right there and the other team is dead right before the timer runs out and we're down on points? Or do shit like jump off the tower because a guy is getting close to you during overtime?
How are there still people who watch as half the enemy team dies, and their reaction is to stand back 20 feet and just see how things shake out once their team respawns?
Hey Kas, I just joined you lobby.
U.S. version just seems overall more funny, which is too bad for European people
Online gaming in a nutshell. You've got to do everything yourself, consider everybody else on your team brain dead.
I've had like five matches today where we only lost Tower Control by a few points or overtime, and every time there was a point where, while we were in control and the coast was clear, apparently everyone who was on or near the tower decided to jump off and go lone wolf in the enemy side and assumed that someone would stay on it, or when I was on it they all decided "oh it's cool" [runs off as the other team surrounds me]. WE'VE LOST CONTROL OF THE TOWER! gee wonder how that happened
At one point during Splat Zones we still ended up winning but, there was a time where someone was walking right into our zone and the guy closest to it was so not paying attention that he jumped over to the guys who were holding down their zone by themselves.
Lol it happens all the time, I get the feeling that nobody thinks half of the time. It's brilliant when I see all three of my teammates fighting at the spawn point, flailing over a tiny bit of land as they get spawn trapped instead of, oh you know, going for the other 90% of the map. I think my teammates are sick, they watch me die in front of them and just chill out as the guy who killed me run circles around them. I just shake my head.
I thought octoling be into dub step lol
Wait, it's still Tower Control? I though splat zones would be up.
Edit: Was that Zing's squad we fought? It is!
How are there still people who are level 20+ and rank B but still do shit like not getting on the tower when it's right there and the other team is dead right before the timer runs out and we're down on points? Or do shit like jump off the tower because a guy is getting close to you during overtime?
How are there still people who watch as half the enemy team dies, and their reaction is to stand back 20 feet and just see how things shake out once their team respawns?
Hmm gonna look them up not familiar with them lolThey probably listen to that new hip band, Krillex
Once you get to the point in a match where your team mates are clustered together like 10 feet outside of spawn just shooting wildly at the other team boxing them in, is like watching your soul die in slow motion.
That or when it's ranked and your team decides to be very polite and not touch those nice expensive beacons you laid down because they're yours. Better swim right to the middle!
Any squads open to join?
That or when it's ranked and your team decides to be very polite and not touch those nice expensive beacons you laid down because they're yours. Better swim right to the middle!
Ours has a spot open; Triforce, R.D.Blax
Don't think I got any of you on my list. I'll throw some requests out for future use.
Haha yeah it was. How random. Close match I thought we would've won at the end.
What's your NNID?
Same as username.
Hmmm? Hmm, I thought there was a bucket that had Sprinklers and Kraken, guess that changed to Splash Wall at some point.
Are you using the grey Zapper? I think that one has Splat Bombs, so you could try using those to create space between you and the enemy Sloshers. If you're using the orange Zapper, then I guess you'll have to figure out how to out-maneuver them.I just came back to the game after maybe a month or two off, I'm getting fucking murdered by the Slosher. It's not all rust either, the thing is going to beat a Zapper almost every time in a tight space. If every game is going to have four buckets in it, I don't know if I can run the Zapper anymore. It's ridiculous.
Maybe I'll figure it out, maybe the metagame will balance the thing out, but right now all I can say is fuck the bucket. Makes me want to go back into my Splatoon-less coma.
GGs, Triforce, MrPanic and RDBlax. We had a good winning streak going. Only loses were to Zings GAF squad (which was close) and this Japanese squad who had a really good team/charger which we couldn't counter.
Read an earlier part of the thread regarding losing points. It seems to take something into count, but I'm not sure what. I feel like they changed the default point loss for A+ to -12 with unbalanced ranks changing that to a possible -10.
The new points system doesn't seem like it is consistent with the same rank combinations either. And from what I understand, individual players on a team get a different amount of points (depending on their rank?).
Random ass thought as I sign off trying to get some sleep, what are SplatGAF's dream weapon configs? (Max. 3)
1. Inkbrush/Burst Bombs/Burst Bomb Rush
2. .96 Gal/Suction Bombs/Bubbler
I'll do #3 and explanations later. I wanna see what kind of crazy you all can come up with.
There's a new ninja shirt/sweater I ordered its navy blue
Can't wait for Azure's warehouse zones highlights from last night.
Found some more ink resistance shoes on squid boards
Buckets too stronk.
I still think it has too many viable options.
WoomySplatoon |OT4|
So does everyone want the OT4 subtitle to be "You're a detriment to your team"?
Shush, we don't speak of this in public. =P
Anyone want to play some Squad battles? I'm S.