So many weapons I want to use again once my hand heals. I haven't used Bamboo in ages, but Squiffer is my love. Decisions, decisions...
played with the kelp splat charger and e-liter 3k last night just for shits and giggles
I don't know how yall chargers do it
Lots of practice. Just ask Jahranimo or Azure. They picked up the Charger late and had to go through a trial of fire to get to where they are now.
I agree that Squiffer is a great weapon to learn Charger play with. In all honesty, I'd learn charger without damage up for a few days just to get the hang of what you need to do. The Kelp Charger is another great one to learn with, but learning to use bombs in conjunction with the main weapon is invaluable. E-Liter will be too slow to learn on and can lead to some bad habits.
All in all, start with Squiffer or Kelp to learn and refine your aim. Then start learning Splat for the maps that Splat works better in. Once you're comfortable with all of those, try out E-Liter if you want.
Once you start understanding the weapon, start using damage up if you need to. Damage up will help deal with threats that close in fast by being able to kill them with a partial charge. Damage up allows pretty much every other charger to have about Squiffer kill speed or faster. It also allows more successful burst bombing with the E-Liter.
Actually, if you do end up trying the E-Liter, start with the Custom. Your positioning skills will be better honed on that vs relying on burst bombs to save you.