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Splatoon |OT4| You're a detriment to your squad


I thought squid-flavored w/e was a genuine thing in japan.

Or is that just for "weird" products. Orange and melon are relatively tame (although melon isn't a common candy flavor in the US).

EDIT: Are the gummies individually wrapped? That seems rather wasteful tbh. Japan has a bit of a reputation for doing that.


The tri-slosher is my one true main. But I'm still searching for my one true fashion set.

I love the pearl tee for freshness, but 10 points of ink saver sub is essentially worthless for this kit. It doesn't even provide a single extra ink volley after using one disruptor.

Balancing freshness and abilities is the true metagame.
Damnit, it seems i now kinda got killing down, but still got issues with the dying part :(

my latest ranked game (splatzones) i was like 16:9 K/D ratio, i don't get how some ppl only die like once or not at ALL in one game


Damnit, it seems i now kinda got killing down, but still got issues with the dying part :(

my latest ranked game (splatzones) i was like 16:9 K/D ratio, i don't get how some ppl only die like once or not at ALL in one game

A.) They're REALLY friggin' good and know how to read situations to the point they always have the upper hand, B.) They're a defensive player.

Getting something like 16/9 is just as good as someone going 20/0 so long as you're keeping objectives. Shoot, an 0/0 who keeps objectives locked down/applies pressure can win a game more than someone who gets a lot of kills.

You're on the right track if you're in the positives (and keep your eyes on the prize, not only kills), don't fret about others getting better K/D's than you.


A.) They're REALLY friggin' good and know how to read situations to the point they always have the upper hand, B.) They're a defensive player.

Getting something like 16/9 is just as good as someone going 20/0 so long as you're keeping objectives. Shoot, an 0/0 who keeps objectives locked down/applies pressure can win a game more than someone who gets a lot of kills.

You're on the right track if you're in the positives (and keep your eyes on the prize, not only kills), don't fret about others getting better K/D's than you.

Do K/D's even really matter? I get that it's good to stay alive and take out people when you can, but I pretty much never have a positive K/D though I feel like I help push the objective. Given that they've changed the internal ranking system to be based on recent win rate I barely pay attention to K/D anymore except to go WOW when someone racks up a lot of kills. Maybe this mentality is why I'm only just hanging onto S rank :p


Sure it does. The longer your opponets are splatted, the more likely your team will win. Not to mention they lose a chunk of their special's gague. :p
Sure it does. The longer your opponets are splatted, the more likely your team will win. Not to mention they lose a chunk of their special's gague. :p

Yeah, exactly. I see it very often that the team with the best K/D ratio is also the team that win the match (not always obviously). Whenever i kill someone and there is actually no other foe near me at that time, i take advantage and paint for a little while. Every second that someone stays dead is net gain for our team.

I guess it also does depend on the type of game though, like in Turf Wars i often end up staying around the spawn near the end of the match to paint spots others have missed which will still end up helping us out a little and maybe make that difference instead of desperately trying to travel to a hotspot last second and try to get a kill.


Hmm I guess I meant you don't need to aim to have the highest K/D on your team and I think that's what Nintendo are trying to push with their new internal team ranking. I think you don't need to feel down about yourself for not always getting the best K/D on your team. After all even if you get the best K/D out of both teams but lose the match it's the loss that matters not the K/D. Since it's a team game every contribution helps not just kills, just gotta make sure you are actually contributing in some way :p


I guess it also does depend on the type of game though
This is the key. I can go multiple turf war matches in a row without dying, simply because I know what situations my weapon can and can't handle and go elsewhere, and I don't consider this amazing. In splat zones dying in the zone is a huge ink blotch for the opposing team, so if I can trade but I'm outside the lines and my foe is inside and has control, it may be worth it. Same thing with rainmaker, if I can trade and clear an opponent out while a teammate has the ball, I'll take it. Nor am I afraid to grab the rainmaker and make an early suicidal push. And of course in tower control you see fools afraid to touch the tower, which I can only interpret as fear of death. As Twain said, "A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."


Hmm I guess I meant you don't need to aim to have the highest K/D on your team and I think that's what Nintendo are trying to push with their new internal team ranking. I think you don't need to feel down about yourself for not always getting the best K/D on your team. After all even if you get the best K/D out of both teams but lose the match it's the loss that matters not the K/D. Since it's a team game every contribution helps not just kills, just gotta make sure you are actually contributing in some way :p
I thought you meant literally "aim" and was wondering what pacifish "floor only" nonsense you got into.
This is the key. I can go multiple turf war matches in a row without dying, simply because I know what situations my weapon can and can't handle and go elsewhere, and I don't consider this amazing. In splat zones dying in the zone is a huge ink blotch for the opposing team, so if I can trade but I'm outside the lines and my foe is inside and has control, it may be worth it. Same thing with rainmaker, if I can trade and clear an opponent out while a teammate has the ball, I'll take it. Nor am I afraid to grab the rainmaker and make an early suicidal push. And of course in tower control you see fools afraid to touch the tower, which I can only interpret as fear of death. As Twain said, "A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."

The balls on that guy... and the they didn't even have respawn back then either!!


Comeback after getting spawn camped in Camp Triggerfish is so satisfying.

All this talk about big k/d's and never dying. I normally just employ the meat shield method of Quick Respawn + Stealth Jump.


Hmm I guess I meant you don't need to aim to have the highest K/D on your team and I think that's what Nintendo are trying to push with their new internal team ranking.

I agree. Kills do count as the less enemies on the field, the easier it is to push the objective. But still, as I've said before, I've seen players go 25/something and still lose cause they were soloing around and not taking care of the objective. Afterwards it's easy to blame team mates for not pushing - which might be partly true - but they still didn't play as part of a team.

So if you win and went 3/8 or something, it's okay since these games are won as a team and everybody does their part. Even that charger that goes 1/0 in TC could be crucial if that kill was to stop the last push. Who can say he didn't do anything?
Well I got more def gear so your 1 sub doesn't scare me anymore :D



Man, this game is so damn fun. Just hit level 10 and tried out my first ranked battles this morning (Splat Zones). Really interesting how different it feels from the regular turf war.

Currently rolling with the N-Zap 89. It's the one I had growing up so nostalgia hits well, plus I like using inkstrikes.

Art for the ending of Ika Musume.

You may remember the Splatoon x Ika Musume/Squid Girl collaboration illustrations from last year, done by Masahiro Anbe (a great fan of Splatoon). Today, the very last chapter of the Ika Musume/Squid Girl manga was published in the Weekly Shounen Champion magazine, 9 years after its debut.

To celebrate and congratulate Masahiro Anbe, the Squid Research Lab posted another Splatoon x Ika Musume/Squid Girl collaboration illustration on Twitter earlier today. Here it is:


Very nice piece of artwork. Gotta love that Splatoon style
Sad to see the manga go but at least Splatoon got to help Ika Musume / Squid Girl take over the world for squidkind.
Cool from the Splatoon devs / artists to do this though.


I think I'm finally getting burnt out on this game. I'm gonna just stop playing it for a while and return to it later. It doesn't feel as fresh as it once did, which kinda sucks =/

edit: Alright, I was just frustrated for a bit after several stupid games in ranked mode. I haven't let the game get to me like that in a while, so I just posted dumb stuff for a second. I won't stop the game, but I should probably play some other stuff in between lol.


No worries, happens to the best of us. Every time I go on a ranked losing streak I vow to quit my current weapon. Yesterday I was so full of salt I came very close to posting that I hate the tri-slosher, I'm never playing it again, disruptors can't stop anything, increased bubbler knockback is such a hindrance on the tower, etc etc.
I kinda feel like what is there to do right now besides leveling up further? I have hit level 25 and feel i have now already found the perfect weapon for me, (Dual Squelcher) and the perfect gear. I get consistently good results now but i miss the fun of leveling up my gear or trying different weapons until i find one i am good at.

I suppose i will just play some other games and then come back to ultimately get to 50 or something. It's still fun, but i guess i am one of those players that needs little carrots like that to feel more motivated ;)


I kinda feel like what is there to do right now besides leveling up further? I have hit level 25 and feel i have now already found the perfect weapon for me, (Dual Squelcher) and the perfect gear. I get consistently good results now but i miss the fun of leveling up my gear or trying different weapons until i find one i am good at.

I suppose i will just play some other games and then come back to ultimately get to 50 or something. It's still fun, but i guess i am one of those players that needs little carrots like that to feel more motivated ;)

yeah i'm doing that already.. Currently ranked B, but i feel like long term it really depends a lot on what team you're stuck with. I always play the same, with a decent team we win, with a less great one we lose. Maybe that's a bit simplistic an opinion but that's how i feel it works.


I think I'm finally getting burnt out on this game. I'm gonna just stop playing it for a while and return to it later. It doesn't feel as fresh as it once did, which kinda sucks =/

edit: Alright, I was just frustrated for a bit after several stupid games in ranked mode. I haven't let the game get to me like that in a while, so I just posted dumb stuff for a second. I won't stop the game, but I should probably play some other stuff in between lol.

Who needs forced breaks.
Join the Fire Emblem Fates, it'll do the job for you. Whether you want it to or not.


I think I'm finally getting burnt out on this game. I'm gonna just stop playing it for a while and return to it later. It doesn't feel as fresh as it once did, which kinda sucks =/

edit: Alright, I was just frustrated for a bit after several stupid games in ranked mode. I haven't let the game get to me like that in a while, so I just posted dumb stuff for a second. I won't stop the game, but I should probably play some other stuff in between lol.

I used to get the same frustration all the time. The way I deal with it now, is if I'm given losing weapons or a losing composition, I simply put the gamepad down, wait for it to quickly end, and hope I get something good in the next one. No point fighting a losing battle / waiting for a miracle. My personal red flags for weapons are Hydra, Slosher, Splash, etc and for composition, double Gold Dynamo, triple sniper, etc.


No worries, happens to the best of us. Every time I go on a ranked losing streak I vow to quit my current weapon. Yesterday I was so full of salt I came very close to posting that I hate the tri-slosher, I'm never playing it again, disruptors can't stop anything, increased bubbler knockback is such a hindrance on the tower, etc etc.

Thanks man. It was weird though, I've had a couple wtf moments during solo ranked but I haven't really felt that in a while, I just shrug it off and keep playing. This time though it was squadding with fellow SplatGAF people and the rotation was just annoying (Museum/Ancho-V Zones). Nothing against my teammates though, they were doing fine but so many back to back loses felt a bit helpless. I don't usually get really mad about a game like that so it was strange. I just kinda relaxed for most of Friday and I was ok after a while.

Who needs forced breaks.
Join the Fire Emblem Fates, it'll do the job for you. Whether you want it to or not.

I'm not into the FE series, or any SRPGs period anyway =/. A lot of people seem to be enjoying the new game despite the weird localization controversy. I did start playing Jet Set Radio on Steam again which is always a treat :p

I used to get the same frustration all the time. The way I deal with it now, is if I'm given losing weapons or a losing composition, I simply put the gamepad down, wait for it to quickly end, and hope I get something good in the next one. No point fighting a losing battle / waiting for a miracle. My personal red flags for weapons are Hydra, Slosher, Splash, etc and for composition, double Gold Dynamo, triple sniper, etc.

Well I still try every game I'm in no matter the composition, although triple chargers never instills confidence...I just can't let back-to-back losses get to me is all.

Also you should stream more during tourneys! I like watching your carbon roller deco play when you use it as a fellow carbon deco player :)


Well I still try every game I'm in no matter the composition, although triple chargers never instills confidence...I just can't let back-to-back losses get to me is all.

Also you should stream more during tourneys! I like watching your carbon roller deco play when you use it as a fellow carbon deco player :)

I've been too lazy in setting up but I'll stream next time. Have a feeling mall SZ will be in rotation, in which case carbon deco hype!
Feels great to consistently best/trade with an S+ charger while using the Tri-Slosher Nouveau...I still feel an overwhelming amount of regret every time I use it, but I'm warming up to it.


I finally got to play some turf wars with SplatGaf on the weekend, it was so much fun! Thanks everyone for putting up with my sloppy heavy splatling deco play...I think after I switched to the mini splat things got a bit better for people teamed up with me :p Also thanks for putting up with me asking who insert-in-game-name-here was XD


Weapons I Mained, dropped, and no longer really good at:
Krak-On Splat Roller
.52 Gal Deco

Weapons I sucked with but now Main:
.96 Gal
Kelp Splatterscope

I went primarily from a Roller/Brusher to a pretty darn good Sniper now which I never thought would happen. The meta game has changed so much that it feels like Rollers/Brushers will always have a harder time. Except for Carbon Roller and its holy Burst Bombs.


I went primarily from a Roller/Brusher to a pretty darn good Sniper now which I never thought would happen. The meta game has changed so much that it feels like Rollers/Brushers will always have a harder time. Except for Carbon Roller and its holy Burst Bombs.
I've mained and given up on various rollers, blasters, and buckets, but never seriously tried brushes. Can't get into the button mashing or find the right sub/specials for me.

I should probably take carbon roller more seriously given that I already have a sweet burst bomb set crafted. It's awesome offensively but something doesn't click fully; I leave myself way too open while inking as compared to a burst bomb weapon like the L3D.

So I think for now I will return to my first serious main, the custom blaster. I dropped it after OHKO radius shots were patched out. But now I can aim a bit, so it may be time for a revival. As to gear, I'm thinking a balanced set of 2 parts special charge, 1 part defense, swim speed, ink recovery, and ink saver sub (last one a sacrifice for freshness). Point sensor/bubbler is probably my favorite sub/special combo in the game. Yay, support.


As a Bubble Brush user, please explain.
The weapon's primary job is infiltration and disruption, more or less. However, you autolose any firefight unless you're either in a very advantageous position or have max attack ups. Since you don't know which paths are safe, your probability of running into an enemy unexpectedly are relatively high, but with recon, you can identify where the enemy team is, and you can be fast enough to act on that information and blindside them.

Best example would be in something like port mackeral or ancho-V.


The weapon's primary job is infiltration and disruption, more or less. However, you autolose any firefight unless you're either in a very advantageous position or have max attack ups. Since you don't know which paths are safe, your probability of running into an enemy unexpectedly are relatively high, but with recon, you can identify where the enemy team is, and you can be fast enough to act on that information and blindside them.

Best example would be in something like port mackeral or ancho-V.

Hmm...I can see that then. Although I don't really think Recon is the best only because I usually see two issues with that main ability:

A. The enemy may leave the spot it showed on the map.

B. When you jump, you get fucking done if they see your landing icon (unless you're using Stealth jump)

It can be used, but I think something with Cold-Blooded can help with concealing your location during a match. that's just my opinion though, we may have different playstyles!


Hmm...I can see that then. Although I don't really think Recon is the best only because I usually see two issues with that main ability:

A. The enemy may leave the spot it showed on the map.

B. When you jump, you get fucking done if they see your landing icon (unless you're using Stealth jump)

It can be used, but I think something with Cold-Blooded can help with concealing your location during a match. that's just my opinion though, we may have different playstyles!
A. That's why you try to quickly gauge their direction and destination. Use your speed and act fast.

B. Then don't jump into an active warzone? If anything recon helps you determine safe areas more effectively.

Cold-blooded isn't doing you anything against enemies that aren't actively looking for you with sensor items. Recon changes the disadvantagous neutral game state into something more workable.


I swear this post is different from all the previous times I've claimed to have a found a new weapon... because I've rediscovered an old weapon. No but seriously it's fascinating how much better the custom blaster feels now that I can, y'know, play.

I actually have sufficient aim to one-shot, or "pop" as I say. Flanking pops, 180 defensive pops, jumping point blank pops... And I'm now capable of mindgames, such as throwing out my second blaster shot to where I suspect the opponent is going to move.

Other likely factors include the point sensor radius buff and the changes that made defense up viable.

Stay tuned for next week when I disavow it like all the rest.


I´ve been off the game for some time, but the other day I jumped back in and had some matches. I played Turf War and I met a group of players who at the start of the match would just run to a point in the map without shooting and just stay there jumping around and doing things, but without painting anything. At the end of the match they started painting everything and playing normally, I don´t know if it was when the "last minute" signal came in or not. After some matches I left and started playing with a different group...and they did the same thing. I tried some more times and I got 3 or 4 different rooms where everyone was doing this until I finally found a room where people were playing normally.

So, what´s up with this?
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