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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Just got home from the movie.

I have a few questions:

Does Finn have force powers?
How terrible is Ren? He couldn't beat two people that never touched a lightsaber before?

Dude heavily underestimates them, just killed his father, but most important of all is fuck I just got shot by a goddamn powerful crossbow.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dude heavily underestimates them, just killed his father, but most important of all is fuck I just got shot by a goddamn powerful crossbow.
A powerful bow that has killed every single fucking person (including the dumb TR-8R 'character') with a single shot, btw.
Just got home from the movie.

I have a few questions:

Does Finn have force powers?
How terrible is Ren? He couldn't beat two people that never touched a lightsaber before?

- Killed his father, resulting in even more of an emotional mess
- Clean shot on the waist by a bowcaster (metallic bolts)
- Tired because of the consecutive fights (against Finn, for example)
- Right (main) fighting arm nailed with a lightsaber blow from Finn
- Underestimating Rey and not going in with the purpose of killing her (he mentions teaching her - also, Snoke wants him to bring her to him)

Regarding FN-2187, we don't know yet.


I think we will see Rey continue to pwn Ren. Ren is going to be a miserable pitiful mess by movie 3. He's going to be so pathetic that we'll all feel sorry for the scrub.

There will be no redemption for Kylo Ren.

My theory:

Ren will become "good" by the end of episode 8 after falling in love with Rey. No one on the resistance (or even Rey) will trust him or want to co-operate making him go underground, working alone in the next film. He will slowly start killing off the Knights of Ren eventually earning Rey's trust. They begin woring together and confront Snoke who kills Ren but is defeated by Rey.


I have to say, after a second viewing, I'm enjoying the soundtrack a lot more. I still think it's probably the weakest soundtrack of the series but still... I love Rey's theme and the piece playing at the very end when she walks up the stairs.
My theory:

Ren will become "good" by the end of episode 8 after falling in love with Rey. No one on the resistance (or even Rey) will trust him or want to co-operate making him go underground, working alone in the next film. He will slowly start killing off the Knights of Ren eventually earning Rey's trust. They begin woring together and confront Snoke who kills Ren but is defeated by Rey.

I'm going to throw up if anything resembling this happens


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Also, Finn got beat hard by Kylo Ren. I don't know how people can spit it differently.

Finn looked like a better fighter than Rey to me until she powered up. At first the Kylo/Rey fight was like watching an adult fight a little kid.


Its called the Force, not coincidence.

What were the chances of droids finding their way to Luke on a big desert planet, and that he would know who ben kenobi was, but would unknowling be the key to defeating the very same death star that the droid is carrying files on. And he happens to be the main villian's son and the princess's brother.

Coincidences and conveniency are definetely nothing new to the Star Wars movies. It's a necessary element to keep stories interesting as long as it doesn't go overboard.

A powerful bow that has killed every single fucking person (including the dumb TR-8R 'character') with a single shot, btw.

Did you just call the greatest stormtrooper of all time dumb?


EDIT: They're also fighting in a very cold environment on top of all the shit Ren had to endure. That's also gotta count for something in the "Kylo can't catch a break" list.


I think we will see Rey continue to pwn Ren. Ren is going to be a miserable pitiful mess by movie 3. He's going to be so pathetic that we'll all feel sorry for the scrub.

There will be no redemption for Kylo Ren.

I agree no redemption, but I hope he is a strong figure in 8. Rey should lose if they meet again.


My theory:

Ren will become "good" by the end of episode 8 after falling in love with Rey. No one on the resistance (or even Rey) will trust him or want to co-operate making him go underground, working alone in the next film. He will slowly start killing off the Knights of Ren eventually earning Rey's trust. They begin woring together and confront Snoke who kills Ren but is defeated by Rey.

I don't think that is super likely.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I agree no redemption, but I hope he is a strong figure in 8. Rey should lose if they meet again.

If he does mess up again, I think Rey could still be clobbered if the other Rens back him up mid-way through battle.
Saw the movie earlier today and liked it, but I have to repeat what everyone else has been saying. This movie is pretty much a copy of the original, with few hints of its own originality. The movie doesn't do anything 'wrong' in my eyes, but that does weaken it. With the state the franchise was in, could they have really made a different movie?

It makes me excited for the rest of the trilogy to see if it retreads the other two movies or not. That alone makes it miles better than the Hobbit movies, which feels like an apt comparison.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
That still makes him look weak if he has to have help to beat Rey

Not unless he only loses due to a fluke maneuver but still dolts a heavy beating to Rey in the process. Thus, making her too exhausted to continue.

Also, it would highlight Rey's overconfidence in her own power (if they decide to go that route).


Because Abrams said ROTJ had too many types of ships in its final battle so he decided that TFA had to just be TIEs vs X-Wings. You know, because anything else is too confusing.

I'm not exaggerating or lying. They straight up say it in the art book.

This makes baby jesus cry. Like, why. Why why why. Why. :'(
Got to see it for the 1st time tonight with my family/cousins, loved it.

Was a tad confused by that final scene, like, I know you've gotta have Luke in there, but it just felt a little flat, even with the great music.


The ships thing is so sad. Before the movie came out I was planning on grabbing a new Star Wars LEGO for my bro for Christmas because those are two cool things. Then I saw the movie and was bummed. Then I went to the LEGO store and options were Ren's knock-off Imperial Shuttle (which is two huge "wing" fins i.e. boring to build) or a Stormtrooper D-Day Lander which is straight up a shipping container with a little bridge on top.


Rian more ships pls.


Just finished watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and it made me realize that though we've had acrobatic lightsaber fights (TPM) and suspenseful lightsaber fights (ESB), and I think we've yet to actually see an elegant lightsaber fight.

Civilized weapon my ass, Obi.

CT,HD is not what I would describe as elegant fighting.


When the ground split between Rey and Ren, it should've been the other way around. Ren should've been owning Rey and at the moment he would finish her off, the split would happen. She gets training, comes back and fucks him up.

What if we wrote emotionally satisfying conclusions to our fights instead of contriving ridiculous deus ex machinations to save them from having to make important decisions.
Saw the movie and liked it albeit some flaws, but HOLY SHIT are some people overstating it's flaws. Do people who say "x from the prequels was better than this" get off on getting people riled up? This movie is something that needed to be a literal and spiritual reboot/remake to introduce a new generation to the franchise, so I don't see what's so wrong about giving it a mish mash of OT elements. Biggest complaint, however, is it definitely being one of the least self contained Star Wars movies. I'm starting to get sick of the sequel baiting after all the super hero shtick, and I'm worried about seeing big purple man at the after credits of IX if Kathleen/Abrams start to lose power over disney execs. Overall, solid good first step that sets up plenty of opportunities to knock it out of the park with episode VIII and make it's own unique legacy. Rian, don't let us down!
I struggle to comprehend how TFA is such a carbon copy of ANH if the presiding criticism besides that is essentially that Kylo is nothing like Darth Vader. People clearly did not come into this movie expecting Kylo was going to be anything other than an all-powerful big bad for two movies like Vader but were definitely ready to ignore that and hate on it for being exactly ANH anyway.

Vader in the original didn't even know Luke beyond sensing the force from him during the trench run and he talked to Leia a bit. Other than that he's sort of just on the Death Star establishing how strong the force, and especially the dark side, can be. Kylo on the other hand, is familiar with all three of our leads from Poe's interrogation; Finn at the village, lightsaber fight; Rey all throughout from hearing about her escape on Jakku, chasing her down in the forest, and of course the duel. He's down on every planet except the Resistance base getting shit done and also failing sometimes.
What if we wrote emotionally satisfying conclusions to our fights instead of contriving ridiculous deus ex machinations to save them from having to make important decisions.

When the ground just conveniently split between them the second that Kylo fell down and his lightsaber flew out of his hand, I literally almost groaned in the theater. It was dark enough that no one could see me rolling my eyes but that was just such a dumb way to end the fight. At least give them some time to think about what they've done before you end the scene and rush over to additional explosions.


Saw it for a fourth time. One question: at the end, Snoke tells Hux to take himself and Ren to HIM...but the planet is blowing up and there is no way Hux knows where Ren is, given that he's in a random piece of forest after being beaten by Rey. And the planet blows up pretty quickly after this conversation.

So...is Ren dead? THINK ABOUT IT.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
When the ground just conveniently split between them the second that Kylo fell down and his lightsaber flew out of his hand, I literally almost groaned in the theater. It was dark enough that no one could see me rolling my eyes but that was just such a dumb way to end the fight. At least give them some time to think about what they've done before you end the scene and rush over to additional explosions.

God separated them and you mere mortals must wait for their final showdown Winter 2017.
When the ground just conveniently split between them the second that Kylo fell down and his lightsaber flew out of his hand, I literally almost groaned in the theater. It was dark enough that no one could see me rolling my eyes but that was just such a dumb way to end the fight. At least give them some time to think about what they've done before you end the scene and rush over to additional explosions.

It's weird, because I feel like the earthquake wasn't even necessary. Rey was on the defense the entire time. Her and Finn were trying to escape. She could've bested him to the ground, realize she was safe, and just bailed because that was what she was trying to do all along as if she didn't even realize she had "won." She was just happy to be alive. The course of events would've made sense I think whether or not the earthquake happened.


Saw it for a fourth time. One question: at the end, Snoke tells Hux to take himself and Ren to HIM...but the planet is blowing up and there is no way Hux knows where Ren is, given that he's in a random piece of forest after being beaten by Rey. And the planet blows up pretty quickly after this conversation.

So...is Ren dead? THINK ABOUT IT.

From the book

Utilizing the tiny position sensor emplaced in Ren’s belt, Hux had tracked him to this spot. He would have taken Rey and Finn, as well, if not for the command that had been issued by the Supreme Leader. That took precedence over everything. There was simply no time left. The two renegades were going to die here anyway, he told himself as he followed the troopers carrying Ren into the nearby shuttle.
Saw the movie and liked it albeit some flaws, but HOLY SHIT are some people overstating it's flaws. Do people who say "x from the prequels was better than this" get off on getting people riled up? This movie is something that needed to be a literal and spiritual reboot/remake to introduce a new generation to the franchise, so I don't see what's so wrong about giving it a mish mash of OT elements. Biggest complaint, however, is it definitely being one of the least self contained Star Wars movies. I'm starting to get sick of the sequel baiting after all the super hero shtick, and I'm worried about seeing big purple man at the after credits of IX if Kathleen/Abrams start to lose power over disney execs. Overall, solid good first step that sets up plenty of opportunities to knock it out of the park with episode VIII and make it's own unique legacy. Rian, don't let us down!

That's a pretty flimsy argument considering this movie would make next to no sense whatsoever to someone who wasn't already well versed in the Star Wars universe. There are waaay to man references, callbacks and assumptions of prior knowledge for this to be for newbies

The art book actually says the opposite: that rebel and imperial ship designs were distinct enough to tell apart. The real reason behind the limited ship types here remains a mystery.

While I'd like some new designs, I actually grudgingly respect a hesitancy to go overboard with new design for the sake of LEGO. Though there is a middle ground.

You can respect a movie making changes/sacrifices for the sake of easier merchandising? Really?
Because Abrams said ROTJ had too many types of ships in its final battle so he decided that TFA had to just be TIEs vs X-Wings. You know, because anything else is too confusing.

I'm not exaggerating or lying. They straight up say it in the art book.

The art book actually says the opposite: that rebel and imperial ship designs were distinct enough to tell apart. The real reason behind the limited ship types here remains a mystery.

While I'd like some new designs, I actually grudgingly respect a hesitancy to go overboard with new design for the sake of LEGO. Though there is a middle ground.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Are you seriously talking shit about Traitor Trooper, Hero and Glorious Martyr of the First Order?

Could it be that you're a TRAITOR???????

I love TR-8R. Total badass and almost the only character I actually buy, which given how little he speaks is pretty sad.
That's a pretty flimsy argument considering this movie would make next to no sense whatsoever to someone who wasn't already well versed in the Star Wars universe. There are waaay to man references, callbacks and assumptions of prior knowledge for this to be for newbies

Yeah, The Force Awakens is a sequel. It's meant to be watched as a sequel to Star Wars. It's for the new generation to grow up with a series of Star Wars films, but you are supposed to dedicate 5 hours to the OT for this movie 100%.
That's a pretty flimsy argument considering this movie would make next to no sense whatsoever to someone who wasn't already well versed in the Star Wars universe.

Bullshit it wouldn't make sense.

Nothing about this movie is hard to understand for a complete newbie to Star Wars.

In fact I've found the only people confounded, befuddled and confoozled by aspects of the film are people who consider themselves "big fans"
Saw it last night (finally), and maybe I'm dead inside or something, but felt very, very little for it except mild annoyance at all the convenient plot devices sprinkled around. I did enjoy BB's adorable bobble and thumbs up, I guess? Can't say I understand why everyone is raving about it, but happy for you guys. ^_^;


It's weird, because I feel like the earthquake wasn't even necessary. Rey was on the defense the entire time. Her and Finn were trying to escape. She could've bested him to the ground, realize she was safe, and just bailed because that was what she was trying to do all along as if she didn't even realize she had "won." She was just happy to be alive. The course of events would've made sense I think whether or not the earthquake happened.

This is one of those situations were the book makes it seem like the film failed some of its intentions. In the book, Rey is feeling Dark Side anger 'n shit. The earthquake prevents her killing defenseless defeated Kylo. In the movie, it's not obvious that Rey is considering killing him. She's just kind of catching her breath.

The earthquake is dumb either way.
You can respect a movie making changes/sacrifices for the sake of easier merchandising? Really?

Would one count all the other unused or repurposed production art as sacrifices? Is producing a lego set of a new X-Wing any easier or cheaper than producing a lego set of a different hypothetical ship?

I'm just glad people enjoy this entry in the series for the characters, would be unfortunate if it was a situation like some of the lesser Gundams, where fans are only drawn to the mechanical design.
This is one of those situations were the book makes it seem like the film failed some of its intentions. In the book, Rey is feeling Dark Side anger 'n shit. The earthquake prevents her killing defenseless defeated Kylo. In the movie, it's not obvious that Rey is considering killing him. She's just kind of catching her breath.

The earthquake is dumb either way.

If that's what they were going for then obviously the earthquake is necessary for things to play out like they did. And I even asked myself if she was thinking about killing him on several of my viewings. Still, it wasn't explicit enough to me to convince me that the earthquake was necessary. I think she made a scary face in that moment but I can't really remember.
Bullshit it wouldn't make sense.

Nothing about this movie is hard to understand for a complete newbie to Star Wars.

In fact I've found the only people confounded, befuddled and confoozled by aspects of the film are people who consider themselves "big fans"

Uhh, significant parts of the movie make no sense without having watched the older ones

  • Everything related to the force probably seems like crazy deus ex magic
  • Han Solo, Chewy and his relation to Leia
  • C3PO and R2D2 are just random robots talking about stuff
  • Luke Skywalker is just some random dude everyone is looking for (although, if you've heard of SW you at least know he's from it)
  • The Deathstar 3
  • Stormtroopers, the Empire, the Rebels, etc.

My mom pretty much hadn't seen any SW movies since they came out long ago, wasn't a big fan anyway, and was pretty confused. You guys shouldn't assume details you take for granted are clear for everyone.

Would one count all the other unused or repurposed production art as sacrifices? Is producing a lego set of a new X-Wing any easier or cheaper than producing a lego set of a different hypothetical ship?

I'm just glad people enjoy this entry in the series for the characters, would be unfortunate if it was a situation like some of the lesser Gundams, where fans are only drawn to the mechanical design.

No, because design is an iterative process and there's always unused concept art for it. I don't think producing a lego set of x is easier/cheaper than producing one of y, but it's definitely easier having to only produce a few variants versus many. Gundam is kind of different. From MSG it was made as a vehicle to sell models, but Tomino fought against that and actually made it into an actual story based production as opposed to just a cartoon for toys, and I guess they realized it was possible to do both. I actually like Gundam models. I much prefer them to action figures of characters!
Uhh, significant parts of the movie make no sense without having watched the older ones

Uhh, all of the shit in your bullet-pointed list is uhhh explained directly in the uhhhh film itself.

The idea that uhhhh people couldn't get what any of those elements are uhhhh from watching the film is apparently dependent on your uhhhh believing people spent most of their uhhhh time watching something that wasn't this uhh movie.

But I guess uhhhh since your uhh mother was a little confused most people were too? I guess? Maybe you shouldn't assume easy to digest details in a pretty straightforward film are somehow super confusing just because a single person you know wasn't able to follow along.

That's a pretty flimsy argument considering this movie would make next to no sense whatsoever to someone who wasn't already well versed in the Star Wars universe. There are waaay to man references, callbacks and assumptions of prior knowledge for this to be for newbies

Not really, especially if we consider that this movie is as copypasta to ANH as some people like to claim; you literally have bad guys being bad -> mystified legend is talked about (this would be everything involving the empire and jedi) -> mystified legend is true -> people fighting bad guys -> laser swords -> victory for good guys. References/callbacks would just end up either as some quirky scene or a new tidbit of worldbuilding. The only thing that would probably a bit weird would be the sudden appearance and significnce of Han Solo; "Ok, I guess we're riding along with cool old guy". As someone mentioned before, you'd probably more irked at trying to piece together wtf happened and still being unanswered. This movie gets unnecessarily complicated if you're a fan, but as a newcomer, it looks like a fun space adventure.

Edit: Wtf at Han/Leia relationship though? They literally say "our son" , hug romantically, and heavily imply that there relationship didn't work out. Might have some merit with linking R2D2 to Luke though.


I mean, if we are going to do the anecdote thing, my mom is somebody who isn't really big into sci fi, hasn't seen the prequels, and hasn't really watched the OT in a really long time. She managed to understand the movie perfectly fine, had no issue figuring out who people were, and very much enjoyed it.
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