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*SPOILERS* The Walking Dead TV show, leaks, and comic book SPOILER discussion thread


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If I thought they'd kill off a woman, my money now would be on Sasha, after time to consider. I no longer think Abraham. Anyone else having a change of heart?

I haven't been keeping up with any of the set reports, so I don't know if information has come out that refutes this, but my money is on Abraham. Doctor Lady steals his comic death, so he can steal Death by Lucille in the finale. That is where my mind has settled on it.
Yeah, I was thinking Abe, but that would be awful for Sasha, considering my. So what if they flipped it?

Also there is rumored casting for Ezekiel and I am stoked.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, I was thinking Abe, but that would be awful for Sasha, considering my. So what if they flipped it?

Also there is rumored casting for Ezekiel and I am stoked.

My heart would be broken lol. I was hoping Sasha would become like Andrea in the comics. Not so much the relationship with Rick, but her sniping skills and being a consistent survivor no matter what.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
She is in that role - but without the relationship to Rick, what point is there? I hate to say it because I like her.

Honestly, beyond having another heavy hitter for All Out War, there probably isn't one lol. But I like her too, so I'm hoping she stays. Her arc dealing with grief arc is pretty much done. Abe dying might set off a new path for her though
Honestly, beyond having another heavy hitter for All Out War, there probably isn't one lol. But I like her too, so I'm hoping she stays. Her arc dealing with grief arc is pretty much done. Abe dying might set off a new path for her though

And the reverse might set off one for him.

But this is probably all moot since I am now in the camp that thinks they're gonna keep it as Glenn. I didn't think they would. But:

  • I don't think they'll kill a woman.
  • Carl's safe because Kirkman.
  • If it was Michonne, Rick would have gone ballistic and also been killed.
  • Same with Maggie - Glenn would have broken loose and gotten himself killed.
  • It better not be Aaron, or Eugene.
  • Daryl has been seen filming other things, reportedly, and his shit with Dwight isn't done anyhow.
Which leaves Rosita and Sasha (see above re: women), Abe (maybe, but that would probably break Sasha; she's lost everyone again and again), and Glenn. And Maggie was too sick to fight against Glenn being picked - which is maybe why she was sick, because show Maggie would not sit there and let someone beat Glenn to death.
TSDF have been saying that they're hoping to have the Lucille victim out there within two more weeks.

So far the only ones they've said are likely to safe [because technically nothing is certain until it airs] = Daryl, Rick and Carl


I'm legitimately surprised AMC has been able to keep a lid on things through the first week of June. I would not have expected that if you asked me back in April.


Oddly enough, the one thing the cliffhanger did for me is that now I honestly don't care who dies. It could be Michonne for all I care and I never would have felt that way before.


Oddly enough, the one thing the cliffhanger did for me is that now I honestly don't care who dies. It could be Michonne for all I care and I never would have felt that way before.
And yet cliffhangers are supposed to have the exact opposite effect by making you so invested in the outcome you were denied that you're chomping at the bit to tune in for the following season premiere to see what unfolds.

Go figure. (I'm kind of in the same boat with you, btw.)


And yet cliffhangers are supposed to have the exact opposite effect by making you so invested in the outcome you were denied that you're chomping at the bit to tune in for the following season premiere to see what unfolds.

Go figure. (I'm kind of in the same boat with you, btw.)
Good cliffhangers will definitely still do that.
Well, shit, now sources are saying NOT Perrineau, but he did just follow Kirkman on Twitter so I don't know/CONFUSED FOREVER, just gonna sit here and stew until someone confirms something for real.

I love Ezekiel. I 100% believe some crazy motherfucker would set up some shit like the Kingdom come the apocalypse. Their existence gives me great joy and my body is ready for this biz.
I have never heard of Celeb Dirty Laundry before, thus it's probably best to take this with a giant grain of salt, but the Inquisitr is now running with their story so it seems worth posting. They claim to have the identity of the victim based on the actor being MIA from the set for episodes 2 and 3.

According to them it's

While the other potential victims of Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his brutal bat Lucille have been seen out and about in Atlanta shooting scenes for Season 7 Episode 2, 3 and beyond, Steven Yeun is nowhere in sight.

Steven has been busy on Twitter retweeting ‘The Walking Dead’ posts and giving props to TWD cast members, but this seems to be red herring activity. He posted a recent video on Facebook that hints Steven may be in South Korea filming Okja, a Plan B (i.e. Brad Pitt produced) film.

Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) and Daryl (Norman Reedus) were both hot LV candidates, but both have been on set filming for weeks along with most of the rest of the cast including Eugene (Josh McDermitt), et al.

Seems to line up with what we've heard about this person's recent activities, and with recent set photos on spoiler pages which have eliminated most of our other prime suspects.

I don't think I'm ready to treat this as 100% solid just yet but if this person isn't spotted on set over the next couple of weeks I believe we can put this to bed.


I've been assuming the Lucille victim is
Glenn since they made a spectacle out of trotting Steven out for a random PR appearance during that "car crash" last month.
That said, I'm not taking anything to the bank as fact until Spoiling Dead jumps on board.


I have never heard of Celeb Dirty Laundry before, thus it's probably best to take this with a giant grain of salt, but the Inquisitr is now running with their story so it seems worth posting. They claim to have the identity of the victim based on the actor being MIA from the set for episodes 2 and 3.
Sadly this isnt right since a lot of the actors weren't around for episode 2/3 filming. According to the spoiler hunters at TSDF episode 2 is looking like a Daryl/Savior episode at Sanctuary. While episode 3 is most likely a Morgan/Carol episode at the Kingdom. Most of the actors have been showing up this week though since episode 4 appears to be a Alexandria/hilltop episode.

Steven Yeun hasn't been spotted filming this week but that doesn't necessarily mean Glenn is the Lucille victim just yet. I know Xander Berkeley who plays Gregory isn't filming for episode 4 till next week. TSDF did say that they will know who the Lucille victim is sometime this week or next. So we're definitely getting close to knowing.
I've been thinking it was him, and that the whole cliffhanger/"whowasit?" campaign was done to throw people off because of how infamous that death is in the comics. I've known about that for years, and I haven't even started compendium two.
Well Buttercups, we have some sad news to share today. After two years, AMC finally reached out to us! But it wasn’t a request not to post any info about the Lucille Victim or any type of friendly attempt at compromise, it was a cease and desist and a threat of a lawsuit by AMC Holdings, LLC’s attorney, Dennis Wilson. They say we can’t make any type of prediction about the Lucille Victim. Their stance is that making such a prediction would be considered copyright infringement. AMC tells us that we made some claim somewhere that says we received “copyright protected, trade secret information about the most critical plot information in the unreleased next season of The Walking Dead” and that we announced we were going to disclose this protected information. We still aren't sure where we supposedly made this claim because they did not identify where it was.

The truth is, we have become victims of our own success. We hold a track record for accuracy and now AMC perceives us as a threat. We can understand why. We were once just a small community, but now we are 400,000 strong among all our outlets. The TSDF Army, originally named in jest, is now very real in this little cottage industry. We are a threat because of our accuracy. However, it was never our intention to cause harm to this show (and we don’t believe we have), only to satisfy the curiosity of thousands of fans who wanted what we offered. Millions of other fans tune in to this show unspoiled and are none the wiser about who we are. We are a dedicated community of enthusiastic, passionate fans that love this show so much we always want to know what's going to happen and speculate on all those possibilities. Our spoilers are intended only for fans that seek them out to enhance their own viewing experience.

Basically what it all comes down to is if we post our Lucille Victim prediction and we're right, AMC says they will sue us. Whether there are grounds for it or not is not the issue, it still costs money to defend. That is the way our justice system works. Would we have defenses? Sure. But it also costs money to mount that defense. If someone brings us a potential Lucille spoiler and we confirm it and it turns out accurate we could get sued. That doesn’t mean they’re right and we’re wrong, but like so many other situations in this world, they have the money and power and we do not. So we lose.

In the past two years, AMC has filed several wrongful DMCA notices against us with full knowledge that we could not file counter-notices, hired investigators to intimidate our members, and threatened our local members with arrest, among other questionable acts. We’re also pretty sure they had something to do with the DOS attack on our site just before the finale last season. They have exhibited every quality of a bully pounding its chest. That sucks for us. It's very disappointing to see the network that hosts our favorite show attack one of their biggest fan bases. Especially when they could have taken a more diplomatic approach that could have given them the same results.

Please respect our decision not to put our livelihoods at risk. AMC has been harassing us for four days now by contacting our homes, our family members and our employers; even posting on this page and personal social media accounts. We are fans of this show just like you and aren’t a commercial operation that makes profit. We have families and careers to think about. No spoiler will ever be worth compromising those things. If you think this makes us pussies that are bowing down to AMC then so be it.

After consulting with our legal counsel, we have responded to AMC that the TSDF staff will not be posting our prediction on who gets Lucilled on any of our outlets. We will also not be answering any questions about who we think it is. If you hear a potential spoiler elsewhere and bring it to us for confirmation, we will not confirm or deny it. If you message us privately and ask who we think gets Lucilled, we will not respond. The info may find another outlet on its own, but an official prediction will not come from the TSDF staff.

But let’s be real here. It’s unreasonable to think for a moment that the Lucille spoiler won’t come out before the air date. Our 2% of the viewership knows better. First, we aren't the only spoiler business in the game. Also, simple observation and deduction can’t be prohibited. With much help, we have become very good at watching, listening, waiting, researching and separating the truth from the lies and being savvy when it comes to this show’s filming process. That typically reaches our goals. We are the reporters of this information. So while we will continue to post set reports, it will be up to you guys to take that information and make your own assumptions about who it is. We cannot assist by giving our speculation.

Just to clarify, we will continue to post all of our filming updates, eyewitness reports and all photos taken legally throughout the filming season just like we always have. We are by no means getting shut down. It's still business as usual here, we just won't be spoiling the biggest moment so far. Yes, we have taken a bit of a fall. But why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up again. (Thanks, Alfred!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Haha oh my. So this might actually get kept secret until the premiere.
Haha oh my. So this might actually get kept secret until the premiere.


There's nothing stopping certain legitimate sources that have posted on the forum and been correct in the past from doing it again. TSDF officials just can't confirm the spoiler this time.

Besides, it doesn't matter too much. Even if TSDF don't get dibs on releasing the spoiler

1) It'll be released by some other outlet

2) People will just figure it out for themselves. It's already looking pretty likely who got killed off based on sightings, cast locations and other factors.
They filmed all 11 death scenes to avoid spoiilers

It seems networks will do anything to make sure season-ending cliffhangers and subsequent season-beginning murder scenes won’t get spoiled by photo-sharing lookie-loos: even waste the time of 10 other actors. But when you’re cable’s number 1 show, it’s not so hard to run the cost/benefit analysis on that. AMC has done that, evidently, for the aftermath of the most infuriating season-ender since wondering who shot that J.R. guy my parents used to talk about. The Walking Dead teased that one of 11 main characters could be the recipient of Negan’s barbed wire bat, and they filmed all 11 just to keep the secret.

Many people and outlets (including our annoyed asses) expected the finale of season 6 to end with new big bad Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) killing off one of our leads with Lucille, his trusty spike-wrapped Louisville Slugger. And technically it did, except we didn’t get to see whose brains were dashed and whose story ended, because the damn thing cut to black! We’ve now got to wait months to find out who was the victim, and, according to The Hollywood Reporter, AMC wants to ensure we keep guessing until the end because they’ve filmed 11 different versions of the premiere’s opening scene for each of the characters who might be the real poor soul.

11 different versions of the same scene were filmed to stop any spies from posting pictures from the set. So that means, maybe for the Blu-ray release, you can see Rick, Carl, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Abraham, Sasha, Daryl, Eugene, Aaron, and Rosita each bite the dust, though only one of them will be the real thing. We already told you how Norman Reedus would start a riot if Daryl dies, and they’ve already faked us out about Glenn, so let’s assume it’s not them. But maybe it is?! We really have no idea, and maybe it will just be one of the less important members of the group–but what if it’s Rick? What if they just kill off the central character?

GAH! Gosh darnit, AMC, you’re making us wish time travel existed. We gots ta know, man!



If they're sparing no costs at keeping this a secret, then they will surely pay the actor for the upcoming season and give the dead character a bunch of filler scenes (that won't make it to air) to throw us off.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Cool, but they'll still film the rest of the season without the actor.
Basically. I wonder if there could be some way to make this whole action so cost prohibitive to AMC they just say screw it.

Like just continuous photos from the set and "inside knowledge" being leaked.


Basically. I wonder if there could be some way to make this whole action so cost prohibitive to AMC they just say screw it.

Like just continuous photos from the set and "inside knowledge" being leaked.

Yep, that's the whole point of Nerdist. It's Chris Hardwick's company, they're going to post what AMC wants them to post.


Soooo... From filming updates and who has been seen and has not, sounds like two people,
get the bat. Apparently they haven't been seen on set since episode 1 and at this point, they're filming episode 5.


Soooo... From filming updates and who has been seen and has not, sounds like two people,
get the bat. Apparently they haven't been seen on set since episode 1 and at this point, they're filming episode 5.
I don't find that surprising. Seems like it's time for another traffic accident publicity stunt that gets captured by eyewitnesses.


I don't find that surprising. Seems like it's time for another traffic accident publicity stunt that gets captured by eyewitnesses.

Not surprising, but I wish they could just confirm it (even though TSDF can't).

Though I am a bit surprised at two victims. Way to dial it up to 11, I guesś.
My guess for how that goes down after reading that full update, spoilered just in case:

Abe is the initial victim so everyone is like OMG GLENN YOU DUMPSTER SLIDER!

Then something goes down - maybe they threaten Maggie or Daryl flips out or something and because Glenn yelled before, they take him down, too. And then everyone is shocked because they found Glenn under the dumpster and busted his head.

Husband, though, thinks Abe would not get the "taking it like a champ" line because he's huge, while I argue that ANYONE staying up after a direct hit to the skull is in fact a champ.


My guess for how that goes down after reading that full update, spoilered just in case:

Abe is the initial victim so everyone is like OMG GLENN YOU DUMPSTER SLIDER!

Then something goes down - maybe they threaten Maggie or Daryl flips out or something and because Glenn yelled before, they take him down, too. And then everyone is shocked because they found Glenn under the dumpster and busted his head.

Husband, though, thinks Abe would not get the "taking it like a champ" line because he's huge, while I argue that ANYONE staying up after a direct hit to the skull is in fact a champ.
Ya that's probably pretty close to how it will go down if there is indeed two victims.

dies first, comic book readers freak out cause they killed someone who's only been on since season 4. Then
does something stupid, which like you said is strike two and Negan "shuts that shit down".
ends up paying the price and then
gets taken by Negan and the saviors. Add in the the fact that Rick also supposably gets messed up quite a bit by Negan and you have a pretty depressing first episode.


Could have sworn
was seen on the Alexandria set? No?

Sidenote: why are we using spoiler tags in the spoiler thread?
I think he showed up before they started filming episode 4 or something like that. Probably to see all the cast and say hey. If I'm not mistaken he's only done scenes for episode 1.

I only did it just to be safe, I don't want to ruin the Lucille victims just in case someone wanders in here or something. Kinda stupid since this is the spoiler thread but it's happened to me before.
I've been using them for the lucille victim too I just think it's kinda funny. Like there's no reason to come into this thread over the summer unless you want to know who got lucille'd.


Are we spoilering then?

Cudlitz is pretty active in posting set photos on Twitter so I'd be surprised if it's him (and super disappointed), plus he's still sporting the 'tache...however maybe he just likes that look.
Are we spoilering then?

Cudlitz is pretty active in posting set photos on Twitter so I'd be surprised if it's him (and super disappointed), plus he's still sporting the 'tache...however maybe he just likes that look.

I really think that spoiler is going to turn out to be inaccurate. I would be surprised if they killed off two of the most popular characters on the show at the top of the season premiere.
If anyone is intrested in following TSDF in their spoiler updates, here's the spoiler journal where they put everything in. I think you need an account to view the spoiler section though.


Some of the hot topics in the spoiler community over the last couple months:

- It's highly speculated that not one, but two characters will die in S7E01. The Lucille victim and then one else. It's speculated that this is Abraham and Glenn as both of the actors have been in different states or countries since wrapping E01.

- How this would happen is completely unknown - but the most projected theory is that since we know Daryl spends a lot of time with Negan in 7A [likely the shows version of the Negan/Carl arc from the show] - Daryl may do something that gets one of the two killed. Negan then takes Daryl with him as "reassurance" that Rick will comply.

- Several reports of some kind of animatronics Tiger were made. No pictures but rumour has it that Shiva from the comic is in but won't be a real tiger and instead an animatronic tiger with a dash of CG.

- An extension of the above, but The Kingdom is happening of course. Highly likely for its full debut to be in E03

- Negan and his boys apparently make a stop to ASZ. Pictures of him there were taken, along with Rick holding Lucille which Negan asks him to do in the comic. Around this time Carl is speculated to go missing

- One of the more recent hot topics is Carl. It's hard to say what's going on with him right now. However, recently he's been sighted several times. During E05 filming he was sighted driving a car/running over walkers and interacting with extras. Enid may be with him.

The above and more is covered in that link + pictures
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