Jexhius said:
Once I hit a certain word/picture count I tend to take it elsewhere. Plus, sometimes I want to post full sized images but on NeoGAF I generally resize to 500x or bellow.
Note - lots of spoilers, but I guess we're just spoiling this, assuming people know what happens or something? Or should I spoiler it?
Evangelion 2.22: You Are [Not] Alone - First half of the film - Hmm, I'm not sure what I think... I wasn't sure if I'd like this or not, based on what I'd heard about the movie, and my fears were confirmed when I watched it. Sure, it was mostly good so far, but it had some real problems and I wouldn't say it's better than the series. It's alright, some decent changes and some bad. Mari's not in it much, but seems like maybe a decent character. My main complaint with her addition is that now Shinji has a harem, pretty much. Ugh. Asuka's mostly alright so far, though they don't explain her backstory (and I know some of what comes next), but seem to expect you to know it anyway. Mari gets no backstory explanation at all, she's just there to fight. I know time is limited, but it does leave her shallow. Overall though she's alright, maybe she's an interesting character (if they ever tell her backstory) and she had some good fight scenes. The new aquarium trip bit was kind of good, though. The "cooking contest" aspect was on the lame side though, adding in some generic anime stuff instead of the longer but more interesting Asuka/Rei story of the original series. It shortens things but makes them worse. Rei acting a little more like a human was nice, though ultimately she's still Rei and thus the ultimate in passive obedience.
Second half - So bad, so very bad... it starts out with something like half an hour of fanservice for people who hate Asuka, then gets a little better for a while, and then just gets completely stupid as Shinji makes an emotional 180 in the space of about five seconds (he cares that much about Rei, really?), going from rightly depressed and angry at his father -- on that note, Shinji's reaction to the whole Eva 03 thing, and how mad it made him at his father, was the one and only good thing about that whole section of the film -- it's good motivation for him to want to leave. Of course though, he's male and the main character and the other pilots are (just) girls, so it's not like he'll actually be allowed to go. And so the ridiculous 180 and some ridiculously stupid scenes of very angry Shinji attacking the 10th, and nearly invincible, angel. I laughed some at how bad this part of the movie was... like the most stereotypical anime thing ever, pretty much. On that note, on top of the previous part, they're changing the story quite radically -- that 10th angel was ridiculous, the city's completely destroyed, the NERV base wrecked... quite different from the series. Not better though, just different. Then Kaworu, yet again. He's not a very effective Angel, is he, stopping the Third Impact like that...
But overall that's just the way the movie went, bits and pieces that were nice additions to the franchise, mixed with others so poorly thought through that it leaves me with an overall negative opinion of the movie. It took a few days to force myself to finish the film, after starting it (this is part of why I hadn't posted for a few days I think, I'd wanted to finish this first, but couldn't do it...). It might have been worth watching, I can't entirely decide, but yeah, it has real issues.
Of course though, I did have some issues with the original series as well, so it's not like it's a bad remake of a perfect show or something... each has its own flaws. But the movie's are worse. The fight scenes are better, sure, but otherwise, not as good.
The first movie was just a little bland, because it changed nothing, but this time they probably went too far the other way... at least it's different, sure, but making something different just for the sake of it being different doesn't make sense, you should only make it different if you're actually going to make it better.
Jexhius said:
Speaking of posting stuff that one has written here's my spoilerfific
Evangelion 2.22 dicussion Mine's only 2499 words though.
Tumblr is stretching my images and I've forgotten how to fix that problem. Hmm.
I know we disagree about some things, but in this I for the most part agree with your criticisms. You don't talk about what you liked about it so I don't know about that side, but for this, I agree with your criticisms, as I said above I'd just got a little farther (though still agreeing that parts of the movie are good). So yeah, I'd mostly just differ in degree -- for instance I'd complain a lot more about Asuka's treatment in the movie, they really wreck her character here and that's a big problem. You say some negative things about it, but I'd be stronger. Beyond that though, yeah, you bring up a lot of good points. I agree that this is a more "conventional"-feeling version of the story, and that that's probably not really a good thing.
But seriously, it ends with the reveal of eyepatch Asuka? No, that's not okay. Of course considering what happened to her during the episode it's not so bad, they really do a good job of ruining her character completely, but still, no, Evangelion does NOT need an eyepatch girl...
... I need to watch something I'll like more...
The Twelve Kingdoms 19 - There we go, this was good.

So that guy is actually a Kirin, huh? Interesting... I liked this episode, more backstory explaining the world, and an interesting plot too. If they were trying to keep you in suspense about what he actually was it didn't work, as it was pretty predictable, but still, overall, a good episode.