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Spring 2011 Anime Thread of ZAWA ZAWA, Money, emo Cyclops, and fun^10xint^40=Ir2

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Considering HanIro is around 26-episodes or so, I'm pretty sure they are pacing the character development to fit around that level of pacing, the latest episode is actually a good example of how they are going slow down the development to a crawl to fit for the long-haul.

Also i disagree with the sentiment that Minko has no potential for development or has had none throughout the entire series thus far.:p


Everything is tsundere to me
zeroshiki said:
Ah but she did with the whole hobiron bit. It showed that she at least was moved enough by Ohana to stop using die. Its slow progress but its progress nonetheless. You guys act like you've never seen an anime tsundere before.
Her character is still defined by Tohru, and that's sort of my issue. When does a situation like this NOT end in disappointment and tears? I just expect smart character drama where expectations aren't always met. That was basically the first couple of episodes in a nutshell right there. The only thing is that Grandma has turned out to be pulling a "just as according to keikaku" and Tohru isn't the self-serving jerk that he could have been. The show is falling too closely in line with every other Goddamned shoujo out there and it's a bit bothersome. There's still hope for the show, but the last few episodes have had some missteps in maintaining its kind of uneasy tone.


doomed1 said:
Her character is still defined by Tohru, and that's sort of my issue. When does a situation like this NOT end in disappointment and tears? I just expect smart character drama where expectations aren't always met. That was basically the first couple of episodes in a nutshell right there. The only thing is that Grandma has turned out to be pulling a "just as according to keikaku" and Tohru isn't the self-serving jerk that he could have been. The show is falling too closely in line with every other Goddamned shoujo out there and it's a bit bothersome. There's still hope for the show, but the last few episodes have had some missteps in maintaining its kind of uneasy tone.

Wait, you're disappointed in the show for something you EXPECT will happen? Not something that, you know, actually happened? This is some impressive mental gymnastics going on here.

This also isn't classic shoujo because there isn't even a freaking white knight yet. Kou's been friendzoned and Ohana doesn't even care about anyone else. Traditional shoujo right here folks!


I'd haft to admit while I'm still enjoying the show quite a lot, I'm disappointed there hasn't been much "drama" past the second episode, I have a feeling they are saving it up for the later episodes though, considering they are still elements of it in the last two episodes, even if it has dropped them in favor of a more comedic tone.


Lafiel said:
I'd haft to admit while I'm still enjoying the show quite a lot, I'm disappointed there hasn't been much "drama" past the second episode, I have a feeling they are saving it up for the later episodes though, considering they are still elements of it in the last two episodes, even if it has dropped them in favor of a more comedic tone.

I'm beginning to think that firehawk is right. There isn't going to be that much drama here. Just slice of life comedy. There will be some drama but this will never be AnoHana in that sense.


It's a slow burn. The way I figure it is why throw in some drama when the show is still building up it's characters? Just for the sake of it? Let me be really invested in these people first.

I think it's sorta the same situation as with Eureka7, where a lot of people say nothing happens during the first half. I disagree there as well.


zeroshiki said:
I'm beginning to think that firehawk is right. There isn't going to be that much drama here. Just slice of life comedy. There will be some drama but this will never be AnoHana in that sense.
It would be disappointing if they didn't shift moods throughout it's run, for example episode 4 while being mostly comedic, had those kou flashback scenes which were very reminiscent of the mood that pervaded the first two episodes.

Also even if we were strictly comparing the first two episodes of haniro to the first two episodes of anohana, I'd never suspect haniro would have a level of drama comparable to anohana.:p it's actually going in the direction i suspected it would go, but with a bit more zaniness that I'm hoping get's toned down slightly as the series progresses.

It's a slow burn. The way I figure it is why throw in some drama when the show is still building up it's characters? Just for the sake of it? Let me be really invested in these people first.
Yeah, that's why i enjoyed episode 5 quite a bit, on a plot level is was fairly average and predictable, but the character interactions managed to keep it enjoyable. A good sign for the series in the long run IMO.
trejo said:
So you've made up the entire storyline in your head and if the show doesn't follow it to a tee then it's a disappointment? That sounds like a great idea!

zeroshiki said:
Wait, you're disappointed in the show for something you EXPECT will happen? Not something that, you know, actually happened? This is some impressive mental gymnastics going on here.

This also isn't classic shoujo because there isn't even a freaking white knight yet. Kou's been friendzoned and Ohana doesn't even care about anyone else. Traditional shoujo right here folks!

You guys do realize who you are replying to right? :p

And honestly the show is 26 eps, what the hell is the rush?

If it goes past the halfway mark and is still pandering then i can see.


Everything is tsundere to me
zeroshiki said:
Wait, you're disappointed in the show for something you EXPECT will happen? Not something that, you know, actually happened? This is some impressive mental gymnastics going on here.

This also isn't classic shoujo because there isn't even a freaking white knight yet. Kou's been friendzoned and Ohana doesn't even care about anyone else. Traditional shoujo right here folks!
No, I actually don't expect it to happen, I don't expect anything in media. However I do expect certain things in real life, and I've SEEN these things end in tears and disappointment, but that's not the point. My point is that the characters are being allowed to stay as they are as opposed to being forced to change. I'm a little frustrated because the great potential conflict I could see slowly erupting over the course of several episodes get deflated with little to imply that there's going to be much more in the future.

And you're mad if you think Kou's gonna stay friendzoned. Hell, I could make an argument that the little pip-squeak isn't friend-zoned anymore with Ohana, and judging by the fliers he was sleeping with at the end of the episode, I'd put good money on him coming out to see Ohana in the not so distant future. The conversation between them will likely be that awkward conflict of mutual attraction, but embarrassment of admitting it. That's shoujo.


doomed1 said:
No, I actually don't expect it to happen, I don't expect anything in media. However I do expect certain things in real life, and I've SEEN these things end in tears and disappointment, but that's not the point. My point is that the characters are being allowed to stay as they are as opposed to being forced to change. I'm a little frustrated because the great potential conflict I could see slowly erupting over the course of several episodes get deflated with little to imply that there's going to be much more in the future.

And you're mad if you think Kou's gonna stay friendzoned. Hell, I could make an argument that the little pip-squeak isn't friend-zoned anymore with Ohana, and judging by the fliers he was sleeping with at the end of the episode, I'd put good money on him coming out to see Ohana in the not so distant future. The conversation between them will likely be that awkward conflict of mutual attraction, but embarrassment of admitting it. That's shoujo.

See, you're doing it again. Its been 2 episodes (closer to 1) of Minko pining for Tohru. 2!!! And you're disappointed that "the characters are being allowed to stay as they are as opposed to being forced to change". Are you high? I've heard that we live in an ADD society but this takes the cake. We don't know what will happen and this isn't really a romcom anyway so they're not going down your route no matter what happens.

If that's shoujo then every piece of work out there is shoujo. This is the problem with us using these catch call terms. Classic Shoujo is about girls getting swept up by Princes. You just described Kimi ni Todoke.
Vampire Princess Miyu 2

Not as interesting as the first episode, but damn was that ending pretty disturbing. Scary to think of a life like that. Miyu just doesn't care either.


Everything is tsundere to me
zeroshiki said:
See, you're doing it again. Its been 2 episodes (closer to 1) of Minko pining for Tohru. 2!!! And you're disappointed that "the characters are being allowed to stay as they are as opposed to being forced to change". Are you high? I've heard that we live in an ADD society but this takes the cake. We don't know what will happen and this isn't really a romcom anyway so they're not going down your route no matter what happens.
I never said it was a romcom. I'm really just giving a wouldashouldacoulda complaint with it though. My real complaint that they eliminated several possible points of conflict by keeping the perception of Tohru chaste while deescalating the rivalry between the two inns (they're cordial enough to lend workers between then). It takes away some of the fun of the show for me: that personalities will clash in ways beyond their basic archetypes will allow them. I'm not expecting them to grow RIGHT AWAY, just for some set-up to that growth. The cast is large enough that the episodes can switch off with events and leave some things hanging, so it's not that I'm expecting it to come running out the gate, but that's a pacing issue, not a narrative one.

BTW, Minko has been pining for Tohru since episode one if you paid attention, and it's been going on well before Ohana showed. This show is actually pretty good at foreshadowing.

If that's shoujo then every piece of work out there is shoujo. This is the problem with us using these catch call terms. Classic Shoujo is about girls getting swept up by Princes. You just described Kimi ni Todoke.
And that's a shoujo, isn't it? It's a basic romance shoujo trapping, right?


doomed1 said:
And that's a shoujo, isn't it? It's a basic romance shoujo trapping, right?

The two leads both not admitting stuff to each other isn't very common. Its usually the girl in denial and the dude saving her each and every chapter.
cosmicblizzard said:
Vampire Princess Miyu 2

Not as interesting as the first episode, but damn was that ending pretty disturbing. Scary to think of a life like that. Miyu just doesn't care either.

Oh yeah, that episode... where
those girls get turned into living but immobile and immortal (unless killed) statues by that Shinma who seduces them with promises of beauty... and in the end after defeating the Shinma Miyu just walks off, leaving most of them there still alive, saying something about how they got what they deserved, considering that all they wanted was beauty.

I don't think I agree that she didn't care. She clearly did care, she just cared about them in a negative way -- she deliberately decided to leave them there and do nothing about it; that means she considered the options, and decided to leave them and not kill them or something.

And yeah, that was cold, very cold... she is really cruel in that episode too. I mean, sure, they desired something they couldn't have and suffered for it, but if they really can't ever be turned back, just leaving them there like that is incredibly cruel... but one of the themes in this series is that immortals are different from mortals and do not truly understand them. Even though Miyu is closer to mortals than most of them, she's not immune to that feeling. (Another aspect of that is how she is always encouraged by the others, such as the cute critter, to not care much about humans or get close to them because it's bad and only leads to bad things; she does so anyway because she's curious and lonely, I think.)

But of course, that disturbing morality and screwey ending are a part of what make the episode great, I must admit. The episode would be a bit less powerful if the saved them in the end or something. Killing them all in the end might have worked, though, but she preferred to leave them to suffer.


House of Five Leaves.

Pretty cool so far. The OP is sweet. The style is interesting.

Building up to some bad stuff, I imagine. Something's going to go wrong.


Sengoku Otome 1, 2, 3, & 4. A good time waster I suppose, but not much more than that. With at least 12 shows on my list there isn't much reason to continue with it right now. It does have the benefit of dat ED. Lol @ the revelation in episode 2. I might finish if I really have nothing else to do next season (which judging from the tentative charts won't be much).


Uchip said:
not sure why everyone here hates on the new eva movies
at least they tried something new rather than fan pandering /respect
This sentence is killing me, for some reason.


Subete no aware
zeroshiki said:
See, you're doing it again. Its been 2 episodes (closer to 1) of Minko pining for Tohru. 2!!! And you're disappointed that "the characters are being allowed to stay as they are as opposed to being forced to change". Are you high? I've heard that we live in an ADD society but this takes the cake. We don't know what will happen and this isn't really a romcom anyway so they're not going down your route no matter what happens.

If that's shoujo then every piece of work out there is shoujo. This is the problem with us using these catch call terms. Classic Shoujo is about girls getting swept up by Princes. You just described Kimi ni Todoke.

People who think Hanasaku Iroha is slow boggle my mind. I really think people aren't satisfied until people start fucking each other. :p

zeroshiki said:
The two leads both not admitting stuff to each other isn't very common. Its usually the girl in denial and the dude saving her each and every chapter.
KnT was very much the antithesis of that cliche, which is why I glammed onto it. The only real criticism I would have is that it would constantly point out how awesome it was for not relying on wishfulfillment tropes.


firehawk12 said:
KnT was very much the antithesis of that cliche, which is why I glammed onto it. The only real criticism I would have is that it would constantly point out how awesome it was for not relying on wishfulfillment tropes.

But its true. It is awesome for that. The side effect was instead of the guy saving her every episode for 26 episodes, we have them staring longingly at each other for 52!


Junior Member

So ronery.


Uchip said:
Im talking about 2.22 in particular
It seemed to make all the otaku take one hand off their asuka pillows to type "thats not how it is! omg this sucks"
You mean when they brought in all that extra fanservice shit? Yeah.
Branduil said:
Since when do you have a top anime list?
It's around.


Subete no aware
zeroshiki said:
But its true. It is awesome for that. The side effect was instead of the guy saving her every episode for 26 episodes, we have them staring longingly at each other for 52!
Well, the show was always about agency and personal responsibility, so it seemed natural they would all be observers.

Of course, now the manga has moved slowly into plot mode and we're catching up on the antics of the other two girls.


Extollere said:
Planetes - 23


Holy shit, a lot of shit went down in this ep... the boiling point of the show so far. OMG, where to begin... basically shit went down, bitches got shot, two-timers got double back stabbed, and bureaucracies got boned. Hachimaki redeemed from earlier break down.

omg...omg.... holy shit man! I'm freakin out a little.
It sure steps up!
zeroshiki said:
Why was it not interesting? There are billions of shoujo out there. Look one up. Doing the trope for the sake of doing it without seeing if it makes sense in the context of the story would be the height of idiocy.
Moving from one cliche to another isn't really progress, but there was certainly nothing wrong with it.


Everything is tsundere to me
firehawk12 said:
People who think Hanasaku Iroha is slow boggle my mind. I really think people aren't satisfied until people start fucking each other. :p
I don't think it's slow, I just think they killed off alot of interesting sources of conflict too fast. I'm saying that it's going TOO FAST!


Halycon said:
She has no potential for development outside of Tohru. At least so far she's shown none. She doesn't even succumb to Ohana's talk-no-jutsu.
That's why she's dangerous!
zeroshiki said:
Tohru is a closet lolicon. Of this I have no doubt.
Hey, Tohru is a classy fellow!
zeroshiki said:
When Minko goes dere, the ratings will go through the roof! The roof, I tell ya!
It's all part of the plan.


Lafiel said:
I'd haft to admit while I'm still enjoying the show quite a lot, I'm disappointed there hasn't been much "drama" past the second episode, I have a feeling they are saving it up for the later episodes though, considering they are still elements of it in the last two episodes, even if it has dropped them in favor of a more comedic tone.
I can tell they want to space it out, but still, I'd appreciate some more. She's gotten settled in rather too easily.


Subete no aware
doomed1 said:
I don't think it's slow, I just think they killed off alot of interesting sources of conflict too fast. I'm saying that it's going TOO FAST!
Hah, well, the show isn't AnoHana... I think that the grandma slap went pretty much unnoticed kind of guaranteed that it wasn't going to be about the dorama.


I thought it was pretty clear from the first few episodes that Iroha would be the happy show, while AnoHana would be the depressing drama one. I think you guys are trying to make it something it isn't.


MCD said:
Yup, delicious DVD remasters.

Here is an example of how they redid some scenes:
Same episode 48.
Ah, it looks like how they did the BD. I can't say I'm in favour of all there changes.
Kettch said:
I thought it was pretty clear from the first few episodes that Iroha would be the happy show, while AnoHana would be the depressing drama one. I think you guys are trying to make it something it isn't.

But its war man, war!!!! /sarcasm

Dresden said:
Anohana won the ratings battle anyways.

Anime fans care about ratings?


Steins;Gate 1, 2, 3, & 4. Yes. YES. Yes. I love this shit. Oh man. So good.

If 2ch, futaba, and 4chan ever get that popular though I'll cry.

Also, dat voice cast. Goddamn.


OMG This season of anime! I have to make my own fillers between the few good shows I'm following. Oh well, looks like it's time to return to the 12 Kingdoms well for the 5th time
Sooooooo gooooood :3
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