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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Oh damn. I just remembered that I watched the first episode of A-Channel weeks ago then promptly forgot I started watching it.

First episode was a bit...I don't wanna say boring, but...just kinda "meh", I guess? Wonder if I should go back to it.


I sometimes think feminists take it a bit too far with the complaining but I would have had no issue if someone said FSN (specifically Shiro) was offensively sexist.


I have Fate/Stay Night sitting on my anime shelf because I bought it on a whim a while back. Maybe someday I might watch it.


The Light of El Cantare
I have Fate/Stay Night sitting on my anime shelf because I bought it on a whim a while back. Maybe someday I might watch it.

Just sell it if it's the original artbox set; as far as I know it's worth quite a bit of money.
I sometimes think feminists take it a bit too far with the complaining but I would have had no issue if someone said FSN (specifically Shiro) was offensively sexist.

He really is infuriating in that regard. Especially since he's surrounded by women who are extremely useful in fights, and yet continues with his hilariously dumb beliefs and treats Saber like she's some five year old girl.


Sounds like anime.




I sometimes think feminists take it a bit too far with the complaining but I would have had no issue if someone said FSN (specifically Shiro) was offensively sexist.

He really is infuriating in that regard. Especially since he's surrounded by women who are extremely useful in fights, and yet continues with his hilariously dumb beliefs and treats Saber like she's some five year old girl.

That's one of the things the TV Reproduction compilation stuff fixed. Kitchensaber is gone and her and Shirou feel more like partners rather than master/helpless girl.

Wow , now we have another fetish ...
Is this show targetted at weirdos or what ?
Am i a weirdo for liking it ?

Was there nearly enough saliva on that whip ?


That's one of the things the TV Reproduction compilation stuff fixed. Kitchensaber is gone and her and Shirou feel more like partners rather than master/helpless girl.

Yeah, DEEN/TypeMoon doesn't get to have a redo.

I was gonna say wait for the ufotable remake but I'm not sure I want to see FSN remade since its so bad.


Yeah, DEEN/TypeMoon doesn't get to have a redo.

I was gonna say wait for the ufotable remake but I'm not sure I want to see FSN remade since its so bad.

People seem fond of the third route from all I'd read in here. I'd just as soon have something fresh using the premise though.
Utena 39 - Finale


How did she jump that gap though? Maybe it was penguins again. The most impressive thing to me was how well planned this show was which is no easy feat for a 3 cour show. I don't think I'm very detailed or articulate in my impressions anyway but I think I should digest this before I say much more.

Did you watch the recap episode?

Of course! Don't want to miss out on dramatic lunch planning!
You weren't expecting any outrage over the chairman banging the "middle schooler" were you? If anything It's a much better implied sex scene than the one in Eva between two consenting adults.

I now know the error of my ways T_T


People seem fond of the third route from all I'd read in here. I'd just as soon have something fresh using the premise though.

UBW was supposed to be good too but that turned into an unintelligible mess.

I don't know. I like to believe there's a reason there was so much anti-hype in this thread prior to F/Z releasing. Its because Type Moon are bad writers and the previous DEEN adaptations have been really bad.
That statement did seem out of character for you if taken literally.


Polnareff's Bizarre Adventure OVA 2000 5

Last time
Avdol got killed

Today, a battle of wits and awesomeness, along with the developing broship between Polnareff and Kakyojin.

That was a great fight worthy of being in the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, and it was animated too! It's still so dark though.

Guile's mom is creepy


UBW was supposed to be good too but that turned into an unintelligible mess.

Well because the cut it to 90 minute movie without proper rewriting.

Fans want 3rd route adaptation, because its have similar tone to F/Z and they can pull that off.. hopeful thinking playing part.


Heaven's Feel has Shiro, Saber, Sakura, Rin and Archer. It also has Sakura's brother whose name I don't care to look up.

I have no idea why you think it will be like F/Z. At all.


Heaven's Feel has Shiro, Saber, Sakura, Rin and Archer. It also has Sakura's brother whose name I don't care to look up.

I have no idea why you think it will be like F/Z. At all.
Heaven's Feel is the best route in the F/SN visual novel, but I wouldn't say it's very similar to F/Z. It's probably not something that would get a lot of praise in here either.

I remember enjoying it when I played it, but my opinion of the franchise as a whole has lowered a lot and I don't think I would like it if I went back to it now.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So is anyone going to make a "Garden of Words" thread?

I wanted too but I'm lazy.

My concept for the thread was nothing but gifs with one of them linking to the wiki.

No fancy subtitles, just "Garden of Words, by Makoto Shinkai".
Oh noes, did i miss ep. 33? Oh well, a tad late, but have this masterpiece anyway:

(spoiler of course)

Now watch the movie!

Oh man this is pure gold, but yeah you didn't miss anything. I ditched individual episode impressions so I could blitz through the rest of the show. Was this a mistake? I think only a handful of my episodic impressions had anything remotely interesting to say. I was going to watch the movie after rewatching episode 8, supposedly it's something worth while after finishing the show?


Heaven's Feel has Shiro, Saber, Sakura, Rin and Archer. It also has Sakura's brother whose name I don't care to look up.

I have no idea why you think it will be like F/Z. At all.
Its have Kirei!

I mean Urobuchi write F/Z based on that route, so its similar in atmosphere etc.. yeah just figured out no one would give a damn to the character after F/Z.. Its back to the High schooler cast again afterall.

I'd happy enough with good Mirai Fukuin movie.


Avoid FSN like the plague.

Seriously. Unless you're this super big F/Z fanboy who must know the roots of it all, absolutely nothing will be gained by watching F/Z. It will only ruin your experience.

Heh. I watched Stay first and liked it. Then started F/Z and got bored after about 3 episodes. I didn't feel I needed backstory that F/Z was offering.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Henneko 8

I guess I should have seen this show going completely off-the-rails crazy when the premise included a cat statue that could grant wishes, but I really didn't see it going THIS crazy. Wow.

Also Tsukino is amazing. Her emotionless scream was hilarious. :lol
I disagree. I feel that the message and symbolism is fairly obvious and not very insightful w/r/t religion. Maybe in terms of anime faith and Christianity are unusual themes, but many of the continental European directors which Oshii has cited as influences- Bresson, Tarkovsky, Antonioni- have tackled this kind of thing much better. In fact, it seems like the film's fixation on single-minded iconography to convey its meaning is Oshii's clearest debt to Tarkovsky, but he doesn't carry over the necessary element of duration and movement that make Tarkovsky's films "experiences". We get static shots that loiter not really saying all that much. In fact, Angel's Egg is like a much worse version of Stalker, or Werckmeister Harmonies, or basically any Cannes-bait movie about religion for that matter. Artists have covered religion in so many different ways that this fairly standard take on faith is a bit disappointing, especially since this is supposedly Oshii's serious, landmark film.

I am woefully underwatched when it comes to continental European directors, so I can't match your comparative analysis there. But I'm not saying it's as good as Au Hasard Balthazar, or whatever. I just think it works on its own terms. It's not an exploration of faith so much as it's an exploration of the absence of faith. It's a peak into the mindset of someone who used to believe in God but for whom the church's symbols have been emptied of meaning and become empty forms, hollow rituals. It's a lament of someone who wishes he could still have faith but finds himself unable to conjure up any. I can respect that, even if I can't exactly sympathize and prefer works with at least a little bit of hope somewhere.

I guess comparing it to better films is a bit unfair, but it felt really derivative and bad as an Oshii film as well. Overlong for its subtance. Allegorically shallow. Foregrounding the abstract instead of the dramatic (when Oshii and, let's face it, most other European narrative art film directors are really bad at pure abstraction). The overwrought imagery was too much of a crutch.

These sound like standard complaints for any post-Urusei Yatsura Oshii work, honestly. At any rate, I don't see how putting the abstract ahead of the dramatic is necessary a bad thing, especially when you're not telling a traditional narrative. Much of my affection for the film is due to the abstract imagery, which I find engaging on a purely visual level. I think boiling down the film to the things that "happen" in it and what its final "message" is misses the strangely compelling audiovisual package that makes it work as a whole. I also don't think that everything in it has an allegorical or symbolic meaning, and that's perfectly fine.

Really sophomoric and indulgent, which is weird for a director like Oshii who balances his pretenses and his limitations fairly well.

Oshii's live-action work puts the lie to this statement.

In short, I thought Gosenzosama and Beautiful Dreamer were way better. Thanks for the feedback though.

I do agree that Beautiful Dreamer is better.
Hyouka 21:
Satoshi is a dick.
It was very obvious what was going on in this episode, but I think that really worked for the feeling they were going for, and it made Oreki's feelings in the matter really work. I loved the scene near the end of the episode where
he told Satoshi he would punch him
. This was pretty much a fantastic showing for all of the characters. There are also a lot of interesting parallels (some addressed specifically here and some drawn from Oreki's words and actions in previous episodes) that contrast the very different ways that Oreki and Satoshi have developed.
I felt really bad for Mayaka during the final minutes of the episode.
There were so many great sequences during the episode, and I was really impressed with how they managed to take a pretty played out anime setup, and tackle it in a completely different way.

I've put this off for awhile, but I really don't want this show to be over. I just love it so much, and I want to keep knowing that there's something more for me to watch, but I guess all good things come to an end eventually.
Well since Fate/Stay Night Reproduction isn't worth watching, what about Fate/Prototype? I've always been curious about checking it out but never really heard anyone talk about it. I guess there's not much to say since it's a short, but does it have any merit?


Well since Fate/Stay Night Reproduction isn't worth watching, what about Fate/Prototype? I've always been curious about checking it out but never really heard anyone talk about it. I guess there's not much to say since it's a short, but does it have any merit?

It's like Fate/CLAMP-X: The Music Video. Pretty fun.


Well since Fate/Stay Night Reproduction isn't worth watching, what about Fate/Prototype? I've always been curious about checking it out but never really heard anyone talk about it. I guess there's not much to say since it's a short, but does it have any merit?

There's novelty in the "what if" stuff with male Saber/female MC and it's a very small time investment.
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