I can finally stop painting for a bit. ^^;
That... is really damned good.
I can finally stop painting for a bit. ^^;
I can finally stop painting for a bit. ^^;
Cat Soup
I have no idea what I just watched but I feel like you need to take responsibility for this Ultimadrago.
Ah yes, old NA dvds + Studio DEEN. Match made in heaven.
For the Sengoku bros keeping track at home:
Sasuke Sarutobi
Yukimura Sanada
Totally forgot about the awesome eyectaches. It's a really simple idea: pencil character art transitions to an inked version. It's damn cool though.
Its more than that because he lost his ex so it stands to reason that he would still have feelings for her which complicates the whole marriage thing even more than say if he simply broke up with her.
At the very least, I'd like to think fans and non-fans of SAO like Klein. Personally, the dude's my second favorite character and I think he's a G. Dat Hiroaki Hirata.
Next episode is better. Then it turns terrible.
When should I watch the special episodes?
EDIT: Also since Corvo is watching SAO.
Damn him. What'd we ever do to him?
How is this show so far? I see it everywhere and it looks like it has some good art from what i saw. Would you recommend it?
I'm most glad to take the blame!
Do you like amagami SS?
It's about half as good.
I like the character art though and the 'photo shoot segments' do look quite good at times..
her head
her necks looks like it should snap like a twig
Damn him. What'd we ever do to him?
More like bad animators.
I told y'all that thread was going to slow down!
Possibly a bad storyboard?
You say that like it's a bad thing.I told y'all that thread was going to slow down!
Probably not. Most storyboards are too rough to nail down exact character proportions. That would be up to the layout artist and/or the key animator assigned to the cut.
But the animator on this particular cut might not be the problem; if the character always has that elongated neck, then it's a problem with the anime character design.
He also used the same Director of Photography and Art Director that he's worked with on previous projects. They sure know how to make attractive anime!This reminds me! Nerawareta Gakuen came out on disc this week! The film is just as beautiful as I remember it being in the cinema - unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the plot is still just as much of a mess at the end, but I still think everything else in the film is so good that I'm still willing to let that slide.
I mean, look at this shot, only about 90 seconds into the film:
I can't get over how much I love the colour choices Ryosuke Nakamura made for this film and, as excessive as it may be, his tendency to oversaturate everything with light and motion.
I told y'all that thread was going to slow down!
But the animator on this particular cut might not be the problem; if the character always has that elongated neck, then it's a problem with the anime character design.
And all of this goes back to Osamu Tezuka. He's the one who developed non-chronological flow that accomodated periods of heightened emotion and made comics into more than a simple storyboard.One thing about manga as opposed to anime is that distortion of time is much less noticeable. It's something you have to account for when adapting it to a set-time format like anime, but in this case they actually exacerbated it by stretching out the chapters for no real reason. I'm going to blame this one on Kobayashi and Araki.
Well it is E3 time.
BGBW is on top of this.And animal crossing
Sword Art Online 1
I'm starting this, and before I do, let me clear something up, because some people have said some vaguely mean things recently and I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea: I'm going to give this show a perfectly fair chance. I gave Code Geass that after the first episode, and enjoyed it, even R2's absurd bullshit. I gave Gundam 00 that chance and was sorely disappointed. AGE I had heard rumors going in, but I tried to give it another chance every arc. I can't promise I'll be fair, because I'm a stupid, opinionated, and boorish person and I have my likes and dislikes. That said, I'm going into this show almost completely blind, and we'll see how it turns out.
That said, the episode list says there are 5 "specials" episodes. When are these to be watched?
Maybe its just because I need to pee right now, but I can't help but think "What if they need to go to the bathroom?" and also, Kirito's design really captures that "I just started an RPG" look by being as, uhm, bland? as possible. I'm assuming he'll get a new costume soon. "We're trapped in a virtual reality, I may well starve, no one is coming for me and DID YOU SAY YOU HAVE A SISTER?" Hahahahaha.
If the situation is really as bad as the red wizard here is saying, couldn't governments just deploy EMPs to knock out the power and/or the internal battery? I feel like the inability to escape this situation is being somewhat overplayed. Hahahahaha, I'm glad they didn't skip over the whole guys pretending to be girls online thing.
Hahaha, the main bad guy's evil purpose was torule over a world of MMO players? What, did he get killed too many times in a PVP or something?
Wait, why would EXP and gold be limited in an MMO? That sounds like a bad game design. Sudden yaoi pandering is a bit wtf, but okay.
Well that was an okay start. I wasn't a big fan of the "Stuck in a game" thing any of the other times I saw it as a kid, but hey, Klein seems okay.
Titan 10
Titan 10
This episode insulting my brain
I thought it was something along the lines ofAlso sorta a spoileryou won't learn anything about the creator of the game or his motivations. He just. Does it. and that's it.
I thought it was something along the lines of"people these days aren't really 'living' so I wanted to create a world where they could truly 'live' and feel free." The dude definitely had a real reason, he just forgot or something.
The Rapeman 01-02 END
Finally an anime about a moral superhero! I really like this sceneThe Rapeman is a noble man after all. :salutethat he has to break the other window to chase him when he just broke through that window.
Rapeman's skill exceeds that of a normal man.
Yeah this is pretty much among the most sexist things I have seen. At least it's not SAO though.
Shotoku and his nephew Keisuke are vigilante rapists. With a company of "Righting Wrongs through Penetration," they will don black hockey masks and rape females who have somehow offended their clients by dumping them. After teaching their victims a "good lesson," they donate the money they earn to Keisuke's former home at the Sunflower Orphanage".
fucking hell, it's even worse than i thoughtTo quote the Anime Encyclopaedia:
Legitimately worse than SAO!
I assume that this is porn though.To quote the Anime Encyclopaedia:
Legitimately worse than SAO!