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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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The Light of El Cantare
that list is flawed Ultimate Muscle is awesome

The only show that 4kids ever managed to improve.



Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 89: The Rose at the End of the Summer

~ Your Imperial throne floats on a sea of blood. ~


Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony was used beautifully in the beginning. Truly underlines the sense of guilt Reinhard feels for the Westerland Incident.
The rest of the episode was pretty lighthearted though. Romance at the Court! Count von Mariendorf is pretty funny, and seeing Reinhard as a lost pup was hilarious.


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 19

Silly misunderstandings. Nagisa overhears her parents talking and thinks the family's going to move to Osaka. Then Hikari overhears Nagisa worrying about it at school, so even after Nagisa finds out she had it all wrong, Hikari still thinks Nagisa is going to be going away forever.

Naturally, at the end of the episode Hikari actually talks to Nagisa and Honoka about it and the whole thing is cleared up. And then they make use of the notebooks they received last episode to reaffirm their friendship (come in, the merchandise wasn't really necessary for that, now, was it?) ...At least we got to see adorable crying Porun, so that's a plus. (Poor Porun...)


Azazel-san Z 9-10


… never thought I'd see a gigantic dick lay waste to an entire city but there's a first time for everything I guess.

It'd be a weak argument. I hope no one seriously considers SAO on the same level as The Rapeman.

Yeah, anyone who honestly thinks SAO is anywhere near as awful as The Rapeman is really needs to take a few steps back and think about things for awhile.


Attack on Titan 10

Focusing on repeated and unnecessary dialog and drawing out so many scenes really isn't entertaining.

Such a shame that the project is in such a messy state at the moment. I hope for the second half of the series they get their act together and bring their A game that the first few episodes had.


It'd be a weak argument. I hope no one seriously considers SAO on the same level as The Rapeman.
No-one seriously considers it on the same level no. That argument is that one is a trojan horse for some bad stuff while the other is much worse but people looking at it know in advance what they are about to see so they can blame no-one but themselves. It would still be a silly argument of course.
Edit: Stressing the fact that I am not arguing against The Rapeman as being substantially more disturbing than anything in SAO.


[GunBuster] - 1

Fun stuff. I didn’t know what to expect from this, well, other than Mecha. So it definitely delivered in that regard, and then some.

This could basically be described as some sort of Rocky-esque arc, training montage included! It did everything an opening episode should do, and perhaps threw a little too much in there, as that could have easily spanned multiple episodes. Nonetheless, it made for a very entertaining introduction. I would have said something about how archetypical all the characters are, but that seems like something that is very much par for the course, anyway.

It’s kitschy as all hell, from the ridiculous uniforms, down to the way they humanize the Mecha themselves, but I think the earnestness of the entire thing completely sells it.


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 20

Rina cares for an injured tanuki. Then Rina has to say goodbye to the tanuki. So that was an episode.

At least Porun and friends playing with the tanuki was kind of cute.
Sword Art Online 2

It's been a month and 2,000 people have died? And the government has done nothing to get these people out? The greatest hackers in the world have failed to make this work? Can't buy it. If technology has advanced to the point of immersion VR, suitable methods for cracking it or shutting it off should have advanced at an equal pace. Oh well.
I'll explain some things
2.000 people have died because , one mistake and you die for real.
And most beta testers realised this was a war for information first.( they didn't gave info on the traps to others ). As you saw in the first episode there was no info on how to use the sword skills and the game structure is different from a normal game.

The reason why nobody got people oout is simple actually. On the surface , they said that no one would take responsability in case someone died and all attempt resulted in the players dying. Faced with the premise that they would need care to survive, they choose to put those people into intesive care.

The real reason
is that the technology made for Sao can be used to do something much more dangerous than a game and some greedy people were after the data the creator left behind.

It's also been a month since Kirito has used the bathroom, eaten, or bathed. How does his family afford to keep him alive? The medical bills must be astronomical. God help any players in the USA.
There was a special program made by the governement and paid by the Sao company that was disbanded to fund this. Also private funding came to help to pay everyone bill for various reasons.
IT TOOK YOU GODDAMN IDIOTS A MONTH TO REALIZE THE BOSS TO THE NEXT FLOOR WAS IN A TOWER? JEEZ HAVE YOU MORONS EVER PLAYED A VIDEO GAME BEFORE? I'm sorry but that's really, really stupid. Also, there's no magic, no job system, limited gil and worse, limited EXP. Immersion VR aside, why in God's name would anyone want to play this game? It sounds like the worst kind of RPG.
Actually they knew the boss was in the tower right away but no one could clear the dongeon before the boss because they didn't have enough levels+ equipments. In a game where one mistake cost your life, you're not going to try to clear an area underleveled. On a simple note , you can't take on a boss floor by yourself (yeah i know ) you need a team and in the chaos resulting the initial reveal gathering people took that month.

Also the ressources aren't more limited than in another mmorpg , it's just that there was too many people playing in the starting areas. And the appeal of the game is that you move , yourself

Who does that? Who just wildly and at random assumes someone in a crowd happened to be a beta tester? There were only 1,000 of them. Ugh anime logic.

Oh man, the tower isn't even hard to find. Also, missed opportunity for a Leeroy Jenkins joke.

Hey what happens if you had a bad internet connection? Why would you reject a potion? What even is the point of doing that? I don't understand why you would reject a potion. There is literally no reason for you to die here.
If you are disconnected , you're in a white room ( think assasin creed ) , until you are back in the network.

About the potion that was a stupid move.
Oh gee, I cannot believe this beta tester witch hunt. At least the fight was awesome. And Kirito got himself a cool new coat! Now he doesn't have to look generic anymore!


Distrust and a good way to move players forward.


The Light of El Cantare
Dokidoki 19:


This is why Dokidoki is shit. Two episodes, same premise:

Smile: hey, let's have an episode where we battle the bad guys with bowling and go karts and shit because it's cool and why the fuck not?

Dokidoki: hey, let's have an episode where we battle the bad guys with bowling and dodgeball because Mana is a perfect morally-superior being and this is a nonviolent way to defeat the bad guys and Mana abhors violence ;__________;


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Goldfish Warning! The Movie]
Gyopi-chan falls in love with a commoner goldfish that's actually gold, and Chitose, being the huge bitch she's always been, opposes their TRUE LOVE. Wacky hijinx ensue.

It's actually just about the same time as a regular episode of Goldfish Warning!, so don't let the title drive you away. If you are interested in the series in any regard you might do well in watching this. It has the same type of high-octane safe-for-all-family comedy with a bit extra in the animation department. Should be enough to tell you if you want to make an investment in the show. 4 out of 5 Tanakayamas
The noses really creep me out, though. I'm used to everyone being in SD form all the freaking time.


[GunBuster] - 2

Huh, well I guess that’s a novel way to enact a time-skip,
or jump, as the case is here.
And maybe it’s just me, but nothing reminds me more of the era this was made in, than all the flagrant nudity on display. I don't find it egregious, just more amusing than anything.

Also, it was hard for me not to get some Evangelion vibes from
the discovery of the monster artifact.
For obvious reasons, it’s an interesting exercise watching this, especially after the fact. It adds a cool little wrinkle to the whole thing, being able to recognize the recurring themes and motifs from the proceeding works


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 21

In this episode Hikari makes friends with some boy called Daiki who's run away from home. She helps him to realise that his parents aren't as bad as he thought they were. Hang on, didn't we already have an episode about appreciating your parents this series? Oh well, Daiki and Hikari actually made a sort-of-cute couple. Maybe Hikari should go off with him and never come back.

But then Hikari runs into another boy who's run away from home, and this one is a little more unfortunate, since it's the boy from the Mansion of Evil. Since he's supposed to be the reincarnation of the Evil King or something like that, the second they set eyes on each other the world freezes up and both of them basically turn into empty-eyed robots (until the bad guys show up to have a brief fight and then run away with their little boy). Seems like the story might actually be moving forward? Nah, couldn't be.


[Flowers of Evil] - 10

This episode destroyed me. This series has been, and continues to be, exceedingly good and there's absolutely no question that it's the series of the season. Every scene managed to be weighty and effective in a manner that I hadn't expected. You can put some of this down to the writing not being your typical LN rubbish but outside of that the visual storytelling absolutely sells the series. Rotoscoping really was the right choice with this material.


Sukeban Deka 01 (Dub rewatch)
The dub certainly enhances the experience for this one though, admittedly not that much. It's certainly worth it though, it's not essential. It works just as well in the original version.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 21

In this episode Hikari makes friends with some boy called Daiki who's run away from home. She helps him to realise that his parents aren't as bad as he thought they were. Hang on, didn't we already have an episode about appreciating your parents this series? Oh well, Daiki and Hikari actually made a sort-of-cute couple. Maybe Hikari should go off with him and never come back.
You'd wish that would be the case.
But then Hikari runs into another boy who's run away from home, and this one is a little more unfortunate, since it's the boy from the Mansion of Evil. Since he's supposed to be the reincarnation of the Evil King or something like that, the second they set eyes on each other the world freezes up and both of them basically turn into empty-eyed robots (until the bad guys show up to have a brief fight and then run away with their little boy). Seems like the story might actually be moving forward? Nah, couldn't be.

Even a turtle move if you pay attention ( and have a lot of patience )


[Dokidoki! Precure] 19

Regina's (and some of Mako-P's) reaction shots are really the only saving grace to this episode. This show is bad and I feel bad about liking it.

Wait, is that what the green monsters in Super Mario 64 were all this time? HOLY FUCK
It's a shame because the regina antics posted here make me want to watch it but I know full well I'll hate myself for it.

But would that surprise you given the person you asked?
Hunter x Hunter Episode 83

Alright episode, everyone was just typical dull fodder enemies, and being animals makes it even harder or even just impossible to really relate or care for them, not to mention the terrible personality. First episode in awhile where I was looking at the clock hoping for it to end soon. Killua was fantastic though (favorite song on the ost played during his fight too)
Kite's scythe was cool but could have been so much better in how they displayed the attack and what not
Hunter x Hunter Episode 83

Alright episode, everyone was just typical dull fodder enemies, and being animals makes it even harder or even just impossible to really relate or care for them, not to mention the terrible personality. First episode in awhile where I was looking at the clock hoping for it to end soon. Killua was fantastic though (favorite song on the ost played during his fight too)
Kite's scythe was cool but could have been so much better in how they displayed the attack and what not

I kinda agree

The ennemies weren't that fun to see in action and kite special attack could have used more red.

The highlight was clearly kilua


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 22

The Cures are attacked by the leader of the enemy group, and he turns out to be more powerful than the other enemies they have faced! He can even stop their most powerful attack in its tracks! Oh my god, what a shocking development! Nothing like this has ever happened before!

So in order to defeat Ilkubo Mk II (as I will call him from now on because I can't remember any of the Max Heart villains' names) the Cures turn to one of the Heartiels they've gathered so far, Intelligen, for advice. She opens her magic book and gives some cryptic clues that indicate they might be able to beat him by going to that Gourd Lake place where they found the Prism Hopish back in the first series. Sounds like time for another impromptu hiking trip!

Incidentally, I had to roll my eyes when Ilkubo Mk II actually said "I am more powerful than any enemy you have faced before." Really, dude? You're talking to the girls who fought the Evil King himself twice already. I'm pretty sure you're not quite on that level.


So yeah, in other words, Flowers of Evil is one of the best shows I've seen in years. Truly outstanding. If, for some reason, you aren't currently watching it at the moment I implore you to go and experience the first three episodes of the series at least. Just...outstanding:



[GunBuster] - 3


Go home and be a family man!

Hm, I can see why they did it,
but I didn't really like the fact that the spent the majority of this episode introducing a character, only to subsequently kill them off.
It has a narrative purpose, but it always just feels so inelegant as a device, not to mention cliched.

Other than that, I did like that we got to see more of the interior of the actual ship. I always appreciate these elements, and it's often a mark of a good show, where many simply don't bother, or indeed care to add these little flourishes. The fact that it has its own functioning transit network probably isn't all that plausible, but it does go some way to making it feel like a livable space. Things like that, along with the various plants and items scattered around the scenes, just give it a certain tangibility that seems lacking for most shows. It feels like it is inhabited, rather than something that exists entirely within the confines of a particular scene.

Past that first episode, that ED now feels horribly out of place!


I have to admit, despite having seen the movie already, I did decide to take a punt on importing the BD. It's held up waiting on a bunch of end-of-month releases, though.

I ordered the special edition because it comes with a short story, "Until Tomorrow", that takes place after the film - I assume that
Kyougoku will come back
but until I get it I don't know!

There's also an audio commentary that I may never understand but maybe Nakamura explains the plot a bit better in it...

Also ordered the 2 volume manga. And the guidebook.

I get fixated on the strangest shows and films.


So yeah, in other words, Flowers of Evil is one of the best shows I've seen in years. Truly outstanding. If, for some reason, you aren't currently watching it at the moment I implore you to go and experience the first three episodes of the series at least. Just...outstanding:

Shiiiiiiiiii, so hyped to watch it now!


Maturity, bitches.

Yeah, if I saw a bicycle wheel in the flesh I'd be puking my guts out on the street. They are the sickest things imaginable. So sick, so so sick. So thank you so much people at the censorship board. Thank you dearly for protecting my eyes from the untold horrors that are bicycle wheels. Too much for Japanese television, too much for me, too much for anyone. Never again do we have to suffer from the sight of these crude circles, these shocking spokes, these terrifying tires. Just keep them away!

Yeah, if I saw a bicycle wheel in the flesh I'd be puking my guts out on the street. They are the sickest things imaginable. So sick, so so sick. So thank you so much people at the censorship board. Thank you dearly for protecting my eyes from the untold horrors that are bicycle wheels. Too much for Japanese television, too much for me, too much for anyone. Never again do we have to suffer from the sight of these crude circles, these shocking spokes, these terrifying tires. Just keep them away!

Lool The censorship made the scene worse.

What could they have done to the poor bicycle.? The sick bastards !


One could argue that is worse because SAO pretends to be a wholesome work, while people watching The Rapeman KNOW what they are getting into.

You know what? I was going to give you Fairy Dance and accept that was bad but no. You don't get that now you said that.


Futari wa Precure Max Heart 23

So they found the sacred place in the lake and it gave them NEW POWERUP BRACELETS.

NEW POWERUP BRACELETS give the Cures the ability to FIGHT BETTER and turn their finisher into a MORE POWERFUL ATTACK that looks kind of like a storm of rainbows!

I'm so glad this series is doing its own thing and not getting stuck in the same patterns as the first series. It's all so fresh and original.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 23

So they found the sacred place in the lake and it gave them NEW POWERUP BRACELETS.

NEW POWERUP BRACELETS give the Cures the ability to FIGHT BETTER and turn their finisher into a MORE POWERFUL ATTACK that looks kind of like a storm of rainbows!

I'm so glad this series is doing it's own thing and not getting stuck in the same patterns as the first series. It's all so fresh and original.

Argh !!! my sarcasm detector exploded ?

What could be the cause ?


[GunBuster] - 3

[...]Other than that, I did like that we got to see more of the interior of the actual ship. I always appreciate these elements, and it's often a mark of a good show, where many simply don't bother, or indeed care to add these little flourishes. The fact that it has its own functioning transit network probably isn't all that plausible, but it does go some way to making it feel like a livable space.
I don't know, the Excelion is like 10-15km in length, how else are you supposed to get around!
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