One could argue that is worse because SAO pretends to be a wholesome work, while people watching The Rapeman KNOW what they are getting into.SAO is barely a step above pornography, in places.
One could argue that is worse because SAO pretends to be a wholesome work, while people watching The Rapeman KNOW what they are getting into.SAO is barely a step above pornography, in places.
that list is flawed Ultimate Muscle is awesome
One could argue that is worse because SAO pretends to be a wholesome work, while people watching The Rapeman KNOW what they are getting into.
It'd be a weak argument. I hope no one seriously considers SAO on the same level as The Rapeman.
No-one seriously considers it on the same level no. That argument is that one is a trojan horse for some bad stuff while the other is much worse but people looking at it know in advance what they are about to see so they can blame no-one but themselves. It would still be a silly argument of course.It'd be a weak argument. I hope no one seriously considers SAO on the same level as The Rapeman.
Do people really need to post the tentacle gifs again?
Anno working on Miyazaki's new movie.
Sounds like you'd expect.
I'll explain some thingsSword Art Online 2
It's been a month and 2,000 people have died? And the government has done nothing to get these people out? The greatest hackers in the world have failed to make this work? Can't buy it. If technology has advanced to the point of immersion VR, suitable methods for cracking it or shutting it off should have advanced at an equal pace. Oh well.
There was a special program made by the governement and paid by the Sao company that was disbanded to fund this. Also private funding came to help to pay everyone bill for various reasons.It's also been a month since Kirito has used the bathroom, eaten, or bathed. How does his family afford to keep him alive? The medical bills must be astronomical. God help any players in the USA.
Actually they knew the boss was in the tower right away but no one could clear the dongeon before the boss because they didn't have enough levels+ equipments. In a game where one mistake cost your life, you're not going to try to clear an area underleveled. On a simple note , you can't take on a boss floor by yourself (yeah i know ) you need a team and in the chaos resulting the initial reveal gathering people took that month.IT TOOK YOU GODDAMN IDIOTS A MONTH TO REALIZE THE BOSS TO THE NEXT FLOOR WAS IN A TOWER? JEEZ HAVE YOU MORONS EVER PLAYED A VIDEO GAME BEFORE? I'm sorry but that's really, really stupid. Also, there's no magic, no job system, limited gil and worse, limited EXP. Immersion VR aside, why in God's name would anyone want to play this game? It sounds like the worst kind of RPG.
If you are disconnected , you're in a white room ( think assasin creed ) , until you are back in the network.Who does that? Who just wildly and at random assumes someone in a crowd happened to be a beta tester? There were only 1,000 of them. Ugh anime logic.
Oh man, the tower isn't even hard to find. Also, missed opportunity for a Leeroy Jenkins joke.
Hey what happens if you had a bad internet connection? Why would you reject a potion? What even is the point of doing that? I don't understand why you would reject a potion. There is literally no reason for you to die here.
Oh gee, I cannot believe this beta tester witch hunt. At least the fight was awesome. And Kirito got himself a cool new coat! Now he doesn't have to look generic anymore!
Anno working on Miyazaki's new movie.
Sounds like you'd expect.
With this and the latest audio news is it safe to conclude Miyazaki's completely lost it now?Anno working on Miyazaki's new movie.
Sounds like you'd expect.
Do people really need to post the tentacle gifs again?
Gyopi-chan falls in love with a commoner goldfish that's actually gold, and Chitose, being the huge bitch she's always been, opposes their TRUE LOVE. Wacky hijinx ensue.
The noses really creep me out, though. I'm used to everyone being in SD form all the freaking time.
Why haven't you watched Utena yet?Do we really need recap episodes at all?
[GunBuster] - 1
From genius to senile.Anno working on Miyazaki's new movie.
Sounds like you'd expect.
He'd rather watch actually good anime like Gundam ZZWhy haven't you watched Utena yet?
this is gonna be amazingAnno working on Miyazaki's new movie.
Sounds like you'd expect.
Regina's (and some of Mako-P's) reaction shots are really the only saving grace to this episode. This show is bad and I feel bad about liking it.
Wait, is that what the green monsters in Super Mario 64 were all this time? HOLY FUCK
BARFHe'd rather watch actually good anime like Gundam ZZ
You'd wish that would be the case.Futari wa Precure Max Heart 21
In this episode Hikari makes friends with some boy called Daiki who's run away from home. She helps him to realise that his parents aren't as bad as he thought they were. Hang on, didn't we already have an episode about appreciating your parents this series? Oh well, Daiki and Hikari actually made a sort-of-cute couple. Maybe Hikari should go off with him and never come back.
But then Hikari runs into another boy who's run away from home, and this one is a little more unfortunate, since it's the boy from the Mansion of Evil. Since he's supposed to be the reincarnation of the Evil King or something like that, the second they set eyes on each other the world freezes up and both of them basically turn into empty-eyed robots (until the bad guys show up to have a brief fight and then run away with their little boy). Seems like the story might actually be moving forward? Nah, couldn't be.
It's a shame because the regina antics posted here make me want to watch it but I know full well I'll hate myself for it.
But would that surprise you given the person you asked?BARF
Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! The Movie - Rikka Takanashi Revision will open in 27 theatres on 9/14.
Apparently a third of the #chu2koi movie will be new footage from event reports.
Courtesy of ultimatemegax on twitter;
If the recap movie is coming then, it seems unlikely the 2nd season will air this year.
Hunter x Hunter Episode 83
Alright episode, everyone was just typical dull fodder enemies, and being animals makes it even harder or even just impossible to really relate or care for them, not to mention the terrible personality. First episode in awhile where I was looking at the clock hoping for it to end soon. Killua was fantastic though (favorite song on the ost played during his fight too)Kite's scythe was cool but could have been so much better in how they displayed the attack and what not
The kicker being that Anno asks "a bit more intense, perhaps?" and Miyazaki goes "nope, that was fine!"A powerful performance.
Go home and be a family man!
I have to admit, despite having seen the movie already, I did decide to take a punt on importing the BD. It's held up waiting on a bunch of end-of-month releases, though.
Actually kind of a cute episode, very iyashikei up to the monster of the week stuff. I'm glad Mamoru (or anyone else for that matter) finally acknowledged this issue. Poor Mimette.
This page is now NSFW.
Yeah, if I saw a bicycle wheel in the flesh I'd be puking my guts out on the street. They are the sickest things imaginable. So sick, so so sick. So thank you so much people at the censorship board. Thank you dearly for protecting my eyes from the untold horrors that are bicycle wheels. Too much for Japanese television, too much for me, too much for anyone. Never again do we have to suffer from the sight of these crude circles, these shocking spokes, these terrifying tires. Just keep them away!
One could argue that is worse because SAO pretends to be a wholesome work, while people watching The Rapeman KNOW what they are getting into.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 23
So they found the sacred place in the lake and it gave them NEW POWERUP BRACELETS.
NEW POWERUP BRACELETS give the Cures the ability to FIGHT BETTER and turn their finisher into a MORE POWERFUL ATTACK that looks kind of like a storm of rainbows!
I'm so glad this series is doing it's own thing and not getting stuck in the same patterns as the first series. It's all so fresh and original.
I don't know, the Excelion is like 10-15km in length, how else are you supposed to get around![GunBuster] - 3
[...]Other than that, I did like that we got to see more of the interior of the actual ship. I always appreciate these elements, and it's often a mark of a good show, where many simply don't bother, or indeed care to add these little flourishes. The fact that it has its own functioning transit network probably isn't all that plausible, but it does go some way to making it feel like a livable space.