Consoles? In anime? It will just be 3DSs with a few Vitas sprinkled in the Sony sponsored shows. Handheld future!
Poor Vita. Was literally a port fest.
Consoles? In anime? It will just be 3DSs with a few Vitas sprinkled in the Sony sponsored shows. Handheld future!
Let's all just calm down and be happy!
Let's all just calm down and be happy!
BS Wita already won.Consoles? In anime? It will just be 3DSs with a few Vitas sprinkled in the Sony sponsored shows. Handheld future!
happiness is overrated
Of course, my internet sucks right now so all online multiplayer options are the same to me!
PS4 will too, so it's not even a choice console-wise.At least your old consoles will still work without internet.
I agree with this.Let's all just calm down and be happy!
There sure is a lot of 'maintenance' going on on NeoGAF. Can I expect the same for the Nintendo conference? Never been active on GAF before during E3.
It has penis in it though.
monster hunter is the only game I play online and that's on Wii U, so I can't honestly weigh in on this without any bias...
Consoles? In anime? It will just be 3DSs with a few Vitas sprinkled in the Sony sponsored shows. Handheld future!
I think it ultimately comes down to all the sharing stuff they tied into everything. It would be best if they found a way to divorce it so you got functional online multi free but with like a shitload of hosting features locked out.
I would rather people didn't. Can't you go back to irc or something for this? If stuff was going to leak in from there I would rather it was Culian links and not uneducated video game blithering.
Soredemo had a Gamecube.
Well Neptunia is airing next season soooo...
Except with xbox silver you got... an online store.There should be tiers like xboxlive did it. Pay money for better features and faster servers.
I'm just glad I never bought a PS3 in anticipation of The Last Guardian.
I'm just glad I never bought a PS3 in anticipation of The Last Guardian.
I may be completely wrong here, but isn't the Neptunia anime like, a total re-imagining that has little/nothing to do with video games anymore? Thought I read that somewhere.
That was in Oreimo right. Spoiler: YourBS Wita already won.
Pre Credits HotD 6
Man, that puppy better not get eaten. He's freaking adorable.
Six minutes in: I'm pretty sure this is porn.
Oh my god I need a source for your avatar.
what was your first clue?
Sword Art Online 4
I have two younger cousins that I dote on, but I would not ever call either my little sister. Also, Sword Art Online reminds me of Yugi Oh, in that I feel the rules are made up as the show goes along. WHY WOULD YOU KEEP IT A SECRET FROM YOUR COUSIN THAT SHE IS NOT YOUR SISTER? WHY. Did that little girl just step on a trap that had a rape worm in it? Okay, so, in addition to advertising a game to teenagers that simulated sex (except you can't feel your crotch), trapping them in there so he could get his jollies by lording over them and finally being GM, now there are rape worms?
Dude, the designer of SAO was a pretty sick guy.
Uh, Kirito, if what you're saying is true, this woman is a serial killer. I don't think sympathizing with others is in that job description, buddy. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA they're seriously still calling him a beater? Oh man. I mean, Lina Inverse has to deal with "Bandit Killer" which is kinda cool and "Dragon Spooker" which most definitely isn't, but "Kirito the Beater" is just bad. It was bad in Harry Potter and it's bad now. Can't believe this term caught on.
OH geez, Kirito's kinda OP. Lv78, 14.5k HP and 600HP regen every 10 seconds? Then again, if he's level 78 at floor 50, what happens when he caps out? Last 50 floors're gonna suuuuuuck.
What happened on 12-17-2012? Why is that the highmark?
What happened on 12-17-2012? Why is that the highmark?
I think that was when someone posted a Toys 'R Us ad from the 80s in Gaming and it made the front page of Reddit.
I'm completely serious here. That's what did it.