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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Well, to be fair, they were a lot less subtle about Passion (they didn't even bother showing a silhouette, just her design to the back of the camera).

Dokidoki Precure 20

And so the Mana x Regina shippers will be in heaven this episode. I'm... really confused on who Ace will be. All flags point to Regina, but her facial features really don't match. And Ace is too short to be the Queen... it's weird. We'll have to see come July. In any case, it was very odd to see the transformation scene without the normal music, especially since it wasn't during a battle or anything. But it worked at least.

Regina is Yugi Muto, Ange is Atemu, Cure Ace is Yami Yugi.


Just what would qualify as "out of hand" for this thread?

I got banned once. For posting that link I sent you in PM's.
Except when pointed out that it had NSFW content I went "lol" instead of labelling it.
I dont do that anymore.
Generally I think Gaf is ok with us existing as long as we dont try to spread animegaf memes and behavior outside this thread or related anime threads.


I'm... really confused on who Ace will be. All flags point to Regina, but her facial features really don't match. And Ace is too short to be the Queen... it's weird. .

I really think people are just distracted by the lipstick. She has the same type of eyes as the other cures rather than Ange's smaller eyes. Unless resurrected Ange ends up younger somehow, which would result in creepy moments with her fiance, it must be Regina.
Patlabor TV 10
Part 1: The Flashback

This is the best episode of the show so far. Perhaps not coincidentally it is the start of the first two-parter. I knew I was in for a treat when it opened with an excellently handled flashback, notable both for being completely wordless, as well as for strong stylization that compensates for limited animation in a manner worthy of Osamu Dezaki. It is a fine illustration of the old adage “Less is more.”

The setting of the flashback is established in an economical fashion.


We see a Christmas tree, against which ghostly couples in dancing poses float through. So we must be at a Christmas party, confirmed by the later appearance of a jovial Santa holding a glass of red wine.

The Christmas banner is in English, and the gentlemen are dressed in what looks like U.S. Army uniforms. Thus this is a party for American servicemen stationed on Japan. The music, slow jazz filtered through the faded pops and crackles of an old phonograph, place the party in post-war Japan of the late 1940s and early 1950s, when the American occupiers had pushed their way into Japanese society. The black-and-white color scheme confirms the time by evoking the era of black-and-white movies. (We later learn that the year is indeed 1950.)

The stroke of genius in the color scheme is the intrusion into the black-and-white milieu of a dark red. Red, the most eye-catching color of them all; red, the color of passion and violence. It is with red that the main actress enters the stage, as a red out-of-focus umbrella approaching a couple on the outskirts of the party. Even before we see this woman, we have a good sense of her personality from her umbrella. It looms in the foreground over the couple, containing a power barely concealed by the blur. The sharp point it comes to speaks of determination and resolve, and the lurking danger of violence underneath a mask of elegance. The woman talking to the man turns slightly towards the umbrella, acknowledging the intruder's presence with a look of suspicion and mistrust. Catching her shift, the man turns around to face the women with a questioning expression.

Tension crystallizes in the air. The sense of past history between these three is palpable.

In the next shot, when the umbrella owner's face appears shrouded behind the man's hand, large and out-of-focus, we get a sense of what that past history might be. A new woman has stolen the umbrella lady's lover away from her, but she is determined to not let it stay that way. Their faces drift towards each other, as the spark of chemistry ignites between them. The new woman, seeing this, snatches the wine glass from the man's hand, the wineglass that had been lurking as another source of connection between the two people holding red, but before she can act the umbrella woman snatches the glass and throws it back into her face.

With the limited color palette, the red wine dripping down her face takes on the appearance of blood.

We are left in no doubt of who is the stronger woman, and who has been chewed up and cast aside. This shot is the last we see of the new woman, as the two others join hands and rekindle their romance in a dance. As they stare into each other's eyes, their faces floating past each other, the music in the back fades out, replaced by the hum of an airplane's engines. Their bliss was all too fleeting.


The name of the plane is a reference to the Lovely Angels, the official name of the Dirty Pair in the eponymous series. The storyboarder of this episode, Toshifumi Takizawa, was the director of the Dirty Pair TV show.

Suddenly we are on a runway watching a plane taking off. A peek into the plane reveals that it is the man who is piloting it.

His figure looks small against the glass windows that take up most of the frame, the windows holding him inside the machine.

The woman watches alone, red umbrella in hand. The elegance of this composition is admirable. The upward curving slope of the lights leads the eye to the woman, who is marked off by a pole running through the length of the shot. In contrast to the plane, pointed away from her as it flies freely through the air, she is grounded and caged by the vertical bars of the lights and the poles. Her surroundings have become a prison, keeping her apart from the man she loves.

While her eyes are shielded by the umbrella, streaming tears come into view beneath it, speaking of her deep pain and sorrow. She could save her man from other women, but she could not save him from his duty as a soldier.

The whole sequence feels like a memory recalled from many years' distance, when time has worn away the incidentals into hazy generalities but specific moments of emotional power are still vividly seared into the brain. So when a fade dissolve transitions us into the present day, revealing that what we have been inhabiting are the dreamy memories of an elderly woman dozing off, it comes as no surprise.

These two minutes are a prime example of how simple touches are all that is needed to tell a story. Flashy animation, detailed art, dramatic voice acting – none of that is necessary. Thought, care, and creativity – that is what is essential.


We are only allowed to exist because of the significant amount of ad revenue that we generate.


We all know my posts alone boost the sales of produce by 2% nationwide.

ZZ Gundam 47

So at long, long last,
Haman Khan and unfortunately Chara Soon are dead.
So the war with Axis, Zeon, and between the Federation and AEUG is all done. Kamille is healed, and kicking up sand with Worst Girl Fa Yuiry, while Judau decides he's had it with the Earth and the jackasses running it (he punches Bright Noa as a means of venting the rage he feels toward the fatasses who are running the world into the can.) and so Judau and Best Living Girl Roux Louka go on a long trip to Jupiter to get away from it all. Beecha and Elle finally hook up, Ramza saves Alma, and Sayla Mass exits stage left.

Where the fuck Amuro Ray has been all this time nobody knows. Beltachika probably killed him and has been wearing his skin for the last year.

Oh, and in true Gundam fashion, all the Gundams blew up at the end.

So uh, what's next? Char's Counter Attack?
I got banned once. For posting that link I sent you in PM's.
Except when pointed out that it had NSFW content I went "lol" instead of labelling it.
I dont do that anymore.
Generally I think Gaf is ok with us existing as long as we dont try to spread animegaf memes and behavior outside this thread or related anime threads.

I've only been warned in my short time here, thankfully. I don't know how I survived being a junior watching Vividred Operation.


Shit gets intense whenever an anime recommendation thread shows up in OT.

Nah those are usually pretty okay. It gets chippy when the discussion becomes about moe stuff and "Does modern anime suck?" But when some guy just asks for recommendations, the threads are usually peaceful.


Now that guy's a fucking modern Houdini if he's escaped banning all this time.

He was the gentleman's pervert. Damn I miss his posts.
He is the kind of guy who sits in a leather armchair listening to classical music and reading hentai doujins while sipping on chardonnay.
Attack on Titan 11:
They're really stretching this out. I think this episode was better paced than the previous two, but they really should have gotten to that ending earlier in the episode. The material has been stretched too thin, and the lack of animation was almost Episode 8 levels in a couple of scenes. The first half of the episode was fairly good, but as the episode went on we started getting more and more reaction shots. I think it's a shame that a combination of production issues and questionable pacing choices are keeping this series from reaching its full potential.


The Light of El Cantare
Some mods search their own names (I accidentally summoned Muemi here once, for instance) so if you really don't want to draw undue attention, at least intentionally misspell their name when you're discussing them.



The Light of El Cantare
I'm almost scared to post any images when I start watching Motto To Love-ru soon.

You're not obligated to, and really, most images spoil memorable dialogue or visually-interesting moments anyway. Liberate yourself and watch how much your marathon efficiency increases.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Unless a bunch of pictures got removed I don't even see anything in that thread.

That's what makes it hilarious, the images that were recently posted when you were looking were the ones certain posters were freaking out about. The thread is more entertaining to see their paranoia run amok rather than actually discussing the game at this point. Absolutely hilarious.
I only got a description from someone else about what the images contained, but it sounded really tame.

What were the juicy ones? In full details. Don't hold back.
Attack on Titan 11

LOL, this episode didn't even cover a full chapter. What the heck are they doing? It's really quite stupid to stretch the weakest material out so far.

I'm really confused at some of these choices. I don't get why they're stretching this out so much. It's not as though there's not enough material to adapt, and there's a lot of more interesting stuff coming up that I would rather them get to. They're pacing this as though they were 100 episodes into an adaptation and had to stretch things out in order to let the manga get ahead, complete with excessive amounts of reaction shots and the like.


Attack on Titan 11

LOL, this episode didn't even cover a full chapter. What the heck are they doing? It's really quite stupid to stretch the weakest material out so far.
Trying to give their animators some breathing room. Better than a recap episode.
Mars of Destruction

okay this was just plain dumb. not even like funny dumb, like annoyingly, painfully dumb.

Yup. Not really seeing the "genius" here.

Because it's not. It's the shittest anime I've ever seen.


Wii Fit girl is really cute. Like her.
This thread rarely really pushes limits. Its not as bad as people think.

I have loads of fun in anime GAF. Watch stupid anime, have stupid reaction, read stupid reactions to my stupid reaction to the stupid anime. All good fun.
I'm really confused at some of these choices. I don't get why they're stretching this out so much. It's not as though there's not enough material to adapt, and there's a lot of more interesting stuff coming up that I would rather them get to. They're pacing this as though they were 100 episodes into an adaptation and had to stretch things out in order to let the manga get ahead, complete with excessive amounts of reaction shots and the like.

My assumption is that the pacing is another victim of the production rush. They're dragging things out so that they have fewer things they need to animate.


HenNeko 10

Well, it's nice to feel like I at least have some grasp of what is going on in this series again, as long as I forget about whatever the heck those last couple of episodes were.

Not much else to say about this episode, it was fairly standard HenNeko fare. Tsukiko was transcendentally cute as usual, Azuki Azusa was transcendentally cute when she actually deigned to make an appearance as usual, King of Steel was anything but steely as usual.

And then we have what would appear to be a sudden
at the end. Does this mean we get to see transcendentally cute people
in their younger days
next episode? I'm not sure I can handle that level of cuteness.
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