Chet Rippo
I feel like the "Fire Emblem is an anime" joke is kinda playing itself out.
It isn't?
I feel like the "Fire Emblem is an anime" joke is kinda playing itself out.
Just wait and see the other asspulls this show will do. Right from the ass.
Yui is Kirito's little sister or a hacker or actually the main bad guy I don't know.
I also don't expect them to be freed from the game after clearing level 100.
Or my personal favorite: They get out but HAVE TO GO BACK!
Yui is Kirito's little sister or a hacker or actually the main bad guy I don't know.
I also don't expect them to be freed from the game after clearing level 100.
Or my personal favorite: They get out but HAVE TO GO BACK!
Oh she will, and she'll do it with a smile on her face.
Bear in mind, Utena recap episodes are not like other recap episodes.Only because there isn't anything worse than a recap episode.
OreImo S2 11:
Better than last week's episode, but it only further reminded me why Kuroneko and Kyousuke are the only good pairing in the show. There's actual chemistry between the two, and there's basically nothing with any other pairing.
Oh, and best girl being best girl.
I totally believe you, but I still want to know what happens in context.
...And then you can read the Tv Tropes entry. What a sweet, sweet, reward.
This post contains the only girls that actually matter.
Fight the power.At least it can't ruin my life because Wit Studio already did.
On a related note, my post in the Attack on Titan thread is already not going over well. Bad luck with me getting the top of the page :lol
Bear in mind, Utena recap episodes are not like other recap episodes.
At least it can't ruin my life because Wit Studio already did.
On a related note, my post in the Attack on Titan thread is already not going over well. Bad luck with me getting the top of the page :lol
^rip asuka
Muromi 11
Otohime is by far and away the best character in this series and I'd def. watch a full length series dedicated to her building up her empire and getting revenge at those wretched monsters.
Nadesico is the only show I've ever seen make recap episodes bearable.
...And then you can read the Tv Tropes entry. What a sweet, sweet, reward.
Fight the power.
Dont worry. I just called Gantz and Attack on titan shit in the same post. I can hear pitchforks coming. I gotta sleep anyway.
OreImo S2 11:
Better than last week's episode, but it only further reminded me why Kuroneko and Kyousuke are the only good pairing in the show. There's actual chemistry between the two, and there's basically nothing with any other pairing.
Oh, and best girl being best girl.
If CasualGAF didn't hate AnimeGAF before, they will now.
let's do this guys
My reading of the Titan thread is that "CasualGAF" has turned against the show, so I don't think any war will break out over your statements.
Yeah, the mood isn't particularly positive there either. But you always have that group that gets hostile to negative opinions in an official thread.
Kaiji 8
Money corrupts everyone and forces the viewer to look at a herd of pathetic naked men for a good deal of screentime.
Fuck you Andou, you anti-team player bitch of an asshole. I'm not surprised considering you intended to split back when you joined the team. Furahata, despite being responsible for getting Kaiji where he was, was still a bro to the end
Never trust a fat man is what I'm getting from this.
But then how will you know the anime you like is shit?If you don't like it stop watching it god there's no reason to troll the rest ofus who are enjoying ourselves let us watch it in peace
I can't help but think that Ayase picture would be a good photoshop for Villager.
Your take away should be that Kaiji is a dumbass.Kaiji 8
Money corrupts everyone and forces the viewer to look at a herd of pathetic naked men for a good deal of screentime.
Fuck you Andou, you anti-team player bitch of an asshole. I'm not surprised considering you intended to split back when you joined the team. Furahata, despite being responsible for getting Kaiji where he was, was still a bro to the end
Never trust a fat man is what I'm getting from this.
Your take away should be that Kaiji is a dumbass.
My reading of the Titan thread is that "CasualGAF" has turned against the show, so I don't think any war will break out over your statements.
Yeah, the mood isn't particularly positive there either. But you always have that group that gets hostile to negative opinions in an official thread. I bailed out of that thread a long time ago because of that.
If you don't like it stop watching it god there's no reason to troll the rest ofus who are enjoying ourselves let us watch it in peace
But then how will you know the anime you like is shit?
Is that so? I haven't read the thread since episode five. I'm guessing that, at least, lapsed anime fans bailed because the "anime tropes" they they bemoan finally manifested in the show.
Just guessing, but SAO OT?
Thank goodness too.
and I say that because I still haven't played it yet ;_;
I've wanted to rewatch these episodes ever since the first time I saw them. I don't know if I'd call Megure an underrated character, but he's definitely an under appreciated one.Detective Conan 217:
Now that's how you do an episode of Conan! After surviving a few AOs, I've reached Megure's backstory case. The introductory episode is great, building up an oppressive atmosphere, and doing a lot of interesting things with Megure. Watching him breaking down and having his memories from the previous case like this is a powerful moment for him (especially because his character often winds up mostly being used as a foil to the other characters rather than really taking his own actions). The scenes at the end of the episode with him and Matsumoto were great. Matsumoto really doesn't show up enough (but you can be sure some bad shit is happening if he does).
Plus, the opening scenes with Sonoko and Ran were hilarious. Sonoko is always a complete delight, and her facial expressions as she teased Ran were amazing. She's also still stuck in a place where she's not quite sure how to bring about everything with her and Makoto to actually work, and it's enjoyable to see her dealing with that in her own Sonokoish way.
Its a very good thingUhhh... In a good way, or a bad way? >.>
Do I see people discussing the relative merits of OreImo waifus? Here, allow me to settle this by presenting the 100% accurate correct ranking.
Kirino > Hinata > Kanako > Kuroneko > Ayase > Saori > Sena > Manami
But even Manami is pretty great, so yeah. Really everyone from Ayase upwards is god-tier. Kyousuke you lucky bastard.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star 4
Last episode was focused on Saki's hobby, so this episode balanced it out by focusing on Mai's hobby. Mai gets invited to join the Art Club, and her first task is to draw a picture with the theme of "Spring" for an upcoming exhibition.
After lots of umming and ahhing over what to draw, she settles on drawing a field of cabbages...except then she gets distracted helping out an old woman who is harvesting the cabbages, and ends up drawing the old woman instead. She doesn't win first prize in the exhibition, because she didn't exactly stick to the theme, but she drew a lovely picture and that's what counts.
So yeah, it kind of ended up as yet another of those "let's do some farming and be inspired by it" episodes. I guess one of those was inevitable since we had a fair few of them in the original series/Max Heart, and Splash Star seems to have a stronger "nature" focus to boot.
Speaking of which, it's kind of cool that there's actually a theme to the monsters-of-the-week this time around. Unlike all the villains in the original series and Max Heart, who would just turn any random object into a Zakenna, the current villain's power comes from manipulating "tree spirits", so all the Uzaina so far have been plant-themed. (Although in this episode, he proves that this rule can be bent somewhat, creating an Uzaina from cicadas because they draw their strength from feeding on tree sap.) I'm guessing future villains are going to be themed around different aspects of nature.
Random observations: Saki seems to have inherited an obsession with food directly from Nagisa. Flappy also seems to be following in Mepple and Mipple's footsteps by having a thing for his counterpart mascot, but Choppy for her part seems entirely oblivious. Being male mascot is suffering. Oh, and Akudaikaan doesn't really seem to be lurking in the shadows any more, so I guess that puts paid to that potential nickname.
EDIT: Oh shit, I'm a full member now! Praise be to AnimeGAF and Precure!
Lafiel is a weirdo.I've always wanted to say that.
Such a beautiful bromance.
"You're a wizard, Harry!"
The logic crystal also has to call home every 24 hours or the ship explodes.
Oreimo 4-5
Comiket episode was fun (and pretty accurate, from what I've heard about Comiket). Ayase is scary as fuck, though. :lol For a minute I thought she was about to get all yandere.
Kyousuke really is going above and beyond the call of duty here to help Kirino, though. Maybe a little too much, even.
And I will admit that Kirino isn't terrible likable at this point, but really, none of them are particularly likable, except maybe Saori and Manami. Saori's probably my favorite at the moment. Hope she sticks around for S2.
Crest of the Stars 2
I don't understand what the heck the last two minutes were about, though. That was extremely irritating, both in its rapid editing and the ugly blur-and-grime filter they used that reduced the scene to a incoherent series of unfocused images and sound. Please don't do that again, show.