Revolutionary Girl Utena 8
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cuuuuuurry. Took 'em no time to get to the eggs, though. There's quite a bit of recycled animation so far. Not that I'm really complaining, I mean, I'm only 8 episodes in, here. What's the deal with Miki's watch? I know its symbolic but like I don't even get why he's doing it on a surface level. Is he taking student council meeting minutes?
Uh, did Papillon and Lightning really swap bodies? Because of spicy curry? This show, man. It's too early in its run to have such a careless disregard for the laws of causality! "Even my own mother has never slapped me!" Well, see here, Amuro, maybe if you'd stop giving Captain Bright so much lip-- Oh, er, uh, nevermind. Wrong show.
Well I'm glad Nanami at least acknowledges that it shouldn't be possible for curry to do this. Is everyone in this show a ninja? Or can they all just apparate into a scene at will like a buncha goddamn Harry 'n Potter wizzurds? Actually, this school being Hogwarts would explain a lot about the plot. Harry 'n Potter and the Rose Bride.
THE EFF? Guy's just like "You cannot return home until you get this spice." Better hope they sell that shizz in Hogsmede, Nanami. This show is so surreal I can't get my head around it. Did they just board a plane to India? Is that the airplane into the sunset.jpg from GAF? What is this show about again?
Elephants. Falling down cliffs. At some point, I begin to understand that I can't decide if I find Anthy's perspective disconcerting or simply grating as fuck. She is that person you ask what kind of pizza they want and waste another fucking forty minutes of your life drawing the word pepperonis from their lips.
Fucking surfing pikachus I don't even know anymore. At this point, Nanami, you need to seriously consider that God just hates you and will send doomephants after you forever. Because if these things will jump down cliffs and learn to surf to get you, you are never, ever going to be free. CHU CHU IS THE DEVIL.
I have literally no explanation for what happened in this episode. Surreal somehow fails to be a good enough description for the dadaist series of insanity that transpired.