Be glad the children's show Urobochi wanted to make isn't a PreCure show.Smile Precure 45
Be glad the children's show Urobochi wanted to make isn't a PreCure show.Smile Precure 45
I also like the little flowers in the one hairclip.
The power of freckles.
its my weakness.
well its one of them.
That is the most NSFW image I have seen in all my days. Jeez Louise with spinach on top!(Nsfw just in case theres a boob or something on the site. Fuck it Im gonna label every link just jn case)
That is the most NSFW image I have seen in all my days. Jeez Louise with spinach on top!
That is the most NSFW image I have seen in all my days. Jeez Louise with spinach on top!
To think there's at least 4 volumes + of this left to be translated. What a world we live in.At first I was skeptical like I am to all promises of GLORIOUS, but then I read it.
Smile Precure 47
Why use a plot once when you can use it, not twice, not thrice, but FOUR TIMES?
Smile Precure 48 (start)
The first five counted as one.Because there's 5 precure.
I got to ease off buying so much anime for the rest of the year. I just cancelled Medaka Box and Another bluray. I keep forgetting that Right Stuf usually have a killer sale in December so some of this stuff might end up on sale.
Smile Precure END
You know, this series didn't dip as low as the other Precure shows I've seen, but it never reached the same highs either. I almost want to place Futari wa over this, despite EVERYTHING Futari wa did to piss me off, simply because the Nagisa/Honoka lead pair was so much stronger than any of the characters here. Nao and Reika? Pokemons, with one a suspect robot. Yayoi? Only there to look cute. Miyuki? Not bad, but not that involved either. Akane? Great but poorly used. The villains were also a waste. Wolfrun tried occasionally while the other two were too busy with their verbal "oni/DAWASA" ticks. Joker was fun but lazy as hell.
Also, they didn't even try with that ending, despite actually coming up with a decent monster to put onscreen for once.
"ti" makes sense to the Japanese because it's a drop-in kana replacement, but for us "chi" is better.The official Monogatari 2nd Season site now romanizes Hitagi's family name as "Senjougahara" instead of "Senjyogahara", but for some reason they're now using "Hatikuji" instead of "Hachikuji" for Mayoi.
The official Monogatari 2nd Season site now romanizes Hitagi's family name as "Senjougahara" instead of "Senjyogahara", but for some reason they're now using "Hatikuji" instead of "Hachikuji" for Mayoi.
Also there's a hilarious typo of "Karenn Araragi" though that's probably an honest mistake and will hopefully get fixed.
Oh, I'm sure they all make sense for different romanization patterns, I was just amused that they suddenly decided to change them from the Bake and Nise character pages."ti" makes sense to the Japanese because it's a drop-in kana replacement, but for us "chi" is better.
There's a code to skip the line.
Go ahead and register even though the registration makes it sound like you'll have to wait in line. You click an activation link in a confirmation email and it gives you the opportunity to enter the code there.
I ignored the Neko White PV because it's 15 seconds of Shaft cuts.
This show still manages to be really engaging after all this time. Them puns too.![]()
Ara ara
Just marathoned SAO.
Godannar Final
All in all, not a bad show. Hilariously over the top fanservice to go with the over the top battles, fairly light hearted, but a decent and unique spin on the relationship aspect of the main pilots. I wasn't wild about the supporting cast, either, but they'll do. Also, the Godannar has flame hair which is as cool as it gets for mecha.
My condolences. Glad you survived though.
Thanks.Ah, I didn't realize it was your birthday as well! Happy Birthday R_thanatos, I hope you had a good one too.
That's why we told you to watch it. It's a unique spin on a genre and it's well done.Godannar Final
All in all, not a bad show. Hilariously over the top fanservice to go with the over the top battles, fairly light hearted, but a decent and unique spin on the relationship aspect of the main pilots. I wasn't wild about the supporting cast, either, but they'll do. Also, the Godannar has flame hair which is as cool as it gets for mecha.
Doesn't Kirito have to go to school now? And can his mom even afford the internet bill at this point?
Can't wait to not learn what the villain's plan is again.
Crime Edge 12
Holy shit, that was awesome!
I love how the final boss is a little assassin girl. Best part is they aren't pulling any punches against her. It's deliciously brutal.
Channeling the powers of a psychopath serial killer is always fun, which is made all the better when the guy has the power toenhance the pain of each cut exponentially.
This show still has better animation than it has any right to have.
Yeah, kinda liked the story, despite is jumping all over the place. Interesting idea but I kinda felt they could have fleshed it out a bit more.
I missed you cause I wasn't sure when yours was, but if i'm belated or not, Happy Birthday!
Thanks! And yes, we are kugiloli bros for life!
Thanks dude!
Thanks Ultimabro!
Hahahaha thanks! That edit to that picture is incredible!
Oh yeah I did! And thanks
Buttdays are some of the best days!
Mine is totally legit lol, and thanks!
Just marathoned SAO.
Smile Precure END
You know, this series didn't dip as low as the other Precure shows I've seen, but it never reached the same highs either. I almost want to place Futari wa over this, despite EVERYTHING Futari wa did to piss me off, simply because the Nagisa/Honoka lead pair was so much stronger than any of the characters here. Nao and Reika? Pokemons, with one a suspect robot. Yayoi? Only there to look cute. Miyuki? Not bad, but not that involved either. Akane? Great but poorly used. The villains were also a waste. Wolfrun tried occasionally while the other two were too busy with their verbal "oni/DAWASA" ticks. Joker was fun but lazy as hell.
Also, they didn't even try with that ending, despite actually coming up with a decent monster to put onscreen for once.
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East 13
It took the last two minutes for any plot relevance to happen before the ending credits rolled ಠ_ಠ
If I had been watching this show when it aired, I would have honestly been way to angry to care about the second season. Thankfully, I'm not and I'm glad I don't have to wait that much longer.
As a whole, this show was a hit and miss for me. Plot was pretty much a non factor throughtout the entire season and I'm really hoping they improve on this next time in Season 2.
Character-wise, I simply detest Shino. I've never been a fan of characters with a bratty/loud mouthed attitude and Shino exhibits these traits plain as day. That said, I simply enjoyed all the other major and side characters introduced. Sosuke and Satomi were the calm, cool, and collected straight men that had pretty cool abilities related to dogs. If the story had focused on Sosuke as the lead and gotten rid of Shino, the show would have been better. Gen and Ko provided entertainment the series sorely needed and because of that, were easily my favorites of the entire cast, who I was glad to see appear more after their introduction.
Also, the music is really good. I'm always happy to watch a show that has good music apart from the Op/Ending, and this show provided exactly that.
6/10 Decent. I'll be there for Season 2.
Brand new page for AnimeGAF, and the first thing I see is Theonik's ass.
That's a selling point if I ever saw one.Brand new page for AnimeGAF, and the first thing I see is Theonik's ass.
Since sentai doesn't have ep0, I cancelled the Another preorder.
Can't wait for the sale, so much I want to get since I put off some stuff, in order to be able to get SAO bd, BLue Exorcist bd, and ps4+nfs rivals.
What does that even mean? ⋆ ᴗ ⋆pretty :cdig
So I watched Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster episode 11 the other day. Yes I know. I'm still doing this.
It's starting to get in "huuuuuuh" territory, but right now the biggest problems are "only" Shinn being the biggest asshole ever (something that unfortunately never ever changes in the original story :/) and Cagalli being completely irrelevant as the head of her government. The whole idea of putting her up there was of course a bad idea, but hey, it's an anime so whatever right? Except that as you all know, this completely destroyed her character.
And some scenes are purely stupidly awkward. In this episode, the other ORB councilmen are pressuring her to sign this treaty with the OMNI (a terrible idea, and considering they're not far from Australia and assured to get protection from ZAFT should it come to that, why the hell would they do that?) and she can't think about anything. At some point, Unato tells her they need to protect the country and yadda yadda, and she retorts with a "But...!" Cue awkard 3 seconds pause in the dialog.
On the other hand, Athrun's visit to PLANT is really nice (for now, yes I know how it goes down after). I always liked the scenery and overall feel of PLANTs, a shame we barely see any of it. And like with SEED, there are some breathtaking tracks on the OST (in this episode Shinrareba Koso, used when the trio goes to the graveyard).
The fact that there's absolutely no purpose to this trip except for "powerless Cagalli's bodyguard is going there to have a secret chat with the fucking chairman of PLANT" takes a lot out of it unfortunately. And the whole thing about Athrun not being in contact with Orb and not knowing about their alliance with OMNI or Cagalli's marriage until much later is pretty incredibly stupid. But hey, even the radio in their Mobile Suits don't function correctly in this series, so what am I hoping for exactly?
Next episode is Shinn against OMNI fleet battle, I'm looking forward to it! The one after that, however, is fucking Jesus Yamato return to the battlefield and I'm already having chills just thinking about it. Not the right kind of chills.
Why am I doing that to myself, I'm not sure. Because it's still entertaining, I guess.
Get yourself banned to find out!What does that even mean? ⋆ ᴗ ⋆
What does that even mean? ⋆ ᴗ ⋆
Hey, I know you're trying to be helpful by providing information from later in the LNs, but it's more fun watching Corvo's reactions if he doesn't know what's going on. So, stop helping!R_thanatos said:Only a few weeks have passed since they woke up they will start going at school at some point ( a special school was rehabilited for the players that were stuck in SAO ). At this point in time school hasn't started yet.
Any good Mech anime this seasons?
Not really.Any good Mech anime this seasons?
Haha, Corvo has fans among the thread lurkers.Hey, I know you're trying to be helpful by providing information from later in the LNs, but it's more fun watching Corvo's reactions if he doesn't know what's going on. So, stop helping!