Yahari 02
Hiyama makes everything better.
Hiyama makes everything better.
Uuuh what? I mean, the art was never amazing, but it certainly didn't look this cheap. Not to mention the new OP is super lazy. And what's up with not even bothering to change the transformation sequence? But you sure were quick to replace some of the best songs in the show, Toei!
At least Artemis was a true bro. He shot up several places in my ranking. Also the new eyecatch is :cajun.
The second half of Princess Tutu is very unlike the first one. Prepare to have your brains splattered.Princess Tutu 13
Oh wow, great ending to this arc. Finally, thewas pretty powerful and probably would have left me sobbing like a baby if I wasn't a jaded bastard and appreciated ballet more than I do.epic dance-off I was waiting for. Watching Tutu do the pon de deux (or whatever it's called) alone, trying to win back Mytho from Kraehe
Only part I don't understand wasthat end part with Edel. So, what, she was just a puppet, like an actual, physical puppet, being operated by a spirit who also acts like a guiding light or something? And now she's gone? That's gonna suck.
Wonder how they're gonna do this going forward.Is Kraehe coming back? I hope so. I want to see more of her. I'm not quite sure why.
KABUTO KOUJI DIES IN MAGMAToei is famous for that and yes its bullshit. However, that title is absolutely accurate. Devastatingly so![]()
Men love cute things, this isn't a valid argument!
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 045
Usagi really is fucking useless, isn't she? I liked the, though. It makes a point of just why the fuck don't they have thedoppelganger team, but that's an issue with pretty much everything ever.monsters of the week attack the girls in teams larger than one
Come, Ikuhara! Come and save anime once more! Retroactively!
None of you can ever, ever rib Articalys again for doing this, because the thing that comes after the ragequit is the quick realization that even if the thread can be a less-than-positive experience sometimes, there's still no better alternative elsewhere.
Of course, Saban killed anime yesterday so I suppose there's nothing left to talk about.
oreimo s2 2
manami hooks up with kyousuke, ayase hooks up with kirino, and ruri hooks up with her cosplay tail. everyone wins
Mad Pierrot is back!
I also don't mind this sudden turn of yuri in the thread...
For the record, I'm of course making generalizations: there are people who have an amazing time in college.
But on the whole, the friends you make in high school are your friends for life. Clubs, culture festival, sports day: these are all really important parts of youth, and are generally only a big deal in junior high and high school.
You could always predict the English names of the Gangnam Girls.
You could always predict the English names of the Gangnam Girls.
Well it's gross and disgussing
What's Gangnam Girls?
It's possibly all the fears of the precure fans that came true.
I hope this won't be true ... I hope.
/me Already priniting a "Novid was Right" t_shirt
The second half of Princess Tutu is very unlike the first one. Prepare to have your brains splattered.
They both seem pretty faithful to the LN from what I've read but the anime just presents it far better. It has a better ebb and flow to how it introduces characters and concepts, plus there was that fantastic opening at the beginning of the first episode.So I wonder how much of the manga is in the anime.
:kayos.What's Gangnam Girls?
Oh my...I need to watch this too.
Well, for that chart to actually be accurate, StrikerS would just have to be in negative figures from the beginning.
I just noticed that Disc 5 of the complete collection hasAnswers that question. And...probably has something to do with what you just said.Rue/Kraehe decked out in her undies or something on the face of it.
I honestly think the OP might kill you.
It's also notable that youma actually look monsterous overall. By comparison, very last precure monster is designed to not scare anyone. Yet SM still retains a comedic sensibility of teenage girls who are kind of making it up as they go along when fighting them.I did not remember the show being this dark, at least in the beginning.
SM is an episodic show first with plot arcs second. If you break it into filler and nonfiller you're missing the point.The fact that the "filler" episodes are as enjoyable as they are is critical to the pacing of the show, as otherwise it would be a pain to get through that early run.
S is going to blow your mind.I wholeheartedly recommend it if you are looking for a lightweight super hero(ine) cartoon. It's a fun magical girl show, with all the flaws and strengths that entails. 4 out of 5 Ikunis crossdressing as Sailor Mars.
You could always predict the English names of the Gangnam Girls.
Its a stupid naming decision by saban for precure.
War, Pestilence, Famine, Death, and Reika.
Shhh, don't say that name. You'll summon you know who.
Just saw the first episode of Guraigo and I have to say that I'm not sure of it. The reason for this is because I don't like the premise all that well. I find the MC funny and I definitely like his out of place look, but I don't enjoy the fact that he's not supposed to have friends (that's not a spoiler, its in the synopsis of the anime). I'm afraid that with that kind of story premise that he will only be friends with that dark hair girl (who I didn't like the 1st episode because she's kinda TOO direct) which would disappoint me to see all the time.
I might try to watch the 2nd episode but I'm not sure if I can keep watching if my predictions come true.
One dynamic in america that works well for colleges is the big sports programs and intense loyalty. Does such a thing exist at all in Japanese college? I'm sure there are sports teams and such representing the colleges.
Silver Spoon(Gin no Saji) is animated by QuA1ty
Awww snap!
Railgun S is already looking better than ever! Maybe the Daihaisei Arc will be animated after all!
What show is guraigo?
Not really. Just like in high school and junior high school, there are sports clubs. It's not an official school team in the sense that the school doesn't push it or anything like that. It's a club activity like anything else. You just have the benefit of other teams to play against.
Drawn for cajun, based on his character Krickett
Blood-C 2
So here seems to be the general formula for this show so far:
[first 19 minutes or so]
[last 4 minutes or so]
Decent fight scene against monsters that end with gratuitous blood squirting and spilling everywhere.
Seriously. You think cute girls doing cute things is vapid? No, THIS is vapid. Like, that scene in the cafe...they quite literally talked about nothing. Like, for real. Absolutely nothing. And lets not forget gems such as "Having (dessert snack with a French name) in your mouth...it feels like something." Wow. How do even write that with a straight face? I understand that it's supposed to feel like a kiss as Saya's friends reveal later on, but goddamn, could you have possibly written it any worse? Seriously. "It feels like something". Why do we even read hacks like F. Scott Fitzgerald when we have this?
So...this show...I would probably consider dropping it if the next episode was as much of a snoozefest as this if this show wasn't so notorious around these parts. We'll see where it goes, I guess.
Excellent work!
The Devil is a Part-Timer! 2(maou sama)
ED is kind of lazy.
You better get used to Moonlight Densetsu, because between eps 1 and 166 they only change the version used. Once.[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 047
Uuuh what? I mean, the art was never amazing, but it certainly didn't look this cheap. Not to mention the new OP is super lazy.
This isn't Precure with Mipple handwaving random new shit. Just wait for when Ikuhara and Kotono Mitsuishi both return. You won't be disapointed.And what's up with not even bothering to change the transformation sequence?
Actually it's clearly Satou's fault there and it isn't the only show he does it for. It's likeOh shit, don't tell me... am I in filler country!? Is this why the season one finale ended with!? IKUHARA YOU BASTARDRANDOM AMNESIA
Artemis is straight up garbage in the first series. A walking exposition box who won't shut up.At least Artemis was a true bro. He shot up several places in my ranking.
Natsumi/An has had like five minutes total of screen-time and she's already a much better villain than all the emo fucks from the Dark Kingdom. I believe in filler?
It's because of your pretty face, Naru-chan.
Goddammit Toei.You better get used to Moonlight Densetsu, because between eps 1 and 166 they only change the version used. Once.
Blood-C 2
So here seems to be the general formula for this show so far:
[first 19 minutes or so]
[last 4 minutes or so]
Decent fight scene against monsters that end with gratuitous blood squirting and spilling everywhere.
Seriously. You think cute girls doing cute things is vapid? No, THIS is vapid. Like, that scene in the cafe...they quite literally talked about nothing. Like, for real. Absolutely nothing. And lets not forget gems such as "Having (dessert snack with a French name) in your mouth...it feels like something." Wow. How do even write that with a straight face? I understand that it's supposed to feel like a kiss as Saya's friends reveal later on, but goddamn, could you have possibly written it any worse? Seriously. "It feels like something". Why do we even read hacks like F. Scott Fitzgerald when we have this?
So...this show...I would probably consider dropping it if the next episode was as much of a snoozefest as this if this show wasn't so notorious around these parts. We'll see where it goes, I guess.
It's a good song, it's just that too much of it can get tiring.Regulus: Moonlight Densetsu is iconic as hell, though.
If you want tiring Mamoru Oshii used Lum's Love song for 60 to 70 episodes to start Urusei Yatsura.It's a good song, it's just that too much of it can get tiring.