Robert needs to embrace web 2.0There is also Robert's anime corner which is fairly well known and trusted.
Robert needs to embrace web 2.0There is also Robert's anime corner which is fairly well known and trusted.
Robert needs to embrace web 2.0
Hah, I never thought of it that way.I'd settle for Web 1.0. Although I suppose he might be aiming at that mid-90s geocities nostalgia.
Hah, I never thought of it that way.
Well played, Robert.
They could make the show a twenty-minute clip reel of Serika being all genki and crap and I would still tune in every week.
I've never been a fan of using the word "delusion" for this, because "delusion" means actually believing in some false thing, whereas chuu2byou doesn't mean kids who literally believe in these fantasies, merely that they think all this "badass" juvenile stuff is cool, and in extreme cases assume everyone around them thinks it's cool, too, so you get the spontaneous LARPing thing. I guess you can call the latter part of thinking other people will appreciate it a delusion, but it's not like they actually think they have powers or something.Chuu-ni-byou is term for "adolescent delusions". To directly translate the name of the anime, it means "Despite my adolescent delusions, I want to experience love"
The second season isn't nearly as segmented. It also doesn't look like trash like the first did but it loses whatever charm that cheap look had, lol.
[Space Brothers] 49
They could make the show a twenty-minute clip reel of Serika being all genki and crap and I would still tune in every week.
This arc has been amazing. All the cool things I like about Space Bros plus motherfucking rattlesnakes. Sweet!
The best waifu to come out in recent times is the one that's not lolipanderbait. Who knew?Oh god yes.
so would I!!!
[Space Brothers] 49
They could make the show a twenty-minute clip reel of Serika being all genki and crap and I would still tune in every week.
I bought all of them, but I'm embarrassed to admit I backlogged all but the first DS one, which is an RTS.
(Maybe I'll venture over to gaming side and join the backlog thread.)
Strike Witches -Aozora no Dengekisen ~ Shintaichou Funtou Suru!-
It's not bad but really simple, mostly just telling them where to move and letting them auto-attack, usually with someone in front in defense-mode to block all incoming attacks.
(They have their respective unique magic abilities, but they use up HP so you don't use them much.) The weapon selection stuff is interesting if you're into WW2 guns, and you can do some amusing things like equip Barkhorn with two Fliegerhammers and then use her magic for double-firing.
My main complaint with it is that the characters don't have any conditional conversation during the battles. Like if a witch takes out a neuroi or takes damage or gets shot down (retreats) or anything, they have their own lines that they say but none of the other witches react or comment, so it's a little lifeless compared to what you'd expect from them. (Eila not reacting to Sanya getting hit feels strange.)
Of course there's scripted story parts separate from that.
How connected is Railgun to Index? Touma's awfulness prevented me from stomaching more than a few episodes of Index.
How connected is Railgun to Index? Does it work completely standalone? Touma's awfulness prevented me from stomaching more than a few episodes of Index.
How connected is Railgun to Index? Does it work completely standalone? Touma's awfulness prevented me from stomaching more than a few episodes of Index.
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - 01
*brings out notepad*
- Cool female lead? Check.
- Interesting support characters? Check.
- Yuri? Double check, with multiple lesbians and OTPs inbound. And from the looks of it, main lead Mikoto will have Madoka tier swag where all the ladies will want her. MARU!
- Lewd scenes? Check.
- Males? None, as of now the garden is secure.
How lesbian are we talking about here? 10 being Adolescence Apocalypse and 1 being any Precure.Same universe, different characters. Focuses on Railgun and her lesbian friends.
How lesbian are we talking about here? In the SDBurton scale.
How lesbian are we talking about here? 10 being Adolescence Apocalypse and 1 being any Precure.
How lesbian are we talking about here? 10 being Adolescence Apocalypse and 1 being any Precure.
How awful does an anime need to be to make cajunator hate it so much?
I've never been a fan of using the word "delusion" for this, because "delusion" means actually believing in some false thing, whereas chuu2byou doesn't mean kids who literally believe in these fantasies, merely that they think all this "badass" juvenile stuff is cool, and in extreme cases assume everyone around them thinks it's cool, too, so you get the spontaneous LARPing thing. I guess you can call the latter part of thinking other people will appreciate it a delusion, but it's not like they actually think they have powers or something.
Or at least, that's how it's supposed to be. Rikka from the anime turned out to be different from the normal meaning of chuu2byou.
Kaitou Reinya 07
The red string of fate doesn't lie.
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - 01
*brings out notepad*
- Cool female lead? Check.
- Interesting support characters? Check.
- Yuri? Double check, with multiple lesbians and OTPs inbound. And from the looks of it, main lead Mikoto will have Madoka tier swag where all the ladies will want her. MARU!
- Lewd scenes? Check.
- Males? None, as of now the garden is secure.
That was an awesome first episode and hope to god it keeps up like this. With how much this episode delivered between awesome fight scenes and yuri pandering, I'm at a loss as to why I didn't see this show when it was airing. Knowing that I have 23 eps to go, on top of the new season that will be starting soon has me hyped as hell. Let's do this!
How connected is Railgun to Index? Does it work completely standalone? Touma's awfulness prevented me from stomaching more than a few episodes of Index.
As I said above, no, it doesn't keep up with that. Misaka is a definite heterosexual and likes a brain-dead harem-lead idiot who does appear in a few episodes, and rescues her of course. Sure, the rest of the time the show is sometimes decent... but overall, I did not like Railgun very much. It is better than Index, certainly, but that doesn't make it good...Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - 01
*brings out notepad*
- Cool female lead? Check.
- Interesting support characters? Check.
- Yuri? Double check, with multiple lesbians and OTPs inbound. And from the looks of it, main lead Mikoto will have Madoka tier swag where all the ladies will want her. MARU!
- Lewd scenes? Check.
- Males? None, as of now the garden is secure.
That was an awesome first episode and hope to god it keeps up like this. With how much this episode delivered between awesome fight scenes and yuri pandering, I'm at a loss as to why I didn't see this show when it was airing. Knowing that I have 23 eps to go, on top of the new season that will be starting soon has me hyped as hell. Let's do this!
That is true, no anime, film, or even book would work well at all if it was paced like a videogame, where most of the time was spent with the character beating up random baddies...That's called removing of filler ..think of a rpg adapted in anime but without grinding & fetchquests .. They didn't do a full 1:1 adaptation of the game , they kept the plot and removed the excess fat.
I don't think people would care to see them fight generic ennemy #1351435 or civilian #1315.
Cutting the useless stuff was the right decision
It hurts so good.
Kuroko is about as SDBurton you can get. No implied homosexuality, Kuroko is pure concentrated lesbian.
I see no pattern here. SDBurton should come with a final judgment. For science.kuroko = 10, Misaka = 0, those 2 other girls are about 1 and 1, so (10+1+1+0)/4 = 3
The yuri content of railgun is a 3.
I see no pattern here. SDBurton should come with a final judgment. For science.
kuroko = 10, Misaka = 0, those 2 other girls are about 1 and 1, so (10+1+1+0)/4 = 3
The yuri content of railgun is a 3.
Misaka totally sucks though.
What about Last Order?
I can already see SDBurton's rage coming whenshows up. RIP The Garden.Tooooo-ma
I'm happily surprised. While it still had moments of comedy, this episode of Futari wa was more interested in examining Honoka's and Nagisa's budding friendship, resulting in a more subdued experience. This was thanks to a direction style unlike anything else I've seen in the show so far, making great use of lighting and in general some very clever jokes (I loved the bit with
I wouldn't find myself adorable at all.Does that mean you find Chet adorable?
:ChetBurton? That sounds pretty :dtlWith the picture there, would that be more :Chet or :SDBurton? Since it's kind of both maybe we need a :ChetBurton?
Not that I hate it, but lines must be drawn.
But what if a girl only likes her own boobs? No :SDBurton there.A girl who likes boobs is already :SDBurton, no need to make it redundant!
[Futari wa Precure] 08
It felt like when you are watching Digimon Adventure for the first time and then BAM!, Mamoru Hosoda out of nowhere. So good.Yeah, this is one of the few legitimately great episodes in the show. You'll hit a couple of others later in the season with clearly superior direction, but this one might be the best. There's only one more for which the argument could be made, and you'll know it when you see it.
Whether or not it's the point of the show, it's definitely mood whiplash. Nadesico's one of the best examples of that I've seen in anime, and it goes way too far with it to make any sense. It's trying to be everything at once, and like usual, that doesn't work.It's not really mood whiplash, its the entire point of the show.
Nadesico is a show thats both self deprecating and completely serious at the same time. It's a mecha/scifi type of show that is both serious and yet the greatest in comedy - an absolutely hilarious parody of oh so many tropes in the genre yet being one it of itself at the same time. It's a mockery to the entire genre, really to the traditional notion of what an anime has to be about and thats why its so brilliant.
I've never watched a show thats quite like Nadesico. The closest is something like Irresponsible Captain Tylor but it doesn't have the same level of charm.
You're not really subverting tropes when you're using them half of the time with all seriousness, and then other times laughing at them. That's just, well, as I said, mood-whiplash material, not anything so great.Yeah, exactly. Nadesico is a show that manages to parody all of the ridiculousness of mecha anime, while also telling a serious plot which subverts the typical tropes of the genre. It does a brilliant job at making fun of all of the characters and their ridiculous and contrived situations, and then in the next moment has you feeling all of their emotions and taking everything seriously.
It's also a rare example of an anime which can actually be called post-modern in a legitimate usage of the term (as opposed to many other times in which that phrase is thrown around incorrectly to anything that's slightly different), and wants to reexamine the relationship between the form and function of a story, and interact with its audience in a more meaningful way than simply conveying a story.
Ugh, go away KyoAni, and come back when you're making something good again...
Ah. I haven't watched any of that one, but I do know it's set in the future and has motorcycles. I'd like to get the Wii 5D's themed futuristic racing game sometime, I like that genre...5D's.
She's so great that sheWhat about Last Order?
Well, he can't say he wasn't warned.I can already see SDBurton's rage coming whenshows up. RIP The Garden.Tooooo-ma