Asuka and them may have tipped the scale in good favor, yes.You just wanted to see Nono and L'alc wearing a bunny suit, you perv.
Asuka and them may have tipped the scale in good favor, yes.You just wanted to see Nono and L'alc wearing a bunny suit, you perv.
Since Nafe knows even my mother's birthday.
Is Lelouche Wesley Crusher? No. He's not. Nothing you say can make it otherwise.I'm always joking but I stand by what I say.
Lelouch has all one of flaw, which is being kind of a megalomaniac. But then again, what Gary Stu doesn't overestimate himself in all situations?
Yuyushiki 3
This show has absolutely no business being as goddamn well-animated as it is. For real. It's really just so nice to look at.
Other than that...I generally have no idea what the hell is going on. I think duckroll's right. It's the story of a girl and her two brain-dead lesbian friends. That said, this episode was a big improvement from the first two. So there's that.
He beats a man at Chess in 8 and a half minutes with no more than 20 seconds per move.
Is Lelouche Wesley Crusher? No. He's not. Nothing you say can make it otherwise.
Is Lelouche Wesley Crusher? No. He's not. Nothing you say can make it otherwise.
Then you'll be forever incapable of discussing what a Mary Sue/Gary Stu is.Sorry, I don't watch nerd stuff like Star Trek![]()
Then you'll be forever incapable of discussing what a Mary Sue/Gary Stu is.
Suzaku wasn't a Mary Sue - he's also the best (and most well-written, although that doesn't mean much in Geass) character in the series. Not surprised that so many anime fans hate him.
Okay, 1: Fuck off with the "Did you even watch the episode?" Because obviously I did or we wouldn't be talking about it.
2: Fuck off with the don't watch the show jazz. I hate it when I say one thing about a show and its fans rush to tell me to jump ship because how dare I or whatever. This happened when I dared to say Shinji was a wet-blanket, and here it is again. You don't see me telling fertygo not to watch Martian Successor Nadesico when he knocks it. It'd be different if I was 15 episodes into a 25 and still bitching it up, but this was the pilot, cut me some fucking slack.
3: I have watched ONE EPISODE. ONE. And then I posted my reaction. Of that episode. Not a judgment of the entire show, a reaction to a pilot episode. Of course I don't know the entire point of the plot so quit expecting me to know the entire point of the plot when I have watched only one episode. Defensive much?
Suzaku's philosophy the entire show was beyond idiotic.
Well, if you're into that reading books thing then Shug in The Color Purple is another poster child mary sue.Indeed, I have yet to learn from the mountain.
Nah, he's just a dude confronted with two awful choices with no way out.
All that goes out the window in R2 but that's true for every character, so eh.
Ok is anyone, who has seen G Gundam, willing to defend the show up to this point(the Tokyo arc)? So far I have a pretty negative impression of the show.
That's pretty much what you'd expect from Blitz chess. If the players don't get much time per move, the game's naturally going to end quickly.
Well, if you're into that reading books thing then Shug in The Color Purple is another poster child mary sue.
Suzaku actually has the typical anime hero mentality of I'm faced with two impossible choices but I'll choose none of them and it will magically work out.
Its just that in Geass, that whole thing doesn't really work and is exposed as a lie and Suzaku just comes off looking like an idiot.
Suzaku's philosophy the entire show was beyond idiotic.
For some reason, people can't accept a character being hypocritical, even if it makes sense for a person to act that way sometimes.
Suzaku actually has the typical anime hero mentality of I'm faced with two impossible choices but I'll choose none of them and it will magically work out.
Its just that in Geass, that whole thing doesn't really work and is exposed as a lie and Suzaku just comes off looking like an idiot.
Suzaku actually has the typical anime hero mentality of I'm faced with two impossible choices but I'll choose none of them and it will magically work out.
Its just that in Geass, that whole thing doesn't really work and is exposed as a lie and Suzaku just comes off looking like an idiot.
I really liked it. The first arc, prior to Tokyo, was kinda meh, but Tokyo is when it started to pick up for me. Guyana is a dip and then it gets awesome. The show also does this stupid thing where it bumrushes you through four episodes of Domon's friends in similar situations in a row, multiple times, but on the whole I enjoyed it.
I don't recall his opponent being under similar time limitations, though.
Code Geass 1
So I'm trying for the second time to get into this show, since I guess we're doing this as a group watch or whatever. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. OP is cool, the idea that America would utterly crush Japan is okay, but that the US would ever call itself Britannia is hilolious.
Lelouch looks like goddamn Slenderman. Except with a worse face. Who thought those proportions were okay? Americans permitting a Prince or a King to exist is also hilolious. And the idea that Britain would defeat America is also preposterous, so let's please not suggest that that's what happened, either.
I know, I know, suspend my disbelief.
Why does he keep saying "obliterate"? I mean, I don't get that. Why not anything other than that? Sounds so awkward. Still, that's nitpicking, I guess.
Okay, so, episode is over, and fierce nationalism that makes me uncomfortable since I'm a member of the group portrayed as the bad guys aside, I'd say about half this episode was fine. Story of rebels fighting an empire, and so on.
But wow do I hope Lelouch improves and fast. He's a terrible Mary Sue and an all around detriment to this show. Considering he just gained the literal power to make people do what he wants, I somehow doubt that this is going to be the case.
I understand this is the favorite show of some here, and so I hope I come to like it, cuz I'd hate to break more hearts the way I did with Gundam Shit 00.
I'm sorry about your parents.I wish I could be a Mary Sue.
Half of what makes a Mary Sue is the unequivocal adoration from the rest of the cast(or just a free pass in general), because why would the author's proxy be anything BUT loved?That's why he's not a Sue, because his innate Sueness failed him.
I don't see why you need to bring profanity into what is supposedly a civil discussion but fuck you too.
Lelouch didn't overpower Suzaku. The only reason he didn't get his ass kicked is because it was CLEARLY SHOWN that they somehow know each other. The girl jumping in to protect him is CLEARLY something that will be explained. Or do you think people will just randomly try to get shot in this show?
I think the problem is with you for calling a character of a show a Marty Sue after all of 1 episode. You weren't aiming for a reaction with that? If you don't want to generate discussion, start a blog.
I'm sorry I bothered with trying to have a discussion with you if that's the reaction you're gonna give to people.
Half of what makes a Mary Sue is the unequivocal adoration from the rest of the cast(or just a free pass in general), because why would the author's proxy be anything BUT loved?
Suzaku probably has more in common with Nanami than a Mary Sue.
It's sad. He's either hated or laughed at as a meme.
But he did choose a path, it's why he's so hated.
Suzaku has literally magicalplot armor.
You wrote an article? Even I didn't take it that far.I had one of my English-savvy girls read an article I wrote about SAO and why it sucked balls, and despite agreeing with everything I said, she was still all "But the female characters are so cute! And Kirito is so cool!"
I can't win.
I sometimes forget there are guy idols in iDOLM@STER.
Don't get so shocked and enraged when you make a post that could easily be you trolling and it gets a cold reaction.I don't call it a discussion when you do things like ask pointless rhetorical questions like "did you watch the episode"? You cannot tell me you meant for this to be a civil discussion when you do stuff like that. You want civility, you lead off with it. I'd love discussion, if I hadn't been open to it, I wouldn't have asked questions and you know, been in the middle of discussing it with people when you got defensive and started doing childish things like asking if I'd watched an episode I had been in the middle of discussing because I, you know, watched.
If you don't like seeing people say negative things about a show you like, read only your own posts from here on out.
Assuming we take your advice and skip R2, Suzaku's motivations by the end of season 1 is basically. That goes counter with wanting to "protect" his people since they show that the Japanese are mistreated..assimilation
Suzaku is just a gullible idiot incapable of realizing that fact.
If his opponent had unlimited time to move and lost in 8:30, then he's an incredibly shitty chess player, because he should be thinking about his moves for much longer than that.
Oh fuck. It begins.
Don't get so shocked and enraged when you make a post that could easily be you trolling and it gets a cold reaction.
Assuming we take your advice and skip R2, Suzaku's motivations by the end of season 1 is basically. That goes counter with wanting to "protect" his people since they show that the Japanese are mistreated..assimilation
It's not Gundam, so if I really do wind up disliking it, I'll likely stop somewhere halfway through, like I did with Rah Xephon.
Somebody convince me that I don't want to buy Girls und Panzer BDs.
Alright. Feels like it's time to bring it on home. Final 3 episodes of Blood-C. Here I go.
something I noticed about aiura. The end end is super cute. (sorry cajun)
Assuming we take your advice and skip R2, Suzaku's motivations by the end of season 1 is basically. That goes counter with wanting to "protect" his people since they show that the Japanese are mistreated..assimilation
It's not complicated, he had to choose betweenresistance or assimilation and he chose the latter.
And you know what? If it wasn't for Lelouch's magic fuckup/Euphienator he probably succeeds.
I don't call it a discussion when you do things like ask pointless rhetorical questions like "did you watch the episode"? You cannot tell me you meant for this to be a civil discussion when you do stuff like that. You want civility, you lead off with it. I'd love discussion, if I hadn't been open to it, I wouldn't have asked questions and you know, been in the middle of discussing it with people when you got defensive and started doing childish things like asking if I'd watched an episode I had been in the middle of discussing because I, you know, watched.
If you don't like seeing people say negative things about a show you like, read only your own posts from here on out.
Lelouch threw the guy off him BEFORE they recognized each other, so I don't see what's so clear about what you're saying.
Ok is anyone, who has seen G Gundam, willing to defend the show up to this point(the Tokyo arc)? So far I have a pretty negative impression of the show.
What script are you using that replaces Youtube links with their video titles, even in quotes?You wrote an article? Even I didn't take it that far.
I sometimes forget there are guy idols in iDOLM@STER.
You wrote an article? Even I didn't take it that far.
I've never watched R2.