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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Full Metal Panic! 24

This is the last episode of the first season, meaning Fumoffu! is up next. In any case, there's a lot of uh, shall we say stuff that I didn't get when I saw this show as a kid. For instance, when commanding the ship to do certain things, Kaname is seen naked in a green pool doing some symbolic gesture that corresponds to whatever action it is she wants the sub to do. In the case of lifting both mecha upward, she's seen raising cupped hands full of water.

When she wants to open the flight deck, though, she spreads her legs apart.

Then there's more overt stuff, like Gauron's Venom humping Sousuke's Arbalest as he calls him honey and says "I love you Kashim!" But then, Gauron is kind of not subtle at all.

The best part of the episode comes after Tessa does roll call and sees off the bodies of the dead. She's back in front of the vending machine, just staring, and Sousuke walks up and she just bawls. Just. Bawls.

Anyway, on to FMP!F!


Maturity, bitches.
So they call them 1.11, 2.22 and 3.33.

Do they come with a changelog so you know the differences between those and versions 1, 2 and 3?


Code Geass 1

OP is cool, the idea that America would utterly crush Japan is okay, but that the US would ever call itself Britannia is hilolious.

The alternate history of Code Geass is fairly ridiculous, as others have already stated. Then again, this is a world with magic eyes that can give absolute commands to people. The existence of such magical powers can ostensibly make swallowing some of the crazy divergences easier, I'd argue, but my advice would be to avoid worrying about historical fluff that's rarely even brought up during the show.

Who thought those proportions were okay?

CLAMP, who are the original character designers, use those proportions in a lot of their works, so I guess it comes with the territory...and incidentally, they're not too far from the proportions used by Takahiro Kimura. He was the character designer for GaoGaiGar, though his style has changed a bit over the years. Here, he was responsible for adapting CLAMP's designs and his stylistic influence becomes more noticeable later on.

Okay, so, episode is over, and fierce nationalism that makes me uncomfortable since I'm a member of the group portrayed as the bad guys aside, I'd say about half this episode was fine. Story of rebels fighting an empire, and so on.

There is nationalism in the show, but I'd say it also benefits from the fact that Lelouch isn't Japanese nor a nationalist. That puts his actions in another perspective, for better or for worse.



I'll bet Cajun will still find it cute.

still cute!

Blood-C 12

Alright, I really don't know what there is to say at this point. You know how it ends, you know the details, etc. etc. I really don't need to parrot these things to you if you're highlighting these spoiler tags.

What I will say is that I, at this moment in time, hate everything. I hate this show. I hate everybody behind this show. I hate this computer. I hate puppies. I hate all those cute things that this community loves so much. I hate couches. I hate potatoes. I hate NeoGAF. And I hate you. Yes, you. You reading this post. I hate you. I don't know who's going to read this post beyond a few people. But I do know I hate you.

I hate these fucking characters. I hate Fumito. I don't know how he managed to get such massive government funding for such a pet project. Would Saya change, or would she stay the same if she was put in that environment. Answer: WHAT DOES IT FUCKING MATTER?! But he managed to get massive amounts of money to build a whole fucking town and populate it with actors, then got the go-ahead to kill all of the extras afterward. All of them. Hundreds of people. He actually got the green light to have all of them murdered brutally once his experiment was over. His dumb experiment that does not provide any real constructive data whatsoever. Just a whim of his. Do you understand why I hate everything now? Of course you do. You've seen this. You know what happens. Fuck you, by the way.

I hate that girl that survived. You want to be governor of Tokyo, huh? Well everybody knows that the best way to forward your political career is to participate in above top secret experiments where hundreds of people are killed. Yeah, you got yourself a political ally. But come on. Do you really think nobody's going to find out about this? Should I remind you that nobody did anything to secure Saya in that territory? She's escaped the set, and now she's gone. And that reminds me; why didn't anyone care whether or not she escaped? She's kind of classified information, and a danger to everyone, and a danger to the secrecy of this whole project. It would probably behoove you to have her in custody again.

I hate all those other lead actors and I actually enjoyed seeing them get killed by that monster. Especially that second one. That was hilarious. And usually I would be disturbed by the mass murder of those extras. Particularly the part where they put a whole bunch in a bag and put a fucking GRINDER in there to rip them apart. But I'm not. Because I hate them now. I hate everything.

And I hate Saya and her "father". I don't know why. They're really the innocent victims here. But I do. I hate everything.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a shower to try and cleanse myself. It probably won't. I can probably only cleanse myself by destroying my accounts on Huu and this site. Or destroying the sites wholesale, which I can't do, as well as destroying any memory for having watched this show. Or any trace that this show ever even existed in the first place. Okay, I've settled on traveling back in time and killing the creator of this show before he can create it. I'll probably be doing everyone a favor; the dude's obviously a menace to society. He should probably be institutionalized solely for this. He is off his rocker. I have a duty to mankind when you really think about it.

After my shower, I might watch some Heartcatch Precure. Because that's the one thing I don't hate right now. Yes, I realize I said I hate everything. But everything has exceptions

But I still hate you. Fuck you.

fuck you too <3<3<3

thanks for watching! :D

by the way, my roommate was all frustrated because she could only find 6 episodes of Blood C.
She was so grateful when I lent the whole series.
wonder if she hates me now?
Samurai Girls S2 (Samurai Brides) 2 - ..... This show is like watching your brain dribble out of your ears, it's so mind-bendingly stupid... and normally I do not enjoy such things, but this one's SO unbelievably dumb that I'll keep watching, I guess. Seriously, being this stupid takes effort!

As for the plot, in this episode we meet a new character, a monkey who used to follow Yukimura around, before the beginning of S1. It's engaged in being an underwear thief, and is stealing Yukimura's underwear. She thinks that Muneakira did it, and so doesn't mind, but Princess Sen doesn't believe her, so they set off to find the truth... and find the monkey...
and Muneakira, naturally, holding a pair of underwear. Sen punches him through a wall.
Yeah, as if that WASN'T going to happen. :p I mean, you have to have a perfectly timed coincidence in that kind of scene, don't you?

So then, we learn that Jubei can sort of speak monkey, though given her ... limited intelligence... in the normal form that is now her only form, she can't communicate it too well. Anyway though, we get the backstory; the monkey got pointed in the right direction by the villain girls' group, after asking where Yukimura was. How convenient.

Then there's a stupid argument between Kanetsugu and the monkey, where Kanetsugu acts like a dog and the monkey like a monkey; apparently, in Japan dogs and monkey are like cats and dogs, and do not get along. Expect a lot more stupid, plus maid costumes of course. This series is defining itself with brain-hurting levels of dumb that occasionally manages to be amusing, but often is just 'wha... that was dumb' stuff. Oh yeah, and that villain girl visits the cafe again. No fights this time though.

Finally, the monkey tries to leave, because the dojo is poor and affording the extra food will be tough, but Jubei stops it (her?). And then Kanetsugu knocks the monkey into the air and... surprise!
It lands on Muneakira's mouth, and turns into a monkey-girl with strong general powers. Yes, really. She appears naked of course, though later she gets a maid outfit. Last episode promised anther general... and it delivered, at the end.

And with that, the money woes are cured! Suddenly the dojo-maid cafe is packed with schoolgirls who all want to see the monkey and monkey-girl (in maid costume of course). The show even lampshades about the question of where so many students came from isn't one with a good answer. Well, was ANYTHING in this episode not dumb? No, not really. Maybe there was a couple of seconds somewhere, but that's a definite maybe. So I'll give a pass there.
Oh yeah, and Kanetsugu was sent flying at the end. I wonder if she'll be absent for a while now. We'll see.

Overall... dumb. Brain-hurting levels of dumb. This is a show trying to define "stupid" in anime, more so than I remember the original show being. I mean, it was stupid... but this is stupider, and even more fanservicey too. But at least it's silly/fanservicey dumb, not offensive/awful dumb, so I'll watch more.

Three girls doing absolutely nothing for 3 minutes < Three girls being hyper for 23 minutes

Three girls doing moderately amusing, if somewhat normal, things for 3 minutes > two girls acting like annoying, brain-dead idiots for 23 minutes, plus one who's a sane human being.


The alternate history of Code Geass is fairly ridiculous, as others have already stated. Then again, this is a world with magic eyes that can give absolute commands to people. The existence of such magical powers can ostensibly make swallowing some of the crazy divergences easier, I'd argue, but my advice would be to avoid worrying about historical fluff that's rarely even brought up during the show.

Yeah, I'm just kinda suspending my disbelief for Code Geass' alt history. I think I'll enjoy things more if I just shrug that off as an "okay, whatever."

CLAMP, who are the original character designers, use those proportions in a lot of their works, so I guess it comes with the territory...and incidentally, they're not too far from the proportions used by Takahiro Kimura. He was the character designer for GaoGaiGar, though his style has changed a bit over the years. Here, he was responsible for adapting CLAMP's designs and his stylistic influence becomes more noticeable later on.

Given the silly features of a lot of characters in GGG, that makes a lot more sense. Oddly enough, only Lelouch looks like he has weird proportions to me. But then, since others have commented he's not very athletic, perhaps his being incredibly thin is intentional.

There is nationalism in the show, but I'd say it also benefits from the fact that Lelouch isn't Japanese nor a nationalist. That puts his actions in another perspective, for better or for worse.

I'm still split on the nationalism thing. I mean, I can't well blame them, but it is pretty odd to be one of the villains. So Lelouch isn't actually Japanese (don't hate me its hard to tell in anime)? That would explain his name, I guess.

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 24

There's this really weird anti-earth stuff that happens in this show that I just do not get about people being tethered to the Earth and stuff. I like it because it is a feasible sort of silly notion I could expect people to actually come up with. Unlike the term Spacenoids. Why anybody would ever willingly go by Spacenoid is beyond me.

Kamile has no luck, what with getting clobbered in the face and pistol whipped and all. Still, he's become one of the most likeable characters on the show. This episode made me reconsider my feelings toward the show, and that they might have been misplaced last episode because of a few exceptionally lame characters. Notable at the moment is Fa, who I hope will grow out of being such a nuisance soon.

Did Jared get a hair cut in this episode? His Johnny Bravo hair wasn't so out of whack for once. And has anybody else noticed that Commander Jamaichon has a hilariously tall forehead? Or a humorously small face? Either way Jamaichon is my favorite villain in the entire show because he's just so comical. Unlike Sriracha, who creeps me out.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much of this show GSD ripped off, though. I'd make a list but it'd be tiresome. Watching this helps me understand the hate that show gets, if not feel it.

And why haven't the Titans churned out a new Gundam yet? They went to all that trouble to build two MK. IIs and then stopped? I don't get it, just like I don't get why Earth forces would be using Zakus instead of GMs.
Finished Baccano! Holy crap, gory as fuck. It was good, though. I love Isaac & Miria.

I just marathoned 1 - 16 of Steins;Gate too. At first I was convinced it would be boring, but nope! It's one of the most interesting and original series I've seen in a while. So dark, though. So harsh!


Yuyushiki 3

By far, the best episode yet. Unlike the first two, it had many funny sketches spread throughout the runtime as opposed to one or two stand-out scenes. There was barely any point when I was feeling detached or bored. Not only because some of these gags were pretty nice, but the reaction faces and snappy editing were really above average. I already knew "ahoboy" Hiroshi Ikehata was pretty good at comedy, but the animation director, desuran, did a wonderful job. So many nice expressions and drawings full of character.
Of course, the animation was insane this week, and that also helped a lot to make the whole thing nice to watch. I was also pleased with the layout work, which seems to be consistently great in Yuyushiki. I wonder if the series director makes sure of that? Yet again, a lot of shots with depth and various events happening at the same time, and many funny, unusual camera angles.

I'm loving the interaction of these three so far. I like how Yui isn't as rigid as it may seem, and plays along with a lot of the retarded hijinks of the other two. Her personality and quirks are well-defined but still pretty malleable. I feel identified with a lot of these random tangents and non-sequitur the show likes to engage in. I think it has been capturing the group of friends pretty well. With this episode it's getting more into its groove. It's typical for slice of life works like this to always get better as they progress, so I hope Yuyushiki follows the rule and continues to deliver.


Tragic victim of fan death
Finished Baccano! Holy crap, gory as fuck. It was good, though. I love Isaac & Miria.

I just marathoned 1 - 16 of Steins;Gate too. At first I was convinced it would be boring, but nope! It's one of the most interesting and original series I've seen in a while. So dark, though. So harsh!



Azumanga Daioh 14

Beachhouse 2, Puberty Boogaloo. This is the amazing one in which Ms. Kurasawa explains things to the girls during a hilarious montage of nature, and later Chiyo, when asking about it, invokes the same thing. This scene is referenced in the second season of Rin-ne no Lagrange when the Chairwoman asks Madoka about her virginity in order to embarrass her into opening the Rin-ne.

Other highlights from this episode: Sakaki's swimsuit (not as good as the red one), Kaorin being stuck with Mr. Kimura at Astronomy Camp, and Tomo tossing the keys into the grass.

Tomo tossing those keys is one of the best scenes in the whole show.

Betterman 6

So it turns out that Algernon can take over your brain via computers and electronics. Oh boy. The Chief is really upset about all this, but Keita is too busy ogling the new lady to care. The team takes a trip to India, where some ominous hintshadowing is done about Hinoki's origin and awful hair. Most notable is that Lamia Betterman's Parrot Owl Bug has mentioned that there are other forms for Betterman to obtain. Also I figured out that the big gold zit on Papillon's forehead is a psychic gem, since other psychics in this show have such gems.


Finished Baccano! Holy crap, gory as fuck. It was good, though. I love Isaac & Miria.

I just marathoned 1 - 16 of Steins;Gate too. At first I was convinced it would be boring, but nope! It's one of the most interesting and original series I've seen in a while. So dark, though. So harsh!

Well you just finished two of the best shows...ever. Isaac and Miria are pretty cool but Jacuzzi and Nice are where it's at. There's actually a lot of great couples in that show.

S;G is great despite its flaws. Damn good sci-fi and one of the best protagonists. I don't think it's super dark. It's certainly grim at points but it never felt dark for the sake of being dark which is good..


Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Anime...

Chief Director: Takashi Sakamoto
Series Composition: Kenji Inoue
Screenplay: Minase Hazuki
Character Design: Udo Nozomi
Color scheme: Kobata Miyuki
Art Director: Maeda real
Director of Photography: Kosuke Nakanishi
Music: Tatsuya Kato
Music Production: Lantis
Opening Theme: ChouCho


So the earlier OP talks, got me to thinking how I would rank my favorite OPs, by both visuals and song. I tried to limit it to one song per franchise, otherwise there would have been a shitload of FMA on here.

1.Cowboy Bebop- Tank

2.Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann- Sky Blue Days

3.Eureka Seven- Days

4.Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig- Rise

5.Fate/Zero- To the Beginning

6.Baccano- Gun's and Roses

7.Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood- Hologram

8.Samurai Champloo- Battlecry

9.Diebuster- Groovin Magic

10.Psycho-Pass- Out of Control


Japan's Top 20 Pre-orders sales numbers for this season...

***,*14&#20301;/***,*14&#20301; &#9733; (**2,159 pt) Uta Pri 2000% [Blu-ray]
***,*16&#20301;/***,*18&#20301; &#9675; (**2,120 pt) Uta Pri 2000% [DVD]

***,*21&#20301;/***,*20&#20301; &#9733; (**2,768 pt) Shingeki no Kyojin [Blu-ray]
***,*30&#20301;/***,*31&#20301; &#9678; (**2,097 pt) Suisei no Gargantia Blu-ray BOX
***,*37&#20301;/***,*38&#20301; &#9733; (**2,860 pt) Railgun S [Blu-ray]
***,*82&#20301;/***,*79&#20301; &#9733; (**3,216 pt) Ore no Imouto [Blu-ray]
***,*85&#20301;/***,*81&#20301; &#9733; (***,852 pt) Hataraku Maou-sama [Blu-ray]
***,*91&#20301;/***,*86&#20301; &#9733; (**1,319 pt) Hentai Ouji [Blu-ray]
***,129&#20301;/***,129&#20301; &#9675; (**1,792 pt) Shingeki no Kyojin 1 [DVD]
***,131&#20301;/***,131&#20301; &#9733; (***,625 pt) Valvrave [Blu-ray]
***,163&#20301;/***,171&#20301; &#9733; (**1,149 pt) Nyaruko-san W [Blu-ray]
***,186&#20301;/***,175&#20301; &#9733; (**1,888 pt) Date A Live [Blu-ray]
***,229&#20301;/***,230&#20301; &#9733; (**1,417 pt) Yondemasu Azazel-san Z [Blu-ray]
***,271&#20301;/***,248&#20301; &#9675; (**1,310 pt) Karneval [DVD]
***,380&#20301;/***,388&#20301; &#9733; (***,520 pt) Yahari... [Blu-ray]
***,394&#20301;/***,373&#20301; &#9733; (***,483 pt) Muromu-san [Blu-ray]
***,460&#20301;/***,463&#20301; &#9733; (***,538 pt) Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge [Blu-ray]
***,527&#20301;/***,511&#20301; &#9733; (***,839 pt) Devil Survivor 2 [Blu-ray]
***,540&#20301;/***,519&#20301; &#9733; (***,792 pt) Karneval 1 [Blu-ray]



rinne no KAMOGAWA 12.5


come the fuck on

All I was expecting was some yuri nonsense but what I got was "aliens" obsessing over HOW FUKKEN AWESOME KAMOGAWA IS!!!!!!!! Kamogawa food, Kamogawa fashion, Kamogawa school events. I meaC, Jesus christ they EVEN HAD A FUCKING REPLICA OF THE ENTIRE CITY IN A MASSIVE SPACESHIP SHOPPING MALL. I know this entire series was one big advert for the place (which backfired tremendously btw) but I don't ever remember it being as overbearing and cringeworthy as it was in this 40 minute turd of an OVA (well, in the first season anyway. i didnt really bother with the second season past a few episodes as it was complete shit).


And why haven't the Titans churned out a new Gundam yet? They went to all that trouble to build two MK. IIs and then stopped? I don't get it, just like I don't get why Earth forces would be using Zakus instead of GMs.

Well, there was the Psyco Gundam and later a Psyco Gundam MkII, but that's it. During the 80s most anime still avoided hero-like robots on the enemy side.


Honestly I don't care about visuals. As long as the song is dope I like it.
So any opening with a song by a band I like is good :lol


Japan's Top 20 Pre-orders sales numbers for this season...

***,*14&#20301;/***,*14&#20301; &#9733; (**2,159 pt) Uta Pri 2000% [Blu-ray]
***,*16&#20301;/***,*18&#20301; &#9675; (**2,120 pt) Uta Pri 2000% [DVD]

***,*21&#20301;/***,*20&#20301; &#9733; (**2,768 pt) Shingeki no Kyojin [Blu-ray]
***,*30&#20301;/***,*31&#20301; &#9678; (**2,097 pt) Suisei no Gargantia Blu-ray BOX
***,*37&#20301;/***,*38&#20301; &#9733; (**2,860 pt) Railgun S [Blu-ray]
***,*82&#20301;/***,*79&#20301; &#9733; (**3,216 pt) Ore no Imouto [Blu-ray]
***,*85&#20301;/***,*81&#20301; &#9733; (***,852 pt) Hataraku Maou-sama [Blu-ray]
***,*91&#20301;/***,*86&#20301; &#9733; (**1,319 pt) Hentai Ouji [Blu-ray]
***,129&#20301;/***,129&#20301; &#9675; (**1,792 pt) Shingeki no Kyojin 1 [DVD]
***,131&#20301;/***,131&#20301; &#9733; (***,625 pt) Valvrave [Blu-ray]
***,163&#20301;/***,171&#20301; &#9733; (**1,149 pt) Nyaruko-san W [Blu-ray]
***,186&#20301;/***,175&#20301; &#9733; (**1,888 pt) Date A Live [Blu-ray]
***,229&#20301;/***,230&#20301; &#9733; (**1,417 pt) Yondemasu Azazel-san Z [Blu-ray]
***,271&#20301;/***,248&#20301; &#9675; (**1,310 pt) Karneval [DVD]
***,380&#20301;/***,388&#20301; &#9733; (***,520 pt) Yahari... [Blu-ray]
***,394&#20301;/***,373&#20301; &#9733; (***,483 pt) Muromu-san [Blu-ray]
***,460&#20301;/***,463&#20301; &#9733; (***,538 pt) Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge [Blu-ray]
***,527&#20301;/***,511&#20301; &#9733; (***,839 pt) Devil Survivor 2 [Blu-ray]
***,540&#20301;/***,519&#20301; &#9733; (***,792 pt) Karneval 1 [Blu-ray]

I can never understand these sales numbers. Is HMS! doing well or poorly? That's all I need to know.

Honestly I don't care about visuals. As long as the song is dope I like it.
So any opening with a song by a band I like is good :lol

For me, the three important things for an OP are the song being catchy, the visuals going well with the song and the song/visuals being relevant to the show itself. I think it needs to have those three things to be a really great OP.


Keep in mind that the disks haven't actually released yet. The tracker points are cool and all, but I'd take them with a grain of salt.


Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Anime...
Chief Director: Takashi Sakamoto
Series Composition: Kenji Inoue
Screenplay: Minase Hazuki
Character Design: Udo Nozomi
Color scheme: Kobata Miyuki
Art Director: Maeda real
Director of Photography: Kosuke Nakanishi
Music: Tatsuya Kato
Music Production: Lantis
Opening Theme: ChouCho

Nobody in this crew strikes me as particularly good. I do think Sakamoto is an interesting pick though because of the Amnesia stuff and I think he could get the darker aspects of the magical battles. I didn't watch Amnesia long enough to get a feel for how he would handle the action sequences though. Not sure how Inoue will do as I wasn't wild about Baka Test but it did have a few good comedic moments. Nozomi though needs to be dragged into a back alley and shot though for how he fucked up the faces in comparison to the surprisingly good art in the manga. Hopefully it'll come across better in motion but probably not.


Keep in mind that the disks haven't actually released yet. The tracker points are cool and all, but I'd take them with a grain of salt.
Hell, starting with last season, I stopped looking at the Amazon Stalker completely until the week before any particular volumes were to go on sale. Plus there's always occasional factors like reduced prices and event tickets and such that can give off an inaccurate impression for a show's overall strength, so even a volume 1 that sells like crazy might not indicate the same level of super-success in the long run.

Case in point: the first volume of UtaPri S1 sold just over 20,000 in its first week. Volume 2? Fell just shy of 12,000 in week one, but it did manage to hold that new average for the rest of the volumes. (And then the final volume had a ticket for a live event which skyrocketed its first week sales to over 25,000. So you can see what a one-volume difference a ticket can make.)


does that list mean majestic prince is a bomb already? or maybe it's not tracked or something.

edit: I see the chart is probably meaningless then.






Finished Baccano! Holy crap, gory as fuck. It was good, though. I love Isaac & Miria.

I just marathoned 1 - 16 of Steins;Gate too. At first I was convinced it would be boring, but nope! It's one of the most interesting and original series I've seen in a while. So dark, though. So harsh!

Steins;Gate isnt close to being boring. It grips you early ion and doesnt let go until the end credits roll. So fucking GOOD.

Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Anime...

Chief Director: Takashi Sakamoto
Series Composition: Kenji Inoue
Screenplay: Minase Hazuki
Character Design: Udo Nozomi
Color scheme: Kobata Miyuki
Art Director: Maeda real
Director of Photography: Kosuke Nakanishi
Music: Tatsuya Kato
Music Production: Lantis
Opening Theme: ChouCho

This looks so terrible. Shame because its a mahou shoujo and thats my shit.

so terrible. Not Hirai tier but fucking awful.

realtalk: If you haven't seen episode 9 of Earth Maiden Arjuna then you truly haven't experienced what the mountain has to offer and why it FEELS SO GOOD.

According to my tracking number, Arjuna has just left Jersey on its way here. I wonder what Arjuna would think of New Jersey?

hidamari sketch star 4

Soo much blushing and wide facing and head tilting.

And it's just an eps about curtains!


Hidamari makes the most mundane things absolutely adorable.

Mawaru Penguindrum 2-12 (end of rewatch)

So now I'm REALLY not sure why I decided to stop watching at this point when this was first airing. 11-12 is what I assume to be the start of shit getting real, as indicated by
the Takakura parent's involvement in some terrorist scheme which ties their fate to Ringo's, and this mysterious pink haired motherfucker and his rabbit shotas
. I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the show/getting overwhelmed with symbolism.


Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! I'm going to spend my last teenage year doing what I did with half of the other years, watching anime.

Happy birthday Yunobee!

Code Geass 1

So I'm trying for the second time to get into this show, since I guess we're doing this as a group watch or whatever. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. OP is cool, the idea that America would utterly crush Japan is okay, but that the US would ever call itself Britannia is hilolious.

Lelouch looks like goddamn Slenderman. Except with a worse face. Who thought those proportions were okay? Americans permitting a Prince or a King to exist is also hilolious. And the idea that Britain would defeat America is also preposterous, so let's please not suggest that that's what happened, either.

I know, I know, suspend my disbelief.



Why does he keep saying "obliterate"? I mean, I don't get that. Why not anything other than that? Sounds so awkward. Still, that's nitpicking, I guess.

Okay, so, episode is over, and fierce nationalism that makes me uncomfortable since I'm a member of the group portrayed as the bad guys aside, I'd say about half this episode was fine. Story of rebels fighting an empire, and so on.

But wow do I hope Lelouch improves and fast. He's a terrible Mary Sue and an all around detriment to this show. Considering he just gained the literal power to make people do what he wants, I somehow doubt that this is going to be the case.

I understand this is the favorite show of some here, and so I hope I come to like it, cuz I'd hate to break more hearts the way I did with Gundam Shit 00.

The beauty of Geass is that Ledouche is such a crazy power hungry bastard that hes as bad as the supposed bad guys. Its an endless game of asshole cat and shithead mouse.

Gurren Lagann - 6

Now this, this was amazing. A great episode on all fronts. Way to take a bathhouse episode and turn it completely on it's head. This episode nearly epitomized the way GL is talked about and how it's synonymous with insanity. Between Kamina and Simon being entirely seduced by the clear facade of the bathhouse and the hysterical attempts (and subsequent failures) of attempting to see the girl cast naked, this episode was a treat beginning to end. And even then they managed to throw in a bit of heart warming Simon introspection as he eavesdrops on Yoko and the girls' conversation. Without skipping a beat, this episode scratched every itch and was paced pleasantly throughout.

Wow, just truly masterful. Left me wanting more with that cliffhanger, too. I look forward to tomorrow.

The show only gets a million times better later on. It might actually be a billion times better but I don't like to exaggerate.

CorvoSol: I'd implore you to keep watching. If you've seen Death Note it's a lot like that, but more amusing.

Actually, thats an interesting comparison. I agree. Light Yagami is just as eccentric and fucking crazy as Lelouch. Maybe thats why Death Note was so much fun!

Fair enough, but I don't think you can disagree that the scene was meant to boast of Lelouch's skill at chess. Even his sidekick comments on it after they leave.

It's not Gundam, so if I really do wind up disliking it, I'll likely stop somewhere halfway through, like I did with Rah Xephon.

The problem with the internet is that it's a lot harder to accurately express and gauge how people feel, though. I'm neither shocked, since this is hardly the first time that my making a negative comment about a show in the first few episodes has earned this kind of reaction, nor enraged, because zeroshiki is a nice guy and isn't out for my blood or anything.

I'd say I'm annoyed at best.

I'll cede a point in zeroshiki's favor and agree with you on one thing, though, Hito: I probably should have been more hesitant to use the term "Mary Sue" after one episode. There was undoubtedly a better way of expressing my initial dislike of the protagonist that would have been clearer and less likely to upset others.

You definitely need to watch more. something in particular happens late in the series that puts it beyond a normal anime and into the realm of "holy fucking shit they actually went there"

I've never watched R2.

Neither have I, aside from the introductory 8 episodes or so.
I should get back to it along with Eureka 7.


Sora no Woto 03

I really liked this episode. We got some more characterisation for Chihaya Rei. Dat panic. So yeah this is a very weird universe, they seem to have VW Kubelwagen while at the same time
they were driming walking supertanks in the past. And there seems to be some weird resource problem too?
I actually like the universe quite a bit though.

The show thus far has been very effective at balancing worldbuilding with character development and cute. Because out of context :SDBurton is the best.
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