You meanif Lelouch didn't fuck up, Lelouch would've succeeded. LOL
Fair enough, but I don't think you can disagree that the scene was meant to boast of Lelouch's skill at chess. Even his sidekick comments on it after they leave.
He gets what he dreamed of -peaceful acquirement of additional rights for the Japanese people. His relationship with the princess and his status as a loyal subject of the emperor helps anchor that deal. What more could he want? This is explicitly against Lelouch's original goals.
He gets what he dreamed of -peaceful acquirement of additional rights for the Japanese people. His relationship with the princess and his status as a loyal subject of the emperor helps anchor that deal. What more could he want? This is explicitly against Lelouch's original goals.
Wow. That totally killed my hype.
Leading off with calling out fans of Geass and being proud that you somehow shit on Gundam 00 isn't asking for discussion either.
I'm not really looking to start a fight and/or continue with one. Saying did you watch it is a common rhetorical device and if you felt offended by that then I'm sorry for that but you really need some thicker skin.
Throwing a guy off of you in anime doesn't count as overpowering anyway.
Hamlet is a Mary Sue. Prince of Denmark, has everything made, come on.Well, sure. He's good at chess. But there's nothing wrong with having that as a character trait. He's smart. Lots of characters are smart. He's not the best chess player in Japan (unlike, say, Light Yagami, who scores the highest in the nation on exams).
There's plenty of stuff to be critical of in Code Geass, but you should know that it's crazy to start calling people Mary Sues in the first episode of a series.
Fuck it why do I always end up on top.
Was it ever in doubt?Haly is a seme confirmed.
Hamlet is a Mary Sue.
Even Kirito wasn't obviously a Gary Stu in the first episode.
This.What script are you using that replaces Youtube links with their video titles, even in quotes?
He writes about anime? Even I wouldn't take it that far!He's an editor for Japanator. It's sort of what he does? lol.
Hamlet is a Mary Sue.
Even as a joke this doesn't work.He is if he's played by Kenneth Branaugh.
Despite what he says I always got the impression thatLelouch wanted a better world for Nunally. In order to accomplish this, he needed to get rid of the Britannians. Specifically he needed to kill Charles. However, he found a way to solve all of this. Despite his revenge and his desire of keeping Nunally safe being one and the same according to him, they're very different objectives. It just happened that the two overlapped well. With Euphemia, the two goals became separated. I don't think it's against his original goals. It just happened that one of them was met when talking with Euphie. He just happened to fuck it up at the same time. lol.
Even as a joke this doesn't work.
He is if he's played by Kenneth Branaugh.
The question is, was he a Gary Stu by the end of the second episode?
While Lelouche's main objective was alwaysa better world for Nunnally. I think what swayed his decision then was that he still considered Euphie family and cared for her. That swayed his decision and let him accept a partial victory instead of a complete one.
If you think about it, accepting the autonomous region thing doesn't really put him and Nunnally out of danger since if Charles discovers them then its back to square one for him.
He was rapidly approaching it. He definitely was by the end of 4 or whichever episode has the stupid loli.
No, he did. But as a serious comment it betrays a misunderstanding of what it means to be a Mary Sue as being both lead actor and director in the same film isn't enough. As a joke it's not really funny because Mary Sues are annoying not suave.It does if you squint?
Actually I don't even remember if Kenneth Branaugh ever played Hamlet. I do remember that Mel Gibson did, and I found that rendition kinda awkward because we watched it in High School and made awkward jokes about his awkward tension with his mother the whole time.
But he wouldn't have ever gotten it by just going with whatever crazy ideals he had. It took Lelouch and the entirety of the events fo Season 1 to accomplish that.
So really, its success or failure has nothing to do with him.
Despite what he says I always got the impression thatLelouch wanted a better world for Nunally. In order to accomplish this, he needed to get rid of the Britannians. Specifically he needed to kill Charles. However, he found a way to solve all of this. Despite his revenge and his desire of keeping Nunally safe being one and the same according to him, they're very different objectives. It just happened that the two overlapped well. With Euphemia, the two goals became separated. I don't think it's against his original goals. It just happened that one of them was met when talking with Euphie. He just happened to fuck it up at the same time. lol.
The JP stuff is just a platform for his revenge, man.
Seriously. What the fuck did Domon learn under Master Asia for 10 years?
Huh, it doesn't seem to affect the quoted text if I try it myself. Well, whatever; thanks for the link to the script though. Seems handy.
Seriously. What the fuck did Domon learn under Master Asia for 10 years?
No, he did. But as a serious comment it betrays a misunderstanding of what it means to be a Mary Sue as being both lead actor and director in the same film isn't enough. As a joke it's not really funny because Mary Sues are annoying not suave.
And tbh, success or failure has no bearing on how his character should be judged. Lelouch is defined by the consequences of his actions. Suzaku is defined by that of his ideals.
Seriously. What the fuck did Domon learn under Master Asia for 10 years?
He clearly best fighter on that group.
Actually my thinking was that it was one of the few plays Kenneth Branagh had not actually done. Like seriously, when talking about film adaptations of Shakespeare all I remember is that Kenneth Branagh did a bunch, Mel Gibson did one, and that in one Romeo and Juliet you get to see Juliet naked for a couple seconds which was a big deal when we were in Junior High.
I don't even think I've ever seen Kenneth Branagh in a play, just that he did a bunch.
I can understand getting his ass handed to him by pretty much a good chunk of people. What I don't understand is the fact that he hasn't developed any sense of tactics, common sense, or patience. Master Asia is all about dat tactics and Domon didn't learn any of that from him apparently.
Domon's patience is also kind of out of whack because of the big ol' chip on his shoulder from his brother more or less letting his mother die.
I can understand getting his ass handed to him by pretty much a good chunk of people. What I don't understand is the fact that he hasn't developed any sense of tactics, common sense, or patience. Master Asia is all about dat tactics and Domon didn't learn any of that from him apparently.
I understand that, but he acts like an idiot half the time rushing into things that he clearly knows he can't win. There is absolutely no sense of forethought on his part. I can again understand being aggresive, but Domon is either suicidal or stupid. He doesn't act like he has had any training other than fighting at all.
At least Aiura is decent, fun, and entertaining, without being overly stupid. Yuyushiki really isn't any of those things.
Is there going to be a tv series or was the OVA the only thing planned along with the movie?So yeah, that Saint Young Men movie will be dope
Is there going to be a tv series or was the OVA the only thing planned along with the movie?
I'm scared, did I just become SDBurton?
Blood-C 11
And everybody was a fucking actor! Hell, the whole fucking town was a set. DID YOU FUCKING READ THAT?! THEY CREATED A WHOLE FUCKING TOWN AS THE SET TO THIS EXPERIMENT! Oh, and Saya's some inhuman creature...thing, being researched by the government. And the Elder Bairns are real and killed everybody else in the town. Or they never existed. Whatever, does it even matter at this point?
And Cafe dude was the head of the whole thing. I got bad vibes from him. But this is too much. Oh, and did I mention that Saya would DRINK THE FUCKING BLOOD OF THE ELDER BAIRNS SHE KILLED WHILE YOU WEREN'T LOOKING?! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
I'm not mad. I'm really not mad. Even if I were mad I would lie and say I was not mad because if I was mad then that would give some sick enjoyment out of you people who got the idea to say I should watch this. But I'm not mad. So it doesn't matter.
See? Look how not mad I am!
Grabbed the Eva 3.33 BD from Animate today, and figured I'd share some pics with you all. <3
As soon as I walked into Tsutaya (it's where I originally preordered my copy), the first thing to greet me was a tiny wall of Eva, with Naruto sandwiched in-between. Haha.
My copy from Animate actually came with a free mug, and a rather nice planner.
The production book it came with is nice and weighty too, with lots of production art, storyboards etc. The OST that comes with the set also has Sakura Nagashi on it, which is a nice bonus.
As much as I hate how expensive BDs are in Japan, I at least feel like I've bought something of value whenever I get one thanks to the packaging and content.
Also, is that a single copy each of 1.11 and 2.22 in the lower-right corner?
LOL @ the top comment if you click through the actual OP video: