I have been watching One Outs whenever I wasn't busy with DB GT. Its a baseball anime. Who else has seen it?
I have.
Don't read too much, as there's minor spoilers.
I have been watching One Outs whenever I wasn't busy with DB GT. Its a baseball anime. Who else has seen it?
Does the anime cover the entire manga? One Outs is not really a traditional sports anime. Its psychological with a genious protagonist outwitting everyone else. Reminds me of Death Note lol.
Shin Sekai Yori is so goddamn weird.
And yet I can't stop watching.
The little bits of SoL are still better than K-ON.
for their time, CG was more than good. Besides, the whole point of those movies was to push ILM and visual effects technology anyway!
Very early Eva 3.33 spoiler
I don't understand this live action bit. Is it important at all?
Tokuchi Toua is awesome!![]()
Does the anime cover the entire manga? One Outs is not really a traditional sports anime. Its psychological with a genious protagonist outwitting everyone else. Reminds me of Death Note lol.
Does the anime cover the entire manga? One Outs is not really a traditional sports anime. Its psychological with a genious protagonist outwitting everyone else. Reminds me of Death Note lol.
Don't forget the red eye shadow.
I'll give you my eternal admiration and a cookie.
Kiddy Grade is pretty fun. Its not suffering. thats not to say it is a written masterpiece or anything but it can help rinse out some of the scars you bear.
After SS3 had them grow extremely long hair and for whatever reason lose their eyebrows, I really doubt anyone who worked on this series really cared anymore.
If you're watching what I think you're watching then you should know that that's a ten minute Ghibli short and not the actual Evangelion movie.
Evangelion 3.33
I know you're trolling and all but man I hate how K-ON became the gold standard of SoL. In a perfect world people would compare SoL shows to Azumanga Daioh or Nichijou.
I know you're trolling and all but man I hate how K-ON became the gold standard of SoL. In a perfect world people would compare SoL shows to Azumanga Daioh or Nichijou.
How far have you got with the show? I'm not sure I'd ever class it as weird - this is a medium where shows like Boogiepop Phantom or Super Milk-chan exist, for instance - but I'm very glad you're enjoying it.
You didn't happen to go and see Aku no Kyoten while it was on in Japanese cinemas, did you? It's by the same author, although Aku no Kyoten is a schlocky murder thriller and therefore pretty different from Shin Sekai Yori...
Shin Sekai Yori is so goddamn weird.
And yet I can't stop watching.
Maybe for you, good slice of life leans more towards comedy, while for others good slice of life leans more towards healing anime/iyashikei.
I can't comment on Azumanga, but I'd be less inclined to use Nichijou as the gold standard of slice of life shows, what with the rocket powered robot fists and the two wooden blocks of magical power and the deer wrestling and all that. I'd far rather compare it to something like Gintama.
Shin Sekai Yori is so goddamn weird.
And yet I can't stop watching.
Nah, I never did catch Aku no Kyoten, though I wanted to.
It's weird in the sense that I feel like I never quite know what's going on or why things are happening. Sometimes it feels like I've skipped entire episodes, because it'll end in one place and start somewhere completely different. Things are sort of starting to come together now, around episode 12-ish.
Definitely enjoying it though, despite some odd stylistic decisions.
The Devil is a Part-Timer! 3
Alciel helping Maou out with getting all prepared and ready was really enjoyable and entertaining, too bad it all ended up being for Chiho. Still entertaining and fun, though I hope mystery dude is revealed soon.
Since Nafe knows even my mother's birthday.
I've started my annual K-ON! rewatch since it's my birthday. I don't have any impressions anymore since this is either my fifth or sixth time so here's a Sawa-chan.
But laughter is the best medicine! Plus a lot of Nichijou's themes especially towards the end are about valuing the everyday and all those little moments. But if it must be less comedy centric then YKK and Kamichu are still better choices than K-ON.
Ah I thought it had at least interesting visuals. I wonder we arent getting an s2...the concept was at least compelling :/
It will add up later.Mawaru Penguindrum 14
That reveal was sort of expected, though how did Yuri get Ringo's diary on the motorcycle if she was at the door to the apartment? Am I remembering incorrectly?
The Devil is a Part-Timer! 3
Alciel helping Maou out with getting all prepared and ready was really enjoyable and entertaining, too bad it all ended up being for Chiho. Still entertaining and fun, though I hope mystery dude is revealed soon.
Eh, I thought it was neat. Some shots didn't work at all, and I don't think using cardboard cutout humans instead of actual humans was a good idea, but it looked nice for the most part. And let's be honest, miniature God Warriors > CGI Evangelions. If Anno is gonna go 3D then he should at least go all the way. Now to watch this turd of a movie!
Look at my avatar. That's how I feel right now.
Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
Sadao Maou x Alciel OTP, Chiho is just his younger coworker and thats it.
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
I have to admit, I do that a lot. I just don't like admitting because People tend to ask million questions about it and would love to talk about other things
Chiho sucks man, just accept it.Look at my avatar. That's how I feel right now.
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
I think it's different in real life compared to a thread on a forum where you remain somewhat anonymous.
Hahaha... apparently I'm the only person in the world who enjoyed Eva 3.33.
Don't hate me. =(
Chiho sucks man, just accept it.
Hahaha... apparently I'm the only person in the world who enjoyed Eva 3.33.
Don't hate me. =(
I think it's different in real life compared to a thread on a forum where you remain somewhat anonymous.
Why do so many people have to preface their excitement with "I don't like anime, but..." in pretty much every anime-related thread with some kind of mainstream appeal? Are they that ashamed to admit something in the medium could be enjoyable to them?
I watched the latest episodes of Yuyushiki and Flowers of Evil in public today. No shame!