prequel trilogy at least had some redeeming qualities, like fantastic sound design & visuals. Rebuild doesn't even have that.
The prequels have some of the worst abuses of CGI in film.
prequel trilogy at least had some redeeming qualities, like fantastic sound design & visuals. Rebuild doesn't even have that.
prequel trilogy at least had some redeeming qualities, like fantastic sound design & visuals. Rebuild doesn't even have that.
From the little I've seen, that dub is pretty great and JYB nails Leloich.
The prequels have some of the worst abuses of CGI in film.
OH SNAP THAT'S IT. Lelouch is Firion! I know, I know, odd place to choose as my first pick for JYB but that's what sticks.
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!! 1
So the principal and VP of Jindai High remind me a LOT of the principal and VP of Holy Oak or whatever from GTO. So much so that the two schools could be one and the same, were it not for the fact that I think Chidori goes to public school and Onizuka taught at a private school. Either way, this is the one where Sousuke blows up his locker and Student Body President Hayashimizu thinks that's perfectly okay.
I never tire of the look of joy on Sousuke's face as ASB Pres. Hayashimizu translates into thug for him. It's so hilariously stupid. This time around it occurred to me that while Sousuke is no stranger to torture and interrogation, and Hayashimizu is just off his rocker with power, Ren doesn't blink at it because she, too, is no stranger to torture and interrogation, being a Yakuza princess and all.
Sousuke's plan is also super freaking awesome.
CGI OVERDOSEprequel trilogy at least had some redeeming qualities, like fantastic sound design & visuals
Too bad they look about a million times worse than what the original trilogy did in the seventies/eighties.for their time, CG was more than good. Besides, the whole point of those movies to push ILM and visual effects technology anyway!
Captain Tsubasa's french OP
GT looks like a fanfiction.
In that case, they nailed the presentation.GT kind of IS fanfiction. It's all completely anime original material.
GT looks like a fanfiction.
Wow didn't know that!Which is Lupin the Third 3rd (?) Italian OP (as Berlusconi's group was the rightholder for a lot of series being shown on his TV channels around Europe)
Is this your first time watching Fumoffu?
Oh man you are in for a treat.
You should also watch Kiddy Grade.
GT looks like a fanfiction.
Don't forget the red eye shadow.I'll never get over the fact that going to a certain level of Super Saiyan completely changes your hair back to black and makes you grow red body hair and another tail. That was so bogglingly random for me.
It's not my first time, no. This is actually more like my 4th time. And if I finally break down and watch Kiddy Grade will you give me a dollar?
Man,stuck at work all day and I missed the OP talk. Will post mine later for the sake of it.
I know that feel.
Wont have much time at all to post tonight or tomorrow.
Going on my ninth work day in a row. Its exhausting.
Love the songs used for both of these EDs.Now time for EDs I guess. I'm not going according to only song as otherwise stuff like Roundabout would be on here along with And Forever. Admittedly I applied a pretty stringent ruling in that it couldn't be composed of just a bunch of still frames or a pan shot but in those cases, the emphasis is usually on the music rather than a combination of both animation and music.
1.Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood- Uso
2.Bakemonogatari- Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari
Rest easy for you're king of this thread yet again:
cajunator 920
kayos90 762
What the hell, I was second place this morning!Rest easy for you're king of this thread yet again:
cajunator 920
kayos90 762
Apparently you did some heavy posting in the past ten hours.LOL? You know Reg has been #2 for a while right? I don't post nearly as much anymore.
I know that feel.
Wont have much time at all to post tonight or tomorrow.
Going on my ninth work day in a row. Its exhausting.
LOL? You know Reg has been #2 for a while right? I don't post nearly as much anymore.
Rest easy for you're king of this thread yet again:
cajunator 920
kayos90 762
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) 01-02
Pretty good, so far. David Productions put a lot of effort into making big hits feel impactful with SFX and focus lines when it wasn't really possible with fluid animation, although it feels silly when that happens with reaction shots.
Jonathan's voice is much higher than I would expect given his build; I suppose that's to convey his innocent and kindhearted nature.
The show's fond of lighting scenes and characters with an overwhelming color, reminds me of a much less artful Death Note.
The way the prelude section of "Roundabout" begins before the actual ED starts is kind of neat.
Rest easy for you're king of this thread yet again:
cajunator 920
kayos90 762
Oh man, I'm such an idiot! I forgot one of the best OPs! Death Note's second OP. The second ED is one of the best too.
Maximum the Hormone is just top notch. One of my favourite bands.
After SS3 had them grow extremely long hair and for whatever reason lose their eyebrows, I really doubt anyone who worked on this series really cared anymore.I'll never get over the fact that going to a certain level of Super Saiyan completely changes your hair back to black and makes you grow red body hair and another tail. That was so bogglingly random for me.
What the hell, I was second place this morning!
Apparently you did some heavy posting in the past ten hours.
I may have hidden spoilers in those links.![]()
I figured it wasn't exactly required viewing but thanks I'll watch it then! Yeah google is not telling me either :/ Second version seems 1 minute longer though.7.5 was a BD special, so it's not really "important" to watch but it's honestly one of my favorites. I'm not entirely sure if the ep 1 I watched was the extended episode or not, so I couldn't tell you.
When people have discussions about best OPs/EDs I'm never sure if they're judging from a purely musical standpoint or an overall audiovisual standpoint. What my favorites are differ depending on the criteria.
And this is why we never deserved OT4. When its greatest champion gives up, what hope has the common man?
I'm not sure what I should feel about the big gap between #3 and #4 where I'm at.
I only judge the music, don't care about the animation.When people have discussions about best OPs/EDs I'm never sure if they're judging from a purely musical standpoint or an overall audiovisual standpoint. What my favorites are differ depending on the criteria.
As much as I hate to say it, Lafiel was right. It's a futile endeavor to try to understand any of the plot whatsoever. The only way to sanely enjoy Evangelion is to treat it as a character drama with a lot of needless plot jargon. This is something that can only be realized with hindsight.
I'm kinda exhausted too.
But damn, nine days of twelve-hour shifts in a row? I'm studying CS so I shouldn't be intimidated by the thought of having to do this at some point...but that's just gotta be brutal.
I only judge the music, don't care about the animation.
Man,stuck at work all day and I missed the OP talk. Will post mine later for the sake of it.
Hey, the plot of the TV series kind of eventually made sense, mainly because it was all about Nerv waiting for the Angels to attack one by one. Pretty simple stuff.
When people have discussions about best OPs/EDs I'm never sure if they're judging from a purely musical standpoint or an overall audiovisual standpoint. What my favorites are differ depending on the criteria.
When people have discussions about best OPs/EDs I'm never sure if they're judging from a purely musical standpoint or an overall audiovisual standpoint. What my favorites are differ depending on the criteria.
Sora no Woto 06
I may have hidden spoilers in those links.
This episode man. THIS EPISODE.This scene man. That Noel. Hnnngh. So good. PRIORITIESWe finally see where they get all their Moe money from, if you think about it it's not that surprising in hindsight, though this episode does shed more light on the kind of government this world is under.Dat Mauser C96, looks like the select fire model. They seem to have animated the action cycle pretty well too. Also dat MG42 and MP40 and those Walther p38s, so basically they seem to be equipped with mostly German made equipment from the 30s-40s, though admittedly this is very odd for a post apocalyptic world but I'll give it a pass because the C96 gives me multiple boners.
So much :firehawk in this show.More post apocalypse hints. Radiation poisoning?
I figured it wasn't exactly required viewing but thanks I'll watch it then! Yeah google is not telling me either :/ Second version seems 1 minute longer though.
Finally, an authoritative ranked countdown list of the best Attack on Titan OP MADs, using a rating system thattakes into account Nicovideo views, number of comments, and number of times favorited, essentially.
Titan MAD rankings: serious business.