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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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I think so, yeah, but that would in part be because the Winds of the Homeland arc serves as a lot of internal character development for Sousuke that you can do on paper one way but not on screen. Technically you can excise the whole thing and everything before and after makes perfect sense, since Sousuke never again mentions Zaied, and his angst with AL can be explained by what happens on the island where they capture Gauron just as easily as by the outcome of the Winds of the Homeland arc. That the one explains the other (or that Sousuke's mistake on the island is caused by the horrors that happen in Afghanistan) is just good writing.

I need to read the Light Novels. If by the time I reread the manga up to Volume 18 and it still isn't translated, I may pick them up.

Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I keep forgetting that the biggest difference between the novels and show thus far, is being able to get inside the character's thoughts. Kudos to the anime for making that arc work as well as it did, in retrospect.
Revolutionary Girl Utena - 01
This high school (or is it ... middle school? wtf) seems really barebones. I guess I'm starting to like Utena's tomboyish angle, but this show seems to make it like being tomboyish is the most hardcore rebel thing you could do. :p

Looking forward to finding out why second lead is inexplicably a black girl.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Holy shit, its been so long since FLCL.
I came to the realisation that I was getting older earlier this week when I realised Gurren Lagann was six years ago.
Revolutionary Girl Utena - 01
This high school (or is it ... middle school? wtf) seems really barebones. I guess I'm starting to like Utena's tomboyish angle, but this show seems to make it like being tomboyish is the most hardcore rebel thing you could do. :p
Utena is a feminist show.
Looking forward to finding out why second lead is inexplicably a black girl.
She always looked Indian to me. And I don't think there's ever a "reason" for that. Skin colours are just skin colours.


Aikatsu! 30


Damn, this was a pretty good episode. The really nice looking picture book stuff from earlier in the episode contrasted really well with the picturesque atmosphere of the Greenhouse. Sakura really is a fantastic addition to the main cast and hopefully the redheaded girl from the OP & ED will be too.

Don't get your hopes up too much; there's actually not that much QUALITY. It's just that it's an early digital show and even the competently-animated scenes often have the line art jaggies and fuzzy washed-out coloring of many shows of that era. Like I mentioned, think of how the East Blue stuff in One Piece looked.
Sounds like the best kind of early digital show!


It's the one that is terrible that's for sure. And no.

Hmm. I only remember the two, which was the one which was all normal, and the one where Tenchi goes away.

Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I keep forgetting that the biggest difference between the novels and show thus far, is being able to get inside the character's thoughts. Kudos to the anime for making that arc work as well as it did, in retrospect.

It's my guess, anyway. The anime, manga, and novels don't line up all the way anyway. The manga doesn't mention the stuff onboard the Christmas cruise until partway through major events toward the end of the series, even though the cruise happens more or less immediately after TSR.

Slayers 3

Question: Are we ever meant to trust Rezzo? I mean, he's a RED priest, for one, and for another, even Lina points out his name is villainous, and the music that plays during his introductory scene is super creepy, even if he spends that scene talking about another villain. As a kid I felt smart for seeing right through this Rezzo guy, but now? I mean, could it have ever been clearer? And this IS Slayers, which feels like a send up of everything, so Rezzo being obvious could've been tongue in cheek.
Date a Live - 01
The sudden change from UBER SERIOUSNESS to PANTY SHOTS got me laughing way too loud at 2:24 AM.

Sorry, Rexburg.

Also I've always been wondering, what's the significance of blood type to the Japanese?


Revolutionary Girl Utena - 01
This high school (or is it ... middle school? wtf) seems really barebones. I guess I'm starting to like Utena's tomboyish angle, but this show seems to make it like being tomboyish is the most hardcore rebel thing you could do. :p

Looking forward to finding out why second lead is inexplicably a black girl.

Because reasons.
apply that phrase to anything in Utena and you have a fitting explanation.


Revolutionary Girl Utena - 01
This high school (or is it ... middle school? wtf) seems really barebones. I guess I'm starting to like Utena's tomboyish angle, but this show seems to make it like being tomboyish is the most hardcore rebel thing you could do. :p

Looking forward to finding out why second lead is inexplicably a black girl.

Maybe it's not the most hardcore rebel thing you can do, but in a school with set uniforms, wearing the other gender's clothes is definitely making a statement.


The Light of El Cantare
Aww I was gonna watch this after Sailor Moon and you jumped the gun on me. It's in the list.

It's not fully available in English yet so don't rush.

Aikatsu! 30


Damn, this was a pretty good episode. The really nice looking picture book stuff from earlier in the episode contrasted really well with the picturesque atmosphere of the Greenhouse. Sakura really is a fantastic addition to the main cast and hopefully the redheaded girl from the OP & ED will be too.

Damn, that's some incredibly beautiful background art and shot composition. Looks like it's catch-up time tomorrow.
You know, watching older shows like Utena just remind me that once upon a time, American animation had the same budget and quality as anime, sometimes better sometimes worse, but at least it was on par.
Doki Doki Precure 15

Not as good as the other episodes when it comes to focusing on that specific character. Everyone else kinda filled the role instead.

With that being said, I decided to look for some nice notes, ones that I haven't really mentioned. I do like the music at least. And Alice is pretty cute. Regina is sooo good though. She's the savior of an otherwise lackluster episode. Although DO WE REALLY NEED ANOTHER POWER UP ALREADY!?

Other than that, Makoto doesn't really stick out to me as much. She's like the boring character of the cast like Kanade (granted she has her fangasms and her obvious love for Hibiki going for her).


The Light of El Cantare
Dokidoki 15:

At first I was like:



7Th was right. Regina is going to SAVE DOKIDOKI PRECURE (lol). I mean, even discounting the fact that she's apparently a villain so important that she gets her own stock footage, just pay attention to the synopsis for next week--
Unless we get trolled with a bullshit reversal of this and
Regina gets purified by Mana instead, suffering through all of the Mana Sue bullshit thus far will be totally worth it if it was all a setup for a fall from grace, even if temporary.
Of course, that's way too clever and exhibits too much forethought for this show, so we can safely expect that
Mana's perfection is going to win yet a-fucking-gain and Regina's plan falls apart/backfires like every other villain plot in the history of the franchise.

Still, Regina is such an unprecedented character type for this franchise that even in the worst case scenario, it can't possibly all be bad.

yet another new attack this week ololol. Dokidoki has to be crashing and burning hard commercially.
At least we get a hilariously awkward Makoto ANGRY WINK out of it, which I'll never be able to unsee thanks to the good people at Ogiue Maniax pointing out that Makoto has a permanent scowl in all of her stock footage.
Hataraku Mao-sama! - 6
Chiho is absolutely adorable. Also, the idea of holding up an envelope to ward off evil is funny to me, and the context makes it even better. Can't believe how consistently enjoyable this show has been!

Aku no Hana - 6
Like Hataraku, this has been very consistent as well. It's nice seeing Kasuga in a brief period of bliss. But it just goes to show how much of an impressionable, young guy he is when in one moment nothing could go wrong for him and in the next, he's living in a hell controlled by Nakamura.

Attack on Titan - 6
I was really enjoying the first few episodes, but these past two have really dropped the ball. I'd say it had some momentum going after 4. Now they're throwing in a few weirdly placed flashbacks and the structure of Mikasa's backstory specifically in this episode felt rather off.
Going back to show how the kidnappers killed her mother and father seemed almost unnecessary to me. I think it would have flowed better without it. The implications of said kidnappers arguing about how one of them panicked when the mother fought back coupled with Mikasa's lifeless expression on her face was telling enough as it is.
But I guess some subtlety isn't the name of the game when Araki is involved. The conclusion of that scene with Mikasa was somewhat satisfying at least.

Valvrave - 5
The musical number was worth the wait. I was starting to get some School Days vibes near the end there too. Ara ara it sure is hot today~
Date A Live - 02

(means "I Love You" in Tagalog, which is the language of the northern Philippines)
(I am Filipino-American)

That is just so unexpected to just have a random Filipino old dude in my animu.


Akibaranger S2 - 05

I had the biggest shit-eating grin on my face this entire episode.

I don't know how they keep making this show so consistently good.


azazel-san z 6


never thought i'd ever say this but this show really turned out to be an even bigger disappointment than magi

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