I forgot to say happy cajunday! I might go out and eat some cajun today in for your sake! You are the best, seriously.![]()
Muchas gracias!
I forgot to say happy cajunday! I might go out and eat some cajun today in for your sake! You are the best, seriously.![]()
Stop making me want to rewatch that series! I need to finish Blood-C!
Proceeds rewatch YouTube video, again and again
Yeah, it was bundled with the 5th manga volume.Huh, well, this explains why the extra episode bundled with the first BD was labelled World 2-2. I figured I was missing something, but I guess it's supposed to go in the middle of this.
Code Geass R2 1
Not even a minute in.
The way she says the words at :38 is so mind alteringly moe it melted my heart and I had to be defribillated three times.
again, spoilers!
Kallen in a bunnysuit never needs to be explained does it?
Screaming is the show. 70% of it is just that. Don't expect it to change.
"Love me back! Make love to me! I need you!"
Truly the Best anime girl of the entirety of forever. ^o^
I felt like i was forcing myself to watch to the first couple of episodes. I couldn't do it, i didn't find the characters appealing at all.
Is Crunchyroll a better streaming site than Funimation?
I felt like i was forcing myself to watch to the first couple of episodes. I couldn't do it, i didn't find the characters appealing at all.
Since no-one else has answered this, I've seen Jinki Extend a long, long time ago back when it was first airing. In terms of tone it's kinda like the teenage angsty parts of Xenoglossia mixed in with some of the slightly inappropriate adult interactions between pilots and mechanics. From what I remember, it was also rather confusing for a while since it splits it's focus from present to past.Hey Corvy-kun have you watched Jinki Extend?
I bought it super cheap on a whim and it looks kind of mecha-ish with Cute in it.
Was just curious if you had seen it? (or others maybe)
Is Crunchyroll a better streaming site than Funimation?
I think you mean the Dusk Maiden prequel!and NATSU NO ARASHI.
Who says Toei can't break new ground anddokidoki 16:
Well, there goes any hope for aplot. Mana Sue's perfection and indomitable force of attraction continues to make developments disappointingly predictable, especially given that the end of the episode pretty much confirms thatMana gets corrupted by Regina's influence. I couldn't hope more that I'm wrong and that we're notthe seed of TOMODACHI/SHINYUU/YUUJOU/etc. is now planted in Regina, meaning it's almost inevitable that her character gets totally neutered if she defects to the goody-goodies.facing a needless villain conversion. If we have to have a fifth cure, I hope it's Ai-chan, because Cure Ace looks like shit anyway
I posted a different video, which I think youll agree is just as good.
Watch :38 of THAT and tell me it didn't make your heart melt into goo the first time.
The way she says the words at :38 is so mind alteringly moe it melted my heart and I had to be defribillated three times.
again, spoilers!
dokidoki 16:
Well, there goes any hope for aplot. Mana Sue's perfection and indomitable force of attraction continues to make developments disappointingly predictable, especially given that the end of the episode pretty much confirms thatMana gets corrupted by Regina's influence. I couldn't hope more that I'm wrong and that we're notthe seed of TOMODACHI/SHINYUU/YUUJOU/etc. is now planted in Regina, meaning it's almost inevitable that her character gets totally neutered if she defects to the goody-goodies.facing a needless villain conversion. If we have to have a fifth cure, I hope it's Ai-chan, because Cure Ace looks like shit anyway
Code Geass R2 1
I really do, but for different reasons. AGE is actively terrible and Rah Xephon is passively terrible. Rah Xephon's problem is that it spends all its time either ripping off Evangelion or not bothering to explain questions it promised to answer in the first episode.
First time? You wound me good sir. I get that reaction every time I watch that scene.
Dereban indeed![]()
Since no-one else has answered this, I've seen Jinki Extend a long, long time ago back when it was first airing. In terms of tone it's kinda like the teenage angsty parts of Xenoglossia mixed in with some of the slightly inappropriate adult interactions between pilots and mechanics. From what I remember, it was also rather confusing for a while since it splits it's focus from present to past.
It's watchable but not brilliant I think.
[Aku no Hana] - 6 & 7
The show is so well crafted that I tend to forget about how little work the director, Hiroshi Nagahama, has actually directed. He's only served as overall director on the Detroit Metal City (OVA) and Mushi-Shi TV series.
Who says Toei can't break new ground andintroduce two new Cures?
Of course that won't happen, though.
I am aware of all this, just let me have my happiness, dammit.
I will humor you for a bit though. Generally speaking, those in a similar position tend to be my favorite of the cast, and maybe Doki Doki won't suffer like Suite did in regards to the character development for Regina.
THAT being said though, considering how utterly chummy everyone is before this episode, there could be a high chance that the cast would become pretty boring in itself. I mean, already, we have Mana Sue, Makoto the Bore, Rikka, and the Ojou-sama. Two of those bore us immediately by being on screen as it is, and obviously, after the major midpoint, it's going to be pretty fillery for a bit, probably developing on the newest member, or just whatever.
In any case, I just want to ride this wave right now, as it seems like it's the only thing I can rely on in this series to make me feel good about watching this.
I love this birthday thing so much. Think Ill do it again next year!
Well, RahXephon DID answer the questions it posed in the first episode. You just didn't watch the whole show, so you never got those answers.
I mean, hating the show is one thing and that's okay. However, you can't blame the show for not telling you what was going on if you didn't even watch the whole thing to find out the answers!
The World God Only Knows S1 10
I forgot how awesome the OP to this season is. Also how it doesn't really match the rest of the show lol
Elsie (in Luci Christian's voice) continues being my favorite character ever.
Keima continues being based Keima.
Shiori continues being library girl archetype -- and then turns into fairy Navi Yui from SAO
Unimportant characters inexplicably have smaller eyes.
lol Idolm@ster mentioned just because it can be
Keima: "Games with voice commands are all crap."
Took the words right outta my mouth, brudda.
Luci is my favorite English voice actress in anime.
Real talk: I watch FMP in English because I can't think of Kaname sounding like anyone other than Luci.
Just now at the ASW event, the TV anime BlazBlue Alter Memory was announced to begin airing this fall. No further details besides a teaser with still pictures of Ragna, Jin, Rachel, Hazama, and Noel.
Hito is Hossoda's alter ego confirmed?Just gotta keep working at it. One day Hito will expose the furry pervert in us all.
The good thing about personal restrictions is that they are so arbitrary such thing does not have to happen!Until you realize how both of them have already taken you farther than what you considered safe.
Words to live by.Muromi 7
The moral of the story is eat shrooms erryday.
Doremi is a very poor lord as one would expect.But she has her fairywho apparently runs away the next episode :/
DAMN YOU YAMATOTAKERUNOMIKOTOOOOOH. *shameless plug once again*Garzey's Wing (English Dub)
"Words cannot describe how awesomely bad this is." - Lafiel
So bumpy and delicious!
DokiDoki Precure 16
HOLY SHIT! SHE DID IT! DOKI DOKI IS SAVED! YEEEES! Holy shit I could not stop fist pumping and pausing just to contain myself from Regina's antics! She's chipping away at Mana's perfection no less!
God damn it, Suite Precure really drove "Unforgivable" into my damn head though.