now's the time to make the precure ot and rectify this horrorI did a horrible thing to this thread, never expecting a single franchise to catch fire and consume such a large percentage of the discussion. I'm sorry.
I did a horrible thing to this thread, never expecting a single franchise to catch fire and consume such a large percentage of the discussion. I'm sorry.
I did a horrible thing to this thread, never expecting a single franchise to catch fire and consume such a large percentage of the discussion. I'm sorry.
now's the time to make the precure ot and rectify this horror
now's the time to atone
You can still make this right!
It's time for PrecureGAF.
I did a horrible thing to this thread, never expecting a single franchise to catch fire and consume such a large percentage of the discussion. I'm sorry.
Honestly, this is an insult to Okada. Black Rock Shooter is a fucking masterpiece compared to the shitty fanwank that was the knife into the heart of a 40 year old iconic franchise.
Kawahara, timetraveller confirmed.Star Trek Into Darkness or Sword Art Online?
Oh, there's lots and lot's of examples all the time.
You know what, at least SAO requires Kawahara to research the shittiness of the fanboy in order to write the perfect ur-fanboy-otaku-loser-wish-fullfilment-fantasy text. Into Darkness is a sycophantic lazy piece of shit that manages to make Scott Pilgrim or The Big Bang Theory feel authentic.Star Trek Into Darkness or Sword Are Online?
You're telling me you didn't even think it for a second?Hey don't put me in this, I'm just here relaxing and watching FGC streamz.
Oh, there's lots and lot's of examples all the time.
You know what, at least SAO requires Kawahara to research the shittiness of the fanboy in order to write the perfect ur-fanboy-otaku-loser-wish-fullfilment-fantasy text. Into Darkness is a sycophantic lazy piece of shit that manages to make Scott Pilgrim or The Big Bang Theory feel authentic.
If someone gives you 200 million dollars to make pretty much any Star Trek film you want and that's all you can come up with? Go back to ruining shit I don't care about like Transformers or Aliens.
You're telling me you didn't even think it for a second?![]()
I know Orci and Kurtzman work together, but I have to wonder how this vomit of memes, references, and shitty action scenes required Lindelof as well. It took three human beings to write that movie. THREE human beings. I'm not even sure what to call it if not lazy.I think calling the writers of STID lazy may be giving them too much credit.
lolI'm serious! I saw the pics and was like "Oh, that's nice!" and went back to watching the stream. I'm not some crazed sex-fiend!
For those interested in what I'm watching: (UFGT9!)
Man, if that's hand drawn, why does it look so... fake.
Man, if that's hand drawn, why does it look so... fake.
Yokoyama wanted to highlight the artificiality & objectification of anime waifus.
I'm not trying to defend DTL, who certainly has deplorable opinions, just the English language. I don't think he's ever tried to hide or deny his extreme sexism. He may be a bad person, but at least he's consistent! (Too consistent, really; his impressions are always a rehash of the same old sexist lines and are painfully monotonous to read. It's the same sort of thing I've felt creeping more and more into SDBurton's impressions on the other end lately. If all you can think about is "I wish all the characters of the other sex would die so I can pair up boys/girls to my heart's content", well...)
Hey don't put me in this, I'm just here relaxing and watching FGC streamz.
And that makes it deep, because their emotions are so real.Yokoyama wanted to highlight the artificiality & objectification of anime waifus.
Man, if that's hand drawn, why does it look so... fake.
Yokoyama wanted to highlight the artificiality & objectification of anime waifus.
yokoyamaAnd that makes it deep, because their emotions are so real.
Well, here's the blog post that's the source of the video; maybe there's something in the commentary that proves it one way or the other.TBF that doesn't necessarily prove it wasn't traced, those could just be the traced drawings. I don't think it looks traced, though.
I'd like to watch this as well. Did you see much of last week? I'm not familiar with a bunch of the names still but those Doctor Doom finishes by ChrisG over Dark Phoenix in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 were pretty amazing to see happen.
Bakemonogatari 1
That was weird. During the episode I couldn't help but feel that I skipped something. Like I accidentally missed the first episode. Was there a series that came before this one?
So many people that don't like RahXephon![]()
But then I've never seen Eva...
If you have questions, just ask.
I don't know a thing about Hyouka other than it's apparently boring, so not really.
There's nothing gentle about kissing someone on the eye!
Lines like this will ALWAYS make me think of Air Bud, the fact that she plays baketball afterwards was perfect! I wonder what it is about basketball that makes lesbians in anime play it.
What are you going to do with your life now?
I wonder what it is about basketball that makes lesbians in anime play it.
The only thing that I know about Pretty Cure (That's the full version of it right?) was that it was some anime about two girls finding these "prism stones". I always dismissed it as some kind of weird cliché magical girl show. One quick wiki search later and HOLY SHI- I didn't think it would evolve into a franchise so massive!
After reading the posts of Kirbyguy, I'm getting more and more tempted to give it a shot. But what should I expect going in it? A deep, compelling narrative like Madoka? A complex good story like Nanoha? What?
Its basically a new age Sailor Moon.
its a magical girls team show that peddles plastic toy shit like you wouldnt believe.
Just in anime?I wonder what it is about basketball that makes lesbians in anime play it.
asian supremacyThe Justin Lin of Anime. Praise the moe!
Oh, there's lots and lot's of examples all the time.
OT and Gaming are both tsun for one another. Cure Modereita is the Onee-sama like character which the other cures admire sometimes too much. Cure Community is the genki girl that the other cures feel they need to protect.So, I guess I should ask the question is oneveryone'sSDBurton's mind - when does the sexualization/yuri-ization begin? lol
OT and Gaming are both tsun for one another. Cure Modereita is the Onee-sama like character which the other cures admire sometimes too much. Cure Community is the genki girl that the other cures feel they need to protect.
I've got an get-together with some friends tomorrow to watch anime. I'm bringing Girls und Panzer, though I doubt they will watch it. This is the same group that has a Hetalia and SAO fangirl. I'm doomed.
I don't know a thing about Hyouka other than it's apparently boring, so not really.
Cure Community.
Dat yellow Precure bias showing through. lolAnd I'm spent for the night.
You are insane and need to get professional help.Pretty Cure Franchise Overview
OT and Gaming are both tsun for one another. Cure Modereita is the Onee-sama like character which the other cures admire sometimes too much. Cure Community is the genki girl that the other cures feel they need to protect.
We're introduced to Albert's friends, many of whom are the children of the Count's mortal foes, and as such enjoy comfort built upon his suffering. They're Old Blood for the most part, and range from snooty to good-natured. Valentine Villefort is pretty obviously swooning for Maximilian Morel, who is a giant of a guy. IIRC, Max is in the Count's employ, as Morel was Edmond Dantes' employer.
Albert is kind of a brat, really upset at his friends for speaking ill of his guest, The Count, in spite of the fact that his friends' warnings are intelligent ones. Hell, Albert's fiance points out that he is the most likely person in the world to get conned, and friends made during Carnival aren't to be trusted. Speaking of, I'm still getting that whole "Albert and Franz are gay" thing, but this time from Albert, because Albert had waaaaay too much chem goin' on with a guy we were told last episode is a guy, and not a lady.
Flipside is Albert's friends try to persuade him that the Count being a Vampire is more reasonable than the Count being a good person, so maybe Albert isn't wrong to think his friends are pricks.
So the Count shows up and it causes a power outage. And a windstorm. Inside. Like leaves and stuff are billowing inside the parlor and he looks terrifying. He also doesn't show up on camera, and his voice is unrecordable. Because he's the goddamn Count of Monte Cristo and you can't control that.
Mentioned in this episode is that Albert's father, the Count Morcerf, is running for president, and that Messieur Danglar owns the Space Port. Danglar's Space Port is the most whimsical looking place in the universe, but the same cannot be said of a guy who starved Edmond Dantes' father to death.
At episode's end, Albert introduces his friend, The Count of Monte Cristo, to the Count and Countess Morcerf. The music, imagery, and especially the Count's reaction, are all perfect. What's especially good, though, is how absolutely benevolent the Count Morcerf looks. He appears to be far too kind a man to be someone who would plot the utter ruin of his best friend and murder of a co conspirator's father. Most important, though, is that Morcerf looks like he could be Albert's father. We've seen a wedding picture of a man who looked like a grown Albert, and I've assumed it was the Count. I wonder how this is all going to go down.
He gets a lot of flack for the synthetiser shit, but I always thought his Heartcatch stuff was superb.Heartcatch Precure - 1
Oh I'm sorry, I'm still recovering from the fact that Yasuharu Takanashi composed this.
It was the only way to combat Hitokage's Sailor Moon propaganda.I did a horrible thing to this thread, never expecting a single franchise to catch fire and consume such a large percentage of the discussion. I'm sorry.