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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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So uhhh....

So I decided to find out how long it took me to get through Futari Wa Pretty Cure: Max Heart and I see this

Start Date: Mar 15, 2013
End Date: Mar 17, 2013

Well everything make sense then !
This open the possibility that one can like max heart if you watch it fast enough.
Dully noted.

catch up with Valvrave or watch BRS TV? decisions decisions :|

Black Rock Shooter TV - 1

well, that was something. Story aside I think the execution overall is pretty good, good sound effects, nice lighting creates a somewhat strange uneasy atmosphere, those Kagari scenes was done well and effectively creepy, I think I like it enough to watch more for now. If this was some horror story it would be intriguing looking like that, too bad it's not.

Battles looking good, too bad there wasn't enough, and all of it doesn't make much sense anyway of course.

Pretty much my opinion at the time.


Chihayafuru 2 20


I swear that if you took a drink for every time they flashed back to their childhood or Taichi got all mopey at the mere thought of Arata you'd end up dead of alcohol poisoning before the credits even begin to roll.


The Big O - 12

This show so good looking, the art are fantastic. This episode also heve glorious mechanical sakuga, coupled with some of best mecha design ever that this show have, its just..
Goddamn what a episode..

Yeah, some of the giant robot cinematography in season, by which I mean the very specific way in which they shoot the giant robots, is just fantastic and really reminiscent of the classics like Giant Robo.
So I plan to wish Night on the Galactic Railroad this weekend, as icarus commands it.

I plan on not falling asleep in the middle of it.

Godspeed, good sir.

I feel like it's slowly but steadily approaching that same level of... I don't have a word for it. Level of stupid?

It's the first time in a while that I felt like a show was so bad it's good.

But Valvrave has robots, and for that I will watch it to the end, especially because of how much it makes me laugh week after week. The show is pure entertainment.

I think the appellation "so bad it's good" should be reserved for works where the incompetency of its creators results in something that's enjoyable only in how far the creators missed their goal. The creators of Valvrave know exactly what they're doing and have been pretty successful at it so far.

Mobile Police Patlabor 2: The Movie

I gotta be honest: I think I could watch the soft panning across cityscapes and the single frame shots of living rooms set to that really calming, atmospheric music for hours. They're beautiful and hypnotic. The story in this one didn't grip me as much as the first one, but it was just as expertly crafted. I really respected all of the scenes between Goto and Arakawa. It seems like in these Oshii flicks, there's a lot of respect given to the viewer. They don't repeat things for the sake of impact, and in that vein it's worth holding on to every bit of dialogue. It obviously makes it a bit more cryptic and hard to follow, but it pays off in it's intrinsic execution.

Seriously, that city.

Oshii has a strong fascination with cities, Tokyo in particular. Both the Patlabor movies are to a large extent about Tokyo and the broader nature of cities: the first about the blazing speed of progress that tramples the past under its feet; the second about the fragility of a city's peace and how easy it is to slip into confusion, paranoia, and martial law. His fascination can be traced at least back to Beautiful Dreamer, in which the city becomes a sentient being, morphing around the characters.


Yeah, some of the giant robot cinematography in season, by which I mean the very specific way in which they shoot the giant robots, is just fantastic and really reminiscent of the classics like Giant Robo.

I like Big O more than Giant Robo though (which great too)
Is that a crime?
Code Geass R2 11

Bleh. The only interesting part of the entire episode for me was Shin-Kei putting his life on the line to defend his Empress. That was good. I guess Zero hamming it up was okay, too, but the rest was eh. To be honest, I'm gettin' REAL tired of the KOTR schtick at this point. They're losers who hold my boy Suzaku back.

More than them, though, I'm just tired of seeing Prince Sneasel. Much as I love Boba Fett, that's who Sneasel reminds me of. A character wildly praised for . . . standing there and looking pretty.

Really? No reaction to Kallen
getting captured?
That was the only part of the episode that stuck out for me.

But don't worry though, episodes 12 and onward....

Your reactions will be glorious.


S1 ends well and leaves a lot of questions unanswered in a good way. S2 leaves a lot of questions unanswered in a bad way.

If the production still continue and not halted abruptly, maybe the staff will give the same level of care (I see a lot of passion in S1)
Who knows.. I'll see the trainwreck for myself.


If the production still continue and not halted abruptly, maybe the staff will give the same level of care (I see a lot of passion in S1)
Who knows.. I'll see the trainwreck for myself.

For what it's worth, I seem to remember it looking better (both art and animation!) and the mecha stuff still being good. I think a third season would have satisfactorily cleared everything up but alas.


I'm morbidly curious to see what you have on me.

If you're talking about personal information, than not much. I don't go looking for anything, everything I know is stuff that has been posted on NeoGaf or related such as something you may have posted on your MAL profile which has been linked to.

All I can think of is maybe Age, Birthday, I could be wrong but I think you maybe mentioned you lived in
. That and you have a sister who watches anime from time to time. I think that's about it.

Did Wasurenagumo teach you nothing? Now they want your blood.

Normally if I can I'll just try and get a bug on a piece of paper or something and take it outside into the grass but in this case I couldn't. It was a problem from a couple days ago that got away.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I just started with EVO 2010 myself. Although I think I became aware of it like a lot of people due to that famous Justin Wong vs Daigo match in 2004. With all the excitement around it I thought it was the final but it was actually the semi-final match and Daigo lost to KO I think was his name. Just last year I found out about the whole Road to EVO thing around now.

I remember watching some of the road to EVO tournaments in class when I was attending college a few years ago. Thank goodness for huge lecture classes.

Ah, okay. One of the commentators, maybe Yipes?, said something like in the end he can't hate Morrigan because she's still a good character plus she's really good looking, haha.

Yipes is awesome. I love his girly screams when someone is getting bodied.

Regardless of how some might feel about competitive fighting gaming and the players, the way the matches go back and forth and often times right down to the wire really make them pretty entertaining to watch I think.

They really are!

I don't know who most of the characters in Injustice are but it's probably the one game in existence where Aquaman seems cool, so at least it's got that going for it.

Yeah I'm not a fan of Aquaman but apparently he's really good. :lol


Just got an update for Time of Eve Kickstarter. Since they past their goal and as of right now around $43K the first stretch goal is English Dub at $50K.
Space Brothers 59:
Well, that backstory got me. I could sense some sort of tragedy coming for them, but the sudden way it happened, and how it happened as Vince and Pico were on the verge of giving up, really hit me. I liked how the episode really showed the struggle the characters were facing in trying to pursue their dreams amidst a society that wanted them to fit right inside the box along with everyone else. I just wish that we had gotten even more time in this flashback. I could have easily gone for another episode of this.
I think Space Brothers has been in the midst of one of its strongest runs ever since ending the recap shows. I think it's a real strength of the series that it can keep changing the types of stories they're telling, but it all remains both strong and consistent.
Highschool of the Dead (Ep.3)


So I wanted to watch something mindless I could have on in the background while playing Ragnarok and decided on this.

What's the general consensus on it? Is there a good pay off for the characters in the end, or is it simply just trying to create enough situations where the breasts of high schools girls can act contrary to gravity while zombies happen to chase the group?

Do you really need anything else?


Highschool of the Dead (Ep.3)


So I wanted to watch something mindless I could have on in the background while playing Ragnarok and decided on this.

What's the general consensus on it? Is there a good pay off for the characters in the end, or is it simply just trying to create enough situations where the breasts of high schools girls can act contrary to gravity while zombies happen to chase the group?

Supersonic boobs. That's all you need.


Megazone 23 part II

You know Mikimoto's chara design was great, but Umetsu is da god.. oh my almighty, its looked so good.. much improvement from the first, and those glorious 80's sakuga... oh man its so awesome.

dat sex scene, so hawt

Fantastic OAV.


Don't forget about the music! The music is amazing in that show.

The Count of Monte Cristo 4

Seriously. This show made it so that everyone, the audience included, is on the edge of their seat as The Count takes a SIP of SOUP. That's how awesome the Count is: his consumption of SOUP is an amazing and brilliant moment.


You're watching Gankutsuou as well? Oh man you're in for a treat. If you haven't read the actual novel I recommend it simply because you get to see things from a completely different point of view, as well as differing plots here and there, it'll make the story that much moer awesome.


Sounds like Funimation and Sentai will be working on distributing the Bandai Sunrise titles that have gone out of print. More specifically, it sounds like Sunrise is technically releasing them themselves and is currently negotiating with local distributors like Funi/Sentai about it.

Sadly there are still no plans for a NA license of either Battle Spirits or Aikatsu.
Saki Achiga-hen 16

The long wait combined with a cold opening were not a good combination as I was struggling to remember what was going on at first. But 15 minutes of exposition helped with that! Too bad they never bother to explain the heroine's powers until 10 minutes left in the final episode. The last round ended up being the least compelling part of the show. And well, I already knew what the end result was going to be, and it's still incredibly dumb, but at least it will be years before I have to see anymore of Achiga or Shizu given how slowly the manga is progressing.


Easily my favorite (out of many good ones) from the first season. The Schwarvald stuff concluding was so good.

S2 is the best season of Big O. Nothing can compare to the brain changing meltdown that is that season. It's at least as good as End of Evangelion in that department. Everyone should watch S2 of The Big O. It's glorious.

GTO (2012) 1

Didn't really know what to expect but so far it's pretty good.
While some key scenes are still in the drama, there are still differences that make it enjoyable even if you read the manga.
I like the actors they picked, the director is so pretty, good lord...
It has a good soundtrack but I think I prefer the OST of the anime version.
From what I can gather it also covers some stuff from GTO Shonan 14 Days, pretty cool idea.

Oh dude there's a J-Drama version of GTO? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Show me Tomoko and I'll decide if I'm picking up or not.

Really? No reaction to Kallen
getting captured?
That was the only part of the episode that stuck out for me.

But don't worry though, episodes 12 and onward....

Your reactions will be glorious.

Eh, that happened in the previous episode. The only noteworthy thing there is the flippant way in which Lelouch made that promise and is now promptly ignoring it so he can go get into high school hijinks again. He
abandoned her, but this isn't a surprise, because he abandons everyone.

You're watching Gankutsuou as well? Oh man you're in for a treat. If you haven't read the actual novel I recommend it simply because you get to see things from a completely different point of view, as well as differing plots here and there, it'll make the story that much moer awesome.

I first read The Count of Monte Cristo in like, High School, sophomore year. It is definitely one of my favorite books ever.


Bunch of announcements from Sentai -- AKB0048 S1 in September, and release dates for October including Kokoro Connect, Campione, and Hakuoki Reimeiroku (all four of the previous series will be on both BD and DVD), and pickups of Godannar (DVD), Di Gi Charat (DVD), and the original Gatchaman (BD/DVD), also all apparently set for October.
Bunch of announcements from Sentai -- release dates for October including AKB0048 S1, Kokoro Connect, Campione, and Hakuoki Reimeiroku (all on BD and DVD), and pickups of Godannar, Di Gi Charat, and the original Gatchaman, also all apparently set for October.

Was hoping for Kokoro Connect, been in the mood to rewatch it lately.
Will end up getting Hakuoki Reimeiroku on DVD (since the others are on DVD), would look odd to all of a sudden get a BD Hakuoki. Though if the movie is eventually released here, Id probably get the BD to that.

Maybe will get Campione...
Spice and Wolf II 04

I did like the contrast at the start with the festival in the background and the down trotting Lawrence walking through.


[Cardcaptor Sakura] - 51

They should just rename this series "Everyone is in love with Sakura, or Yukito, or Both". I understand that it's not a particularly catchy title, but it's far more accurate than the current one!

Incidentally, I really don't like the pacing of this series. There's always an overarching plot that's moving forward in the background but it's travelling at a snails pace. I know the same could be said of, say, Sailor Moon but the incidental (or, 'filler') episodes in that franchise tend to be far more interesting and unique then what happens in Cardcaptor Sakura.

The structure of each episode is surprisingly rigid. There's a few scenes where the familiar characters say the familiar things to each other. Then as we approach the half way point some scrub monster/card/whatever turns up. Eventually Sakura and Co track it down and defeat it. In between the characters either say exactly the same or, very rarely, they develop, but they develop only the teeny tiniest amount so that the status quo is maintained. Some characters have been around for over fifty episodes and every scene that they're in is route and predictable because they're never fleshed out or altered.
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