Isn't the next LN for oreimo also the last? We could actually see real ending in anime. This episode was so perfect before the last 30s. Fuck this.
But then I'd be pausing it every two seconds. It'd take forever to finish one episode.
scene of the season
Valvrave 7-
This is the best show I've seen since Code Geass. Holy shit this is amazing. If that prologue is where they're going with the story then this might make its way on my all time favorite list.
Isn't the next LN for oreimo also the last? We could actually see real ending in anime. This episode was so perfect before the last 30s. Fuck this.
In a perfect world, the last 30s would not exist. The anime would've ended. Greatest ending ever.
nah thats definitely the ending of last weeks Aku no Hana, which is also show of the season/
Questions for those who is still watching Majestic Prince and/or Karneval.... I stop watching both of these after episode 3, so does either of these anime get any better?
Its amazing to witness the whiplash from everyone hating Aku no Hana to everyone praising it.
It's not really worrying me. If anything, it's just distracting.It's not like it's important to read all the text anyway. Don't worry about it.
Saki Side-A 16 (END - FINALLY)
I don't think this show ever decided on which school it wanted to focus on, despite Achiga being in the actual title of the show. I never even particularly cared about anyone in those schools because of said focus shifts so the mahjong matches that I didn't understand at all were incredibly uninteresting compared to the original Saki. The only things I enjoyed were the pretty decent seiyuu cast and the incredibly blatant lesbianism, and hopefully the actual sequel next year will provide that plus the return to the original cast that I actually enjoyed.
Needs way more happy insanity.Funimation released their engDub trailer for The Future Diary | Cast List
Unfortunately I dont think it captures some of the characters personalities that well :/
Its amazing to witness the whiplash from everyone hating Aku no Hana to everyone praising it.
Arakawa Under the Bridge 1
Had this on the Shaft backlog for whenever I finished Hidamari, but after reading Passive Assassin posts about it I moved it up and decided to watch it today.
First episode was quite funny. The characters are insane and it's one of those "narrate everything" MCs so I will enjoy this a lot. Though I'm not a big fan of some of the colouring choices especially for the river scenes, they look very odd.
I'm actually glad we got to see everyone school point of view and relationships.
-make the losses much more dramatic
-raise the stakes
-give a proper explanation for everyone powers.
-Explain the point of view of each game from each school side so you can see the tension and everything that goes with it ( including tactics )
-Make the achiga girls way more badass than they are really.
-Gave us a wonderfull set of pairings that would make SDBurton proud.
The other school focus was a nice change of pace & helped the plot so much that the achiga girls often are pushed in the background untill it's their turn to shine on the contrary to the original cast ( that is still the main heroines despites this anime ) that was always in a good position despite the challenges on their way.
As a saki fan , we got plenty of info on nodoka and more important , on teru school and if you've got this far your only option is to get HYPED for the finale ..because it's gonna be intense.
There were a lot of people on board since the first episode. I was one of them.
Majestic Prince had a few slow episodes but as of late it has turned out to be pretty good when it went back to big space fights. Definitely pick it back up.
Karneval has been like it was from the start. I think Im a bit biased, but I think its the best of the season excellent episode 1 and excellent episode through now. Just really great looking characters doing really funny and/or actiony things.
There were a lot of people on board since the first episode. I was one of them.
Yeah I really enjoyed this series. Personally don't get how people enjoyed SoreDemo over this but man I wish they made a new season of Arakawa.
It's kind of hard to get hyped since I'm not even sure why I've watched so much of this series without understanding a single thing about mahjong.
Code Geass R2 12
Oh don't you worry, the writers were well aware of the hole they fell in at that point.Glad to have vented that, because here's where, above all else, the show finally shows some really, truly, inexcusably bad writing. SHIRLEY. I mean, Shirley was bad writing in S1, but good GOD how many retcons can we have for this girl? I mean REALLY. I'm glad I'm not a fan of the Lelouch x Shirley ship, because this'd just be the mother of all ship-blocks here. But that aside, how many times can you possibly waffle and flip-flop a character's development? WHICH SHIRLEY DO YOU STUPID WRITERS WANT?
Questions for those who is still watching Majestic Prince and/or Karneval.... I stop watching both of these after episode 3, so does either of these anime get any better?
Oh ?
Oh !
Well by analysing all the player powers it's easy to understand the stakes and what works and what don't.
Or you can watch for the comebacks , the pairings or many other things.
I watch saki for everything actually.
And since everyone is explainig stuff on the show you don't really need to know all the rules. It's built like a sport shonen adventure after all.
They're just doing what they did in the first season.Does anybody know why the Oreimo S2 OP animation keeps changing every damn episode?
Arakawa Under the Bridge 1
Had this on the Shaft backlog for whenever I finished Hidamari, but after reading Passive Assassin posts about it I moved it up and decided to watch it today.
First episode was quite funny. The characters are insane and it's one of those "narrate everything" MCs so I will enjoy this a lot. Though I'm not a big fan of some of the colouring choices especially for the river scenes, they look very odd.
Yuru Yuri: 01
This is going to be fun!
I can think of a few good reasons why it wasn't there then. First, it's not like V.V. knew about the fact that Lelouch had GeassYou think he could be prepared for that? It's also possible V.V. came running to the scene with auntil after Euphemia's massacre.Hence why he showed up to Suzaku shortly afterGeass Canceller during the massacre but arrived too late.Euphemia's death.
Oh don't you worry, the writers were well aware of the hole they fell in at that point.
Also get excited! Your not-shit new opening arrives in the next episode! What do I think of it? Not as good as the first one, but nowhere near as bad as the other ones.
Is the comedy in Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu good?
Is the comedy in Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu good?
♥♥♥ Sanji ♥♥♥
The Count of Monte Cristo 5
So Albert loses and falls in the water and the Count whisks him away to a cave for some father son time. It's sort of cryptic, but in its own strange way rather nice to see the Count act as an actual kind person toward Albert. One of the best parts of the story is that, just as the Count uses Albert to undo Morcerf and everyone who wronged him, Albert becomes the means by which the Count's schemes come undone. Also, I don't think the Count knows he's Albert's father right now, either.
It's been a while since I've seen this, but I don't think this is one of the adaptations where that's the case.
It's like 3 incest jokes per episode that are like 4~ minutes.
The least table flipping incest show of the season at least!
Incest jokes
Does she use Onii-chan in a sweet voice?
This is simply how it worked back in the day.
The Count of Monte Cristo 5
In this episode Albert realizes mommy and daddy don't love each other AT ALL, and his friends make a huge amount of fun of him for it. Albert gets really pissed off when Maximilian calls out all of Paris for allowing loveless marriages to happen and says that all Parisians are corrupt. Of course, what he really means is that he is in love with Franz' fiance, mad that he'll lose this woman to someone who doesn't even love her, and also despises Paris because that's where the man who ruined his father lives.
They also meet Heide, who even in the books I was never sure if she actually slept with the Count, or if she really was just his devoted servant.
Albert throws a hissy fit, and draws his shiny new sword. The Count, however, suggests that they take this issue and settle it like pirates, in a duel on the bow of the boat which holds his solid gold underground mansion floating in his man-made and apparently thought-controlled underground replication of the Marseilles shore. Also the ocean is infested with bloodthirsty sharks because the Count of Monte Cristo gets off on the whole scaring others white routine. It's no wonder Franz doesn't like the guy, becauseever since meeting him he's done nothing but take Albert-kun's love away from himever since meeting him the guy has done nothing but been freaking creepy as hell and also HE LOOKS LIKE A VAMPIRE.
So Albert loses and falls in the water and the Count whisks him away to a cave for some father son time. It's sort of cryptic, but in its own strange way rather nice to see the Count act as an actual kind person toward Albert. One of the best parts of the story is that, just as the Count uses Albert to undo Morcerf and everyone who wronged him, Albert becomes the means by which the Count's schemes come undone. Also, I don't think the Count knows he's Albert's father right now, either.
This was just a cool shot.
Peppo continues to confuse viewers, and tries to be Best Girl, even though Peppo is allegedly a boy.
The episode ends with Mercedes thinking about the Count while Albert just kinda stares, dumbfounded. The whole episode is mostly about Albert thinking about whether love is important or not, and how it figures into his life.
It's been a while since I've seen this, but I don't think this is one of the adaptations where that's the case.