I really hate DAL but they have some goood character designs and outfits.
Speaking of which, I know how much yall love Kurumi and this came up on my feed so here you go.
rip kayos
oh btw happy birthday to best Precure and best magical girl of all time!
From those screencaps alone I sense tear licking goodnesscoming my way!and awkwardness
Not even man! Kirino has that sass! Pair that with her passion of games where she captures the hearts of her fellow maidens and its no surprise why she's top tier in my book. Behind her is Ayase (her OTP) and Saori. Kuroneko is at the very bottom!
Get hype!
Think about it.
What's a clitoris?I'm looking at that picture more than I really want to... I really don't get it. Are you talkin about her boobs? I never heard of boobs being referred to as beans...
I'm looking at that picture more than I really want to... I really don't get it. Are you talkin about her boobs? I never heard of boobs being referred to as beans...
I'm looking at that picture more than I really want to... I really don't get it. Are you talkin about her boobs? I never heard of boobs being referred to as beans...
I really hate DAL but they have some goood character designs and outfits.
Speaking of which, I know how much yall love Kurumi and this came up on my feed so here you go.
NSFW. Probably.
Removed link because kayos is scared
I'm looking at that picture more than I really want to... I really don't get it. Are you talkin about her boobs? I never heard of boobs being referred to as beans...
I'm looking at that picture more than I really want to... I really don't get it. Are you talkin about her boobs? I never heard of boobs being referred to as beans...
well this thread got creepy fast
oh btw happy birthday to best Precure and best magical girl of all time!
Kirino comes off as a brat who has a tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants.
I still don't get why you are backing team Kirino, when it means pairing up with the brother.
SDBurton... I thought I knew you man, but the past few weeks feels like I'm seeing a different person. *runs off and cries*
How did we survive without :kayo~s in this thread for so long?
(Cowboy bepop spoilers)
"But I think the viewers who decided that Spike is just asleep are probably right. Just sleeping "
my waifu's birthday? Let's celebrate!
cajun weekend has been officially extended
I don't want to get banned over something stupid again. Should I really remove that picture?
AH ah ah NO
I don't want to get banned over something stupid again. Should I really remove that picture?
Fuck me. Well... I guess I can only hope my ban is not severe. *sigh*
Not again...
But I love that about her. Her snobby attitude and how she treats her brother like crud is great!
I know that in Oreimo I can't get my personal pairing to be canon (Kirino x Ayase), so if I must go with a vanilla pairing might as well root for a girl I consider to be the best!And one that brings the most salt.
If you keep telling him the answer, he will never learn!What's a clitoris?
I don't want to get banned over something stupid again. Should I really remove that picture?
Manami is the one dropping the salt factory on Kirino if season 1 is anything to go by.
Seriously dude, you're giving into a vanilla pairing? What happened to all guys getting hit by a bus?
I don't know you anymore!
This is interesting right?
Could everyone who quoted that post remove the third link. I don't want to be banned. Please.
Kirino comes off as a brat who has a tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants.
I still don't get why you are backing team Kirino, when it means pairing up with the brother.
SDBurton... I thought I knew you man, but the past few weeks feels like I'm seeing a different person. *runs off and cries*
Sengoku Basara 1
I'm in awe here and not just by how nice this looks.
I know the costumes are exaggerated but hers takes it to a new level.
If there is one thing to learn about SDBurton and DTL is that heteronormative parings are only okay when its incest.
DTL did an incest male female pairing to?
Now I'm curious what picture you posted...
what does this mean~