Chet Rippo
He rooting for Sugu at SAO
Yeah, claimed her to be the best imouto.
He rooting for Sugu at SAO
I really hate DAL but they have some goood character designs and outfits.
Speaking of which, I know how much yall love Kurumi and this came up on my feed so here you go.
NSFW. Probably.
Edit: Kayos~
cajun weekend has been officially extended
but it's erika weekend now
He rooting for Sugu at SAO
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
Manami is the one dropping the salt factory on Kirino if season 1 is anything to go by.
Seriously dude, you're giving into a vanilla pairing? What happened to all guys getting hit by a bus?
I don't know you anymore!
I edited my post Kayos. I hope you don't get banned.
well this thread got creepy fast
oh btw happy birthday to best Precure and best magical girl of all time!
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
All I'm saying is, if there has to be a vanilla pairing by the end of the show, I want Kirino to take it.
Don't leave me Steroyd! ─=≡Σ((( つ̀ώつ (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
Yep, that's good ol' Nobita.
Nice impressions. I have seen animation fragments of it, but one of this days I shall make myself with this I can recommend more than just the 1980 version of it (
Sengoku Basara 3
As I mentioned when I wrote my impressions, I was really impressed by both the structure and the pacing of the movie. I was surprised by how much time was devoted to establishing both the characters and the world in a children's movie; I expected there to be about ten minutes of time devoted the set-up, not a good half an hours worth of content.
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
So is Date A Live good beyond the waifu factors?I'm so fucking boned....
So is Date A Live good beyond the waifu factors?
Do you guys recommend Kids on the Slope? It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe so it can't be bad, right?
Zettai bouei leviathan - 07
This was the devious tale of 3 female dragon magic users in a desert trying to survive.
Levi-tan dreams sure are convenient .i'm pretty sure that whenever the writter will need a mean to move the plot forward a "dream" will conveniently happen.
We also had our tsundere oujo-sama learning how to live outdoors so it wasn't bad.
By now it's painfully obvious that our cast is kinda stupid ( hey girls , you need lots of water if you plan to travel a desert by foot ! ) i guess the common sense is different in this world than in ours.
Also , i doubt it but they should explain this stuff with the ruins and the invasion ..i'm not getting my hopes up considering this cast but who knows ?
Excellent deduction ! it's unusual to see everyone at least considering that option first but .... why are you gonna pull that spear anyway without paying attention to your surrondings ?
Anyway even with this tiny problem this episode was very entertaining.
Oreimo S2 - 07
Oh man am I hype to see the next episode! :lol
Gets jar to collect Kuroneko fans' tears.
All 4 direct feed posters posted by Ghibli International. Finally.
I really hate DAL but they have some goood character designs and outfits.
Speaking of which, I know how much yall love Kurumi and this came up on my feed so here you go.
Removed as per everyone's suggeestion.
I'm looking at that picture more than I really want to... I really don't get it. Are you talkin about her boobs? I never heard of boobs being referred to as beans...
cajun weekend has been officially extended
but it's erika weekend now
Thank you. Now to just wait on SDBurton. T_T And chrono...
But she already has a yuri partner D:
All I'm saying is, if there has to be a vanilla pairing by the end of the show, I want Kirino to take it.
You tagged it nsfw. You'll be okay.
Attack on Indifference - 8
I wasn't feeling it, and I think this show is starting to lose me. The battle is starting to feel pretty drawn out to me too.
Oreimo S2 - 08
It was just as good as I expected it to be, holy shit hahahaha! With Kuroneko out of the way it's smooth sailing from here. Let's go #TeamKirino!
After the crazy series opening the middle episodes felt like a drag, at least for me. It all picks up again by episode 6 or 7 though, and it's pretty much just a sprint to the finish line from there.
But she already has a partner, not everyone else does. Give them a chance at being vanilla
What is a vanilla pairing? a pairing of two boring characters? I don't know the term.
Name changes always end in regret.xboned
the hell at Ieyasu? I think he was younger than his Oda Nobuna version.
Vanilla is with a penis if I understand this.
No.This looks like a nice little distraction of an anime. What is a dragon magic user? assuming its an MMO term?
Good. From what I've seen commented, all the latest more lively animated remakes of old Doraemon films are excellent choices, since Mr. Watanabe's 2006 movie.Hmm, interesting. My interest in doraemon-releated stuff has gone up in general so I might check out the original work at some point. Plan is to watch the 2011 movie first, though, Doraemon & the Robot Army.
I'm sure that Haly is wrong about this episode of Gargantia!
Vanilla stands for "original, plain' pairing, meaning a hetero relationship between a guy and a girl.
By how often you frequent this thread Cajun you should know this already, we even posted ice cream pics as references.
Good to hear. I don't mind the slower episodes to help give it a sense of direction but only in moderation. They're not really suited for something like this.
The 3 girls ( that are all adorable in their own ways ) are magic users in that universe and they also have a dragon form for when their powers are fully activated.
Here is a pic of the girls in dragon form :
The heroines are :
( those are the names of famous dragons so it all fits )
The thing in front is syrop , a delicious fairy that is a Wonderfull character, in both her actions , jokes and appetite.
And yeh it's quite intresting to watch but it's nothing special. It's just a fun adventure fantasy anime.
Can I just skip these Nanami episodes or is there a point to them? Seeing her turn into a cow was kind of funny, but it felt like filler.
Can I just skip these Nanami episodes or is there a point to them? Seeing her turn into a cow was kind of funny, but it felt like filler.
I could use a good fun adventure fantasy anime right now. How long is it? Im too lazy to go to ANN.
Sad I know.
Flashing back to their childhood? Flashing back in general more like. They didn't even try to disguise the laziness of reusing footage in this episode.Chihayafuru 2 20
I swear that if you took a drink for every time they flashed back to their childhood or Taichi got all mopey at the mere thought of Arata you'd end up dead of alcohol poisoning before the credits even begin to roll.