[Beautiful Dreamer]
Actually that totally did happen. Apparently Salamandinay was supposed to be introduced way earlier but the production committee pushed it back so they could have character songs ready.
See? It's all about THOSE STUPID SONGS
There's going to be a series where Yuki Nagato wins?
I don't even mind that it's not KyoAni, I've wanted to see more of the Haruhi alternate universe since I first saw Disappearance. Have only a little bit of the manga but my fingers are crossed.
The freaking butcher wouldn't haveFake killed the same character ten billion times. When the Butcher is on deck, people DIE. And they don't freaking come back.
gonna be aots
Butcher did the first three episodes, no?Funny that is only second episode where person from the good guys actually dead
blood-c the last dark is so bad i'm screeching
wtf, why aren't KyoAnus animating?
I need to watch urusei yatsura to get my dose of romance and slice of life
i loved the original blood even though a few plot points were questionable in terms of integrity of series (how I remember watching it as a kid on adult swim) and watched blood-c cause it was probably something close to the first one. the entire season was a big fuck you to every viewer, it was so bad how they tried working backwards and it didnt even make any sense on how it ended. horrible show.
a lifting and anime bro? mah man![]()
I'll lift KyoAnus in to a volcano if they don't sort their shit out!![]()
haruhi isnt an omnipotent god in the yuki spinoff so its automatically better
doesnt make boobsocks on tshirts any less dumb but w/e
wtf, why aren't KyoAnus animating?
Maybe because they've got better material to animate than a spinoff Kadokawa's promoting the manga for since Tanigawa can't write any novels now.
And yes, the first Euphonium novel is better than the Yuki-chan manga, having read both. Granted, most opinions here tend to differ from mine, but I doubt people will differ on this one.
If you want a long answer regarding the state of Kyoto Animation now, I wrote a post detailing how they've evolved from a group of painters to a studio that's acquiring content and leading committees unlike other studios like Bones and IG. In short, they've got a new business model that increased their profits quite a lot over the past two years since they've stopped being an mere animation studio. There's no reason to go back to doing what Kadokawa/TBS want them to do (though there are connections still present for the pervert Gatou to get his new stuff animated).
what have they animated before or are doing right now? the digimon anime? im pretty hyped for that.
That's summer though!
Good Luck Girl (aka Binbougami ga) 1-13
PS: For those who watched the anime, who was your favorite character and why was it
They're doing the Hibike! Euphonium show.
And before that they've done FMP Fumoffu and S2, Kanon 2006, Clannad, Haruhi, Lucky Star, K-On, Nichijou, Hyouka, Free and some other shows.
Maybe because they've got better material to animate than a spinoff Kadokawa's promoting the manga for since Tanigawa can't write any novels now.
And yes, the first Euphonium novel is better than the Yuki-chan manga, having read both. Granted, most opinions here tend to differ from mine, but I doubt people will differ on this one.
If you want a long answer regarding the state of Kyoto Animation now, I wrote a post detailing how they've evolved from a group of painters to a studio that's acquiring content and leading committees unlike other studios like Bones and IG. In short, they've got a new business model that increased their profits quite a lot over the past two years since they've stopped being an mere animation studio. There's no reason to go back to doing what Kadokawa/TBS want them to do (though there are connections still present for the pervert Gatou to get his new stuff animated).
assault lawsIf she doesn't have superpowers what's stopping people punching her in the face?
Didnt' expect to see the word bishie being used outside of a thread talking about waifu terms.
Koufuku Graffiti END
You know at the beginning I certainly wasn't expecting this show to be as good or as touching as it ended up being. This was going to be the cooking show that kept me going until Soma next season. But I've got to hand it to SHAFT this is one of the best SoL shows I've seen in a long time. This last episode was amazingly touching with Ryou graduation ceremony and the discussion and memories brought up about her grandmother who has had such an impact on her life. Also the grandma's pose changing at every shot of her picture was a great touch and the scene of Ryou's grandmother letting go of her hand and walking away got my eyes a little misty.
This has been a great series and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a good SoL or even a good anime in general to watch.
You guys read for more FSN UBW?
Anyways, new pinups! I'm not sure how much lewd is allowed so I'll err on the side of caution and let you guys look em up. Or if it doesn't work, I just dumped them on tumblr and you can get someimage links there for pasting here and take the risk: (I feel dirty like I'm promoting myself, ew).
Girls in business suits are hot as hell though. Threw in Shirobako as well, good shows. Oh well, can't not post Erina-sama (NSFWish one:
Cross Ange ended, best bad show in a while (NSFW on, really lewd, mmm yuri:
Triage X and not-Kyoani out of interest for the new season:
Oregairu is a bit too lewd with the cleavage to post.... probably:
I'm just curious, where do you get all your info and knowledge from? Whenever you post it's always super informative.
assault laws
And yes, the first Euphonium novel is better than the Yuki-chan manga, having read both. Granted, most opinions here tend to differ from mine, but I doubt people will differ on this one.
Well, sir you have good taste.
I hope Ginpachi has a really fucking good reason for acting like a complete shitbag this arc.
Dear god, what did they do to Haruhi? (and this is not how T-shirts work)
Sentai has the NA rights I believe, so expect them about a year from now. (Not sure what region you're in)
I like yuki yuna.. Many people were disapointed because they were expecting madoka ..but i'ml glad they didn't go that route totally. yuki yuna is his own thing. and that ending is much more bearable.
He seems ..angry somehow.
Indeed that happens and that confirm that caster taste in dresses is top tier
I hate everyone.
I hate you.
I hate me.
I hate Sunrise.
I hate Mecha.
I hate everything.
Dog days S3 - 12
A rather simple ending , with clear set-up for a next season , they don't even hide it
Still , i admit that 2 singers can't do much , when they don't have a common song to song , but still ...
Truth: "Lalalalalalalalalalala"
Lol ..
I guess there is next time when the 2 will meet again , next season , right , right ???
Season 3 thoughts
Well this season 3 had one main good thing was superbly animated... Such great animation overall ..most episodes were spotless.
There was also a good deal of backstory and fanservice ... the good kind as it focused of simple and goofy things.
The battles were fun to watch and most of the situations were intresting.. it was a trully a good season that focused on expanding the flognarde world rather than the characters. it can be a shame , but i'm fine either way.
I think it was a bold choice to do a season without war games , but i think they weren't sure where to go with the stakes. I guess that's the result of the hero party wiping every thread on the planet 100 years before.
Bring on season 4 , where shinku will finally start thinking about her love life, bring it season 4 with a winter themed season ! bring it , season 4 with more backstory on the old heroes, heck just give me more dog days..
VERDICT on season 3 : 8.7/10
this season I think I'm going to watch the new Lupin, Ninja Slayer (I'll probably regret this) and Kekkai Sensen.
I'm not sure about the rest, should I give Ore Monogatari a try? Or any other series that could turn out to be good and I didn't mention.
nice, I read the manga a long time ago but I remember that it was pretty enjoyable.
Butcher did the first three episodes, no?
Yeah, the Yuki-chan manga is fluffy fluff-fluff. It's cute to watch Nagato blush for a couple chapters, but that's about it.
Hopefully Euphonium is good enough and the anime staff don't muck about too much to its detrement. I'm not asking for another Hyouka, but I would like something more like that than all of KyoAni's other LN adaptations.
Having read what the first episode of Euphonium is like and knowing the rest of the novel, I'll say it's not exactly the best judge of where it's going. The first part of the novel is lighter than the rest. It's an actual novel (like the Kotenbu series) and Takeda is still growing as a writer. Chuunibyou/Kyoukai's novels weren't enough for a full 12 episode season, but Euphonium has that room to expand content and fill one. There's a lot of characters, which neither KA Esuma Bunko novel had, so there's no need to add them like those adaptations did.
The focus is definitely on music and their concert, but there's a lot of focus on the development of Kumiko and Reina's friendship as well. It's not fluffy like K-On! was; there's a lot of hard work that goes into performing here. Hazuki, who would be in the Yui position of having never played her instrument and acts as the person Takeda used to expand knowledge to, doesn't magically gain talent to play her instrument overnight. She practices a lot, but that doesn't mean she'll automatically get to perform in the concert. Kumiko and Reina have played since they were younger and have more talent in their instruments. There's also an issue that happened the year before in the band...
Takeda spoke with her friends who played in a band and KyoAni invited experienced musicians to better draw the instruments and performances. There's a lot of effort going into the series. That's why it irritates me to see it denigrated as "whaa, why no K-On! S3" or "Ugh, more moe K-On!" It's a better work than what they've adapted recently and I think people will be surprised.
Having read what the first episode of Euphonium is like and knowing the rest of the novel, I'll say it's not exactly the best judge of where it's going. The first part of the novel is lighter than the rest. It's an actual novel (like the Kotenbu series) and Takeda is still growing as a writer. Chuunibyou/Kyoukai's novels weren't enough for a full 12 episode season, but Euphonium has that room to expand content and fill one. There's a lot of characters, which neither KA Esuma Bunko novel had, so there's no need to add them like those adaptations did.
The focus is definitely on music and their concert, but there's a lot of focus on the development of Kumiko and Reina's friendship as well. It's not fluffy like K-On! was; there's a lot of hard work that goes into performing here. Hazuki, who would be in the Yui position of having never played her instrument and acts as the person Takeda used to expand knowledge to, doesn't magically gain talent to play her instrument overnight. She practices a lot, but that doesn't mean she'll automatically get to perform in the concert. Kumiko and Reina have played since they were younger and have more talent in their instruments. There's also an issue that happened the year before in the band...
Takeda spoke with her friends who played in a band and KyoAni invited experienced musicians to better draw the instruments and performances. There's a lot of effort going into the series. That's why it irritates me to see it denigrated as "whaa, why no K-On! S3" or "Ugh, more moe K-On!" It's a better work than what they've adapted recently and I think people will be surprised.
The fuck, we seriously might not get Digimon Tri this season?
Well...if it has production and scheduling issues I suppose I'll be fine with a delay. But still that's rather unexpected.
Lol. Hate to be the bringer of bad news then.Wait.... Who is doing Digimon?
Please don't say Toei...