Believe it or not, I know someone (offline) who hates Azumanga.
Like, seriously, I didn't know that possible.
There's always someone out there that hates the things we like.
I've seen people who think Gurren Lagann is a legit bad show.![]()
Wait Gurren Lagann is supposed to be good?
Clannad ep8-9
I hate my life right now. I really do.
Awwww, that's so sad! Have a hug! *Hug*
Discontinue watching this show and it can only get better.
I'm one of those people! Didn't like Lagann at all, but I guess that's well documented here. I pretty much hate everything and I'm a whiny bastard. I thought that Lagann had elements that were interesting, and on paper I can appreciate what they were going for but it didn't work for me at all. I think I gave it a 6/10 overall, my lowest score (lucky me!) from everything I've seen. Do I regret watching it? Not really, but man more then half of the cast were infuriating, the fan service was a hair away from making me puke all over myself and the action was boring as hell. Nothing compelling at all. I thought that the movies were a bit more palatable overall, if only because I didn't watch them back to back and they made some changes that I appreciated, including skipping or fast forwarding through some crap episodes. I think that the Japanese voice acting was better too. Fuck the English dub, grating as well. I actually liked the Parallel Works however, but I'm a sucker for shorts.
If that was supossed to be a feel good moment, they f'ed it all up. Thsi is gona get tougher, isn't it?
No offense, but if you think Gurren Lagann's action is boring, then I'm not sure if I want to know what exciting action is to you.
If that was supossed to be a feel good moment, they f'ed it all up. Thsi is gona get tougher, isn't it?
I've been out of this thread for quite some time, so umm, are you like a v2 of Cajunator or something?
No offense, but if you think Gurren Lagann's action is boring, then I'm not sure if I want to know what exciting action is to you.
I hate it when people act like they're surprised they find out that they aren't the only one when it comes to certain subjects, but fuck I'm really not the only one.Maybe something where the action sequences actually have any stakes at play and ... better choreography?
Maybe something where the action sequences actually have any stakes at play and ... better choreography? I dunno, I liked the insane scaling, sure enough, but I can't recall being particularly impressed by most of the fighting choreography.
Wait Gurren Lagann is supposed to be good?
I'm one of those people! Didn't like Lagann at all, but I guess that's well documented here. I pretty much hate everything and I'm a whiny bastard. I thought that Lagann had elements that were interesting, and on paper I can appreciate what they were going for but it didn't work for me at all. I think I gave it a 6/10 overall, my lowest score (lucky me!) from everything I've seen. Do I regret watching it? Not really, but man more then half of the cast were infuriating, the fan service was a hair away from making me puke all over myself and the action was boring as hell. Nothing compelling at all. I thought that the movies were a bit more palatable overall, if only because I didn't watch them back to back and they made some changes that I appreciated, including skipping or fast forwarding through some crap episodes. I think that the Japanese voice acting was better too. Fuck the English dub, grating as well. I actually liked the Parallel Works however, but I'm a sucker for shorts.
I admire your perseverance.
If they haven't reached 3rd part yet, wouldn't that mean they aim to prolong this arc till fall ?
You have no idea.
Ah you didn't quite catch my drift. I was insinuating that the show is terribad, with the exception of roughly the last third of Afterstory, which is actually relatively well done, compared to the rest of the show anyways.
Though, keep watching if you enjoy itI was initially thinking you implied disliking the show, not feeling down because of its content.
Uh....the action sequences DID have stakes. I mean, the last few episodes it wasdestroy the Anti-Spirals or everyone in the universe gets slaughtered.
The excitement value comes more from the scaling than it does from the fighting choreography. I remember watching episode 22 for the first time wondering howthey were gonna stop the moon from crashing into the Earth. And what's their plan? "Hey let's combine with the ship and become a bigger robot. HEY, let's combine with the MOON and become an even BIGGER robot!
It's also a matter of stating just how far all the characters come by the end of the show. All the suffering, losses, and evolution all leads up to that one final showdown that will decide the fate of everything.
Is that sort of thing very clichéd in anime? Yes. But it's how they embrace that cliché and just go all out with it and make it the most beautiful, brilliant spectacle that they can is what makes the action in Gurren Lagann exciting.
Name one other anime where the final showdown consists of, and then we can talk about boring.the villain merging two galaxies together to hit the heroes with a literal big bang
[post=55655416]Still one of my favourite posts.[/post]
Uh....the action sequences DID have stakes. I mean, the last few episodes it wasdestroy the Anti-Spirals or everyone in the universe gets slaughtered.
Wait Gurren Lagann is supposed to be good?
It's about the perceived stakes, which I feel are low. I mean that's not really surprising in a show that's literally about overcoming anything by believing in yourself. Even just a few episodes in you're already understanding that this show can conjure up anything at any point to let the protagonists overcome all odds.
I'm even somewhat fine with that because it's pretty much the premise of the show, however, that still makes it inherently more difficult for the audience to care about the battles. It can still be achieved by investing your audience in the characters and by having sublime fight choreographies. Additionally, if there's a well uphold internal logic to how they manage to continuously 'do the impossible' I'll certainly appreciate that (the show was alright in that regard).
But yeh, as I mentioned, other than the insane scaling the fights didn't do much for me and the characters are my major weak spot of TTGL.
100% agreed. Never once did I feel that a fight was earned, or a hurdle was overcome, as everything was victory by default. There was never a "oh shit how is this going to end?" scenario for me, or any tension whatsoever, and like I said, I have to say that the show wears this on its sleeve with pride, so I can't act surprised at the notion that the protagonists can conjure up anything and everything at a click of a finger, but make for a compelling fight it does not. Nobody was ever a threat, evenwere merely shrugged off. Never once did I feel as if the characters had grown, or adhered to any logic whatsoever which makes it very hard for me to really give a damn about anything on screen. The fights weren't even entertaining to watch or fun either, which would at least alleviate a lot of the boredom that ensued.galaxies being flinged
A reaction picture, nice. I guess I was wrong all along, thanks for showing me the light, I mean how could I hate this show?!![]()
A reaction picture, nice. I guess I was wrong all along, thanks for showing me the light, I mean how could I hate this show?!![]()
Which part of that paragraph containing 160 words would you like me to explain? I'd be happy to assist.
Next up:
Reaction pic PLUS 'what' tag!
I'm one of those people! Didn't like Lagann at all, but I guess that's well documented here. I pretty much hate everything and I'm a whiny bastard. I thought that Lagann had elements that were interesting, and on paper I can appreciate what they were going for but it didn't work for me at all. I think I gave it a 6/10 overall, my lowest score (lucky me!) from everything I've seen. Do I regret watching it? Not really, but man more then half of the cast were infuriating, the fan service was a hair away from making me puke all over myself and the action was boring as hell. Nothing compelling at all. I thought that the movies were a bit more palatable overall, if only because I didn't watch them back to back and they made some changes that I appreciated, including skipping or fast forwarding through some crap episodes. I think that the Japanese voice acting was better too. Fuck the English dub, grating as well. I actually liked the Parallel Works however, but I'm a sucker for shorts.
It was created to be the reverse Evangelion.Gurren Lagann is a celebration of all that is great in anime.
It it a joy from beginning to end.
Folks, it isn't that crazy for someone to dislike something you like! It's well within expected parameters, frankly. There's no need to treat people who stray from the norm like they're crazy or unusual. Plenty of people don't like show X.
Of course, it's helpful for people to go into detail about why they don't like something but I feel javac and NaDannMaGoGo has been pretty clear and thorough.
I've just read through you post, nintendoman58 and, speaking from experience, it looks like you're coming dangerously close to committing a cardinal internet sin. Specifically, you're only a few steps away from trying to change another persons gut reaction to a piece of art. That's not something that can be done easily. I've fallen into this trap myself on many occasions but it's best to avoid heading down this path.
I can understand where you're coming from, but the only things you can really argue with NaDannMaGoGo about very limited factual areas of discussion. For example, it's fine to pull on comments regarding stakes because obviously the story in TTGL has clearly defined stakes and so that part of the post is clearly inaccurate. NaDannMaGoGo's initial post could have been worded better but it's clear that he didn't find the stakes within the show to be very meaningful and once you reach that level of the argument you've once again run into a brick wall - another persons gut reaction to a piece of art. There's no arguing with that.
Now, I know that you just want to explain why you personally like the show, which is fine, but ultimately it has little bearing on the discussion. If you boil down the salient points it's clear that NaDannMaGoGo and javac have fundamentally different experiences of this show than you have. There's really nothing else to say here.
All of it really. Earning fights, lack of tension, compelling battles, nobody being a threat, no character growth, boring fights, etc.
I pretty much disagree with everything you said and feel like everything happened the exact opposite for me. I get you didn't like it, but your points strike me as really weird because my opinions are the polar opposite of yours.
I'm guessing we both just watched it with different amounts of enthusiasm/engagement or something, because I found it really easy to give a damn about what happened in the show. Caring about the characters and the story is not something that comes easily for me too, but TTGL really engaged me in a way i've only experienced with a small handful of shows.
I won't be able to give you a good response because i'll be on mobile for the next 12 hours though.
Sure, thoroughly interrogating someone's position is a pretty normal thing to do.That's why we're discussing it? I don't think anyone has made any personal attacks or anything.
I can certainly remember that being the case and, I'd argue, that such a reaction is unwarranted. I can fully sympathise with people who find Hyouka boring because it's really not for everyone.Everytime I say that I think Hyouka is a not a good show I always get way worse responses than he has.
Sure, thoroughly interrogating someone's position is a pretty normal thing to do.
I can certainly remember that being the case and, I'd argue, that such a reaction is unwarranted. I can fully sympathise with people who find Hyouka boring.
Nothing's for everyone anymore. We just live in a era with infinite options, where you can find some obscure French show on Netflix and love it before someone in America decides to remake it, so even the zeitgeist thing is dead now.I can certainly remember that being the case and, I'd argue, that such a reaction is unwarranted. I can fully sympathise with people who find Hyouka boring because it's really not for everyone.
The only thing notable about Kill Me Baby was the OP!
The only thing notable about Kill Me Baby was the OP!
Marvel Studios.Nothing's for everyone anymore. We just live in a era with infinite options, where you can find some obscure French show on Netflix and love it before someone in America decides to remake it, so even the zeitgeist thing is dead now.
I was going to type up another response, but after reading this, yeah you're right. There's just really no arguing when it comes to how a show resonates with someone in the end.
I was mostly just befuddled as to how someone could find TTGL of all things boring. But really thinking about it, I guess that's the same as an Ano Hana fan wondering why someone else didn't cry at the end of it. People just have different reasons for why they enjoy what they enjoy and why they dislike what they dislike, and trying to change them is pretty much a futile effort.