Slime gonna be a cutie!
Give me arachnid already.
Its obviously the scales that matter the most.there's hardly any detail to that tummy and armpit, y'all need to look at more pinups.
there's hardly any detail to that tummy and armpit, y'all need to look at more pinups.
Why would the human parts shed!?She prob just shed, that's why it's so smooth
Why would the human parts shed!?
Her boobs are bigger in the manga. I cannot accept this anime version of her.
Joke subs are terrible and always less funny than the original material.
I've got a cool OVA that I'm planing to watch over the weekend, and I'm super excited to watch it. Hopefully people will find it interesting once you find out just what it is and my thoughts on it, but I'll leave you all on the edges of your seats for now!It's kind of obscure, and I'm champing at the bit to watch it. It's been a long time coming, hope I enjoy it.
I wonder, is there somewhere a decent, enlightening write up on the division of responsibilites between show's overall director and people who direct individual episodes ? To my mind, especially with the addition of people responsible for storyboards, it makes trying to pin virtues and vices of singular episodes to one person mightily hard and confusing. Shirobako kind of skipped the issue by having only one director for all episodes. ( I think he did all storyboards too ?) There was that one outsourced episode but they never went in depth about what was going there.
I assume the overall directors have rather strong grip on things given that, outside of SSY 5(6?) and 10 or some long running shounens, most shows, I can think of, tend to stick to one continous style more or less. But I'm kinda curious how the division of labour works in practice
With Toradora off my CR queue, the oldest left are down to: Another, The Idolm@ster, Kimi no Todoke, The World God Only Knows, and the Hakuoki prequel(which seemed really great).
The Idolm@ster. Stay away from Another.
imasWith Toradora off my CR queue, the oldest left are down to:Another, The Idolm@ster, Kimi no Todoke,The World God Only Knows, and the Hakuoki prequel(which seemed really great).
Watch Gunsmith Cats
Shame, it seems like it has potential, although the pilot must be one heck of a set-up.
With Toradora off my CR queue, the oldest left are down to: Another, The Idolm@ster, Kimi no Todoke, The World God Only Knows, and the Hakuoki prequel(which seemed really great).
Don't worry, it's in my planned to watch list, along with Dirty Pair, Bubblegum Crisis and You're Under Arrest! but what I've got planned for the weekend is totally different! I doubt many people even here have seen it![]()
I look forward to finding out.
Gotta pet them all.Gotta catch 'em all
I watched 3/4 of Kimi no Todoke (From Me to You) and stopped. It's got a completely different feel from your normal romcom, which is fresh, but the lead girl is almost insufferable to follow at times. I haven't seen the other ones yet, but I'd be interested in impressions of The World God Only Knows as I've seen it pop up on several lists. If you want something a little more emotionally charged, I just finished ef- A Tale of Memories. It starts pretty slow, then explodes towards the end.
Ninja Slayer 03
Something compels me to continue watching this bile. Not sure what yet.
Ninja Slayer 03
Something compels me to continue watching this bile. Not sure what yet.
The world god only knows is very good..it plays on the generic premise found in so many manga/anime/vns and have fun with them. A definitive recommendation.
Ahhh, this was fantastic to watch! A great slice of life involving three girls, Yui, Yuzu and Yukari, just living their lives and doing random, ridiculous and funny things. I love the Opening and Ending used for the anime, the songs work so well and have an amazingly upbeat and happy feel to it, makes you want to continue watching until you've finished it. I love the colors used and the way it's all animated, a very pretty anime to watch, for sure. Favorite thing about Yuyushiki would be the faces that the girls make, their eyes would change so many times indicating many different emotions making the comedy so much funnier. I also love the word play that they use, the repetition of words or making words sound cute, ahh, squee worthy stuff!
Would recommend if you like Azumanga Daiou.
You watched Hidamari Sketch yet? You should watch Hidamari Sketch.
Oh, and Clannad ;p
By that token, is Transformers for everyone? I know the only Marvel movie that I like is the one that seemingly everyone seems to hate (Iron Man 3), so I dunno. Heck, even the Nolan Batman movies aren't for everyone, and that was the pinnacle of summer blockbusters for a while.
I plan on watching Hidamari Sketch and anything/everything related to Hidamari Sketch soon.
Won't watch Clannad or ~After Story~ for a little bit, after watching Kanon and Full Moon, I cried a lot and was really sad/happy. I believe Clannad is another emotional story, so I'm filling myself up with happiness and fun first!
Oh, ok. Just make sure you got another happy and fun show for after you've finished Clannad. ;p
I've got a cool OVA that I'm planing to watch over the weekend, and I'm super excited to watch it. Hopefully people will find it interesting once you find out just what it is and my thoughts on it, but I'll leave you all on the edges of your seats for now!It's kind of obscure, and I'm champing at the bit to watch it. It's been a long time coming, hope I enjoy it.
Finally caught up with all of Gintama and I'm glad that I did. It's easily one of my favorite shows in general. Despite some crud humor the overall jokes and characters are truly special in many different ways. The voice acting especially for Gintoki is remarkable. I usually had a laugh for most episodes but that's not what makes it amazing. It can also have serious arcs which are awesome. I can't recommend it enough.
I think the Aria animations would be okay right? Hehehe. There is a lot of happy out there to watch, so I should be fine. I'm a bit emotional/sensitive to this stuff, so I need the preparation!
Thanks! It was released in 1989, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't released outside of Japan.What year this OVA was made? Also, did it release in North America or just in Japan ? Either way, hope you like it and maybe tell us once you're finish watching it.
For me, I am actually extracting my Anime collection into my Hard drive and this time I include the extra as I might post it sometime on youtube for people to watch. I might start from the extra from You're Under Arrest TV show which I own the DVD. I wonder how many people will want to watch it as they're tons to watch.
My shitty gif lives on in people's memories.
Yup! All that's left is the second movie.Have you started on the new season of Gintama?
It's perfectly fine in an average, vanilla kind of way.I will be joining him in celebration of all things Marvel tomorrow as well.
Yes. I was being cute. lolI thought he found it to be sort of dissapointing?
Yeah, it makes me wish Shane Black was in charge of the Marvel films. It'd be... marvelous!I missed a discussion about how Gurren Lagan sucks? Because it does, just like all of Imaishi's works.
While I like some other Marvel movies (some of them even quite a bit), I certainly agree that Iron Man 3 is the best, and it's not even particularly close. It's a shame that so many people can't appreciate it.