Black Rock Shooter 2- redux
So this episode starts off with Mato determined to become Yomi's friend and overcome Kagari's hatred.
Well goddamn that was quick. Now most people would have cut their losses at this point. I mean if someone isn't even going to give you a courtesy text that they're not going to make it, it's clear they don't give a fuck about you. Next up is some patent scenes of crazy between Kagari and Yomi.
Now last episode I thought I had a fairly good grasp of the insanity level of Kagari. I was wrong. I was dead wrong.
Then we get some Sanzigen CGI fight sequences which seem to be portrayal of dreams, according to this D-rate psychologist. If this is indeed is supposed to be a dream sequence then why does Mato have these sequences when she is awake? Now I could understand if the fight scenes are merely supposed to represent Mato or the other character's subconcious but Mato is also apparently privy to information she hasn't obtained. Is this some shared sub-consciousness fightclub?
As to why teenage girls are visually representing their relationships as a series of fantasy fights, I have no clue. I should mention that the name of this counselor's office is the best.
Also of note is this earlier sequence:
So I take it this rainbow bird stuff is a metaphor for homosexuality. That's the only way I can make sense of this dialogue. I mean who says this stuff? They keep coming back to this bird book in the most hamfisted manner possible. Anyway on we go to this scene where Kagari throws herself down a flight of stairs.
I should note that I liked the framing of the shot in that not only is there space between Kagari and Yomi but a valley of sorts as well. There is a slight distorted perspective shift, which I'm guessing is to represent the twisted nature of this encounter. Also of note is the light in that Yomi is in the light while Kagari is in darkness. Yomi is also trapped in the arched window which is a metaphor for the earlier 'caged bird' comparison by Mato. Afterwards the audience gets some background on why Kagari is such a fucked up human being, and it's not a particularly riveting story.
What blows my mind in this sequence isn't Kagari's stuff. It's Yomi's parents.
WHAT THE FUCK? YOUR DAUGHTER IS BEING PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY BULLIED AND YET YOU FEEL SORRY FOR THE BULLY? My mind felt like it was leaving my skull. I understand feeling bad for Kagari initially but your daughter should take precendent over someone else's daughter. I thought Kagari might have been either Yomi's half-sister or maybe Yomi's father's boss's daughter. Something that would justify keeping keeping Kagari around despite the clear abuse going on. I got none of that. Anyway on to the climax:
And just when I think there might be a breakthrough, some weird ass shit happens and I'm left staring at the screen asking 'wut?' repeatedly. The episode also contained a macaroon barrage attack. That's certainly something I never expected to see. I wonder what Imaishi, or whoever, felt storyboarding something like that.