Clannad Rant is another beauty!
Oh no, a timer just started on the Aldnoah website. OVA incoming?
Aldnoah ending is truly terrible
Come on.Alchemy is a defining trait for Ed, hell it was his primary trait. The speech to Rose makes this crystal clear. I think you missed the whole point of the Truth segment. Ed has progressed as an individual and doesn't need alchemy anymore compared to when he was younger because he has friends and doesn't think so highly of himself anymore. He damn near compared himself to God in his introduction.
Well a strong point of fiction is that it's not reality. Having unresolved plot points for the sake of having unresolved plot points is disgusting in my book. That's on the level of Mac Walter's "Speculation for Everyone".
It ended with such an amazing battle that showed off so much about what I love about MMOs. And now the wait begins. It hurts because I loved this show so much and there certainly is more story to tell, but I wonder if we'll ever see a season 3. I will hope against hope that it happens.
I suppose I should stop playing bloodborne to finish this. Can't wait.Aldnoah ending is truly terrible
Is this just a case of bad adaptations with Chaos;Head and Robotics;Notes or are the VNs bad too? I was always interested in checking out the Chaos;Head VN.
Now they are trolling people with a Re adaptation, the nerves of this Studio.
Is Tokyo Ghouls the must bungled manga to anime adaptation ever created?
Stardust Crusaders 36
Ugh the Oingo Boingo comedy episode worked well as a one off, bringing it back with Hol Horse as a two part is just aggravating.
Chaos;Child is getting an adaptation: Steins;Gate 0 anime happening as well.
So he went from beingand that's supposed to be an actual loss? Compared to things he gained? Seriously?a super special prodigy to being normal
What do you mean he "Progressed as an individual"? Are you claiming that if he was given the optionat the very start he wouldn't have taken it? I highly doubt that. It wasn't just a good deal, or a great deal, it was a genie in a bottle style, get whatever you truly desire trade in his alchemy for his brother
Unresolved plot points allow your story to feel more realistic and not have the entire universe hang on the action or inaction of the central character (assuming that the end of the central character's story is the end of the entire thing). By leaving some characters in the middle of their journey you show that the world doesn't revolve around the main character allow events to reverberate across multiple arcs without taking them over and merging to one silly finale where inevitably the good guys win.
And that of course is exactly what has to happen in that scenario, the main characters have to win, or else things are unresolved and therefore "disgusting". So you've completely boxed in the writer to either switch the entire focus to be what the bad guys do after they win, or make the good guys win, like every other story aimed at teens, where they save the world, get the girl (and the childhood friend no less), and barely lose anything for it.
Yuru Yuri s1e2
I think I have a new favorite girl. <3
(TG manga spoilers)That delicious double entendre.Tokyo Ghoul Root A 12 A Tragedy
I don't know whether I should be laughing or crying at this ending. Like WTF even as a manga reader I'm confused on how they jumbled all this mess together. They pretty much skipped most of the content Ishida wrote in his draft. They thought they were pretty slick by tricking people with the promotional poster on who Kaneki was carrying, yeah no. This is how I pretty much felt (Spoilers), truly a fuckin tragedy. Oh well at least the ending art and song was throughly enjoyable.
Ahahahahaha Fuck you Pierrot fuck you. You already butchered Tokyo Ghoul and now your gonna try to butcher the sequel Re as well, heh heh screw you.
(TG manga spoilers)That delicious double entendre.
Aldnoah. Zero 24
It was a big meh but at least it concluded without any giant cliffhanger.
The final battle was especially lackluster, Slaine's precognitive abilities just turned off because reasons. For a show that relied so much on Inaho's keikakus thie way they resolved this fight was just poor. Yuki's, Rayet's and Inko's battle was off panneled and so was Harklight's. Blergh. Glad it's finally over.
Fate/Zero 1
And of course, who can forget King Arthur-waifu.
I didn't know Witcher anime already existed, I would have tackled this sooner had I only known.
Or just chock it up to Chuck Lorre/Two and a Half Men syndrome in anime fandom!You can always consult the Anime Doctor to get to some help.
Not sure what I'll watch this season. Probably Yuki for Haruhi, but aside from that I'll probably wait for reactions. But I've finally gotten to watching something that I've been putting off for way too long.
Fate/Zero 1
I've seen the original Fate/stay Night, so there's a lot of familiar faces and names. Including little Rin, aka best tsundere. Time to see what's up with the famous Kiritsugu. Always nice to see Kotomine. Poor Walter. Easy to see the kid is way over his head. Kariya is screwed. Which happened even faster than I thought. Zouken is even more... charming than I had imagined. 4 servants at once. Huh.Gilgamesh looks as fearsome as ever. And of course, who can forget King Arthur-waifu.
Mononoke 1-2
I didn't know Witcher anime already existed, I would have tackled this sooner had I only known.
Going into this show blind,..
At the risk of masturbating my own ego I confess I actually do think I'm hilarious when I'm pissed off about anime. Like, at the time I'm just pissed, but that Clannad post has some fucking golden lines.
Aldnoah Zero 24
Well that was lackluster and doesn't make much sense when you think about it. I'm just glad it's over.
Holy fuck, this Rolling Girls finale is on the level of the TV version of later episodes of Wizard Barristers.
Good lord WIT.
thats not a good sign.