If you catch up, you'll get to see Yuu Kobayashi being a mom!
Whoah wheres this image from?
If you catch up, you'll get to see Yuu Kobayashi being a mom!
I'm gonna call her NRA-chan.
Space Patrol Luluco 01
If there were supposed to be jokes none of them really hit in a way that was even amusing. When your premise is set up around the world being wacky and filled with aliens there's a pretty strong dissonance when a billion corners are cut to make it really flat and colorless. Maybe this will improve now that everything's set up, but the only thing in this episode that had any draw was the ED.
Whoah wheres this image from?
The show should have had more closed eye Maou.
I'm gonna call her NRA-chan.
My buddy actually texted this to me earlier out of the blue... WTF is this stuff?
Hataraku Maou-sama 13 END
As is often the case, this show was much better in comedic mode than serious mode. The central gag of the disconnect in Maou's Ente Isla past and Japan present was fine when the show was aiming to be funny, but when it was trying to be serious it made for a real problem. We know he slaughtered untold numbers of innocents, which not even the couple of attempts to pull a "The Church were the real bad guys and maybe the demons were just misunderstood all along" twist tried to contradict, and there's no transition from that to his nice guy harem hero personality, so I just can't buy into the narrative on any serious dramatic level. Not a complete waste of time, but I can't sympathize with the couple people who still occasionally wish for a second season.
Hola latte
Yo soy Woofington
My buddy actually texted this to me earlier out of the blue... WTF is this stuff?
It's a show that's better in concept than execution (though I really like OL-hero).
The other Maou series is almost entirely full serious mode all the time and also the protags are somewhat grey, so even though they're protags you get the feeling they'd sacrifice lives for The Greater Good (the greater good). But if you want to do a more simplistic 'good guys v bad guys' sort of thing it's difficult to have a true villain protagonist in that case.
It'd be an interesting challenge, but I kinda feel once you start dipping into a murderous path you're at the least going into morally grey territory which is difficult to balance around
The preview for season 2.
What is the other Maou series you're referring to?
Did they seriously put Polar Bear Cafe as #1?
It's a show about talking animals that work at a zoo from 9 to 5 sure, but it's not weird besides that.
Oh nice, I didnt know there was a PV out for it already. Thought there was just the announcement.
maoyuu maou yuusha, the economics anime. actually a way better manga than anime i think, kinda rubbish adaption from what I hear.
Ah, I've heard of that. I'm interested in checking out the manga sometime.
Mayoiga 1
The opening minutes were a bit rough, but the 2nd half had some genuinely funny moments. There's good comedic potential here.
Not sure how many fans of Gigguk there are in here. But he recently made a video in youtube reviewing Bible Black.
He seems to be liked here more then say Glass Reflections or Digibro.
when's flip flappers supposed to start again?
Not until October.
Bring back Yuyushiki!yuyushiki 6
Bring back Yuyushiki!
My buddy actually texted this to me earlier out of the blue... WTF is this stuff?
Not sure how many fans of Gigguk there are in here. But he recently made a video in youtube reviewing Bible Black.
Not his best video, but a new one nonetheless.
I'm conflicted. On one end I really wanna watch the bad dub as it looks hilarious.
On the other hand, I mean, it's porn.
The dub is infamously terrible and stands the test of time. That is all I have to say on the matter.
That's not a second season...Its getting an OVA.
Was watching anime the other day. Dunno if I will post about it here though.
Was watching anime the other day. Dunno if I will post about it here though.