Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!


Ugh... been putting it off because of ZTD, but I guess I gotta watch the Kabaneri finale today, with the new season kicking off and all.

I'm holding off on all my final episode impressions of a lot of shows until the new thread, which gives me more time to watch more stuff, lol


The CGI isn't too distracting for now beside maybe a couple moments, but there some really nice close ups.

Those closeups are actually the most distracting thing for me since they generally look pretty good but are inconsistent with the rest of the CG for that reason. Could be extra cleanup done on them to imitate certain manga panels? I'm sure someone will know.
It's basically like those 3 films, awesome Berserk story with awful jank cg animation and art. If you can look past the latter the films and this episode is really enjoyable, most of anime gaf won't be able to though which is understandable.
So just curious, if I enjoyed knight of sidonia and Ajin then I should enjoy it?
I'm holding off on all my final episode impressions of a lot of shows until the new thread, which gives me more time to watch more stuff, lol

I'll be posting Kabaneri first, and I'll also be watching ReLIFE today. You can expect that from me within the next 2hrs or so. I gotta watch the game at 3 today to see who we will be facing next Wednesday.


I'll be posting Kabaneri first, and I'll also be watching ReLIFE today. You can expect that from me within the next 2hrs or so. I gotta watch the game at 3 today to see who we will be facing next Wednesday.

I'll send you some Belgian chocolate. They're really tasty and are excellent quality.



Berserk (2016) 1

Will stick with it to see if the visuals improve. Otherwise I figure it'll be a funny test as to whether or not Berserk is actually any good conceptually and not just Miura's art putting lipstick on a pig.

I'm just glad MPR isn't around to see this.

Living on the manga alone the series stands above, this anime from this episode is an after-thought that maybe is useful for people to remember that Berserk exists.
Miura himself could beg the studio to not fuck it up and they'll only try to be consistent.


Living on the manga alone the series stands above, this anime from this episode is an after-thought that maybe is useful for people to remember that Berserk exists.
Miura himself could beg the studio to not fuck it up and they'll only try to be consistent.

I like the old TV anime and what manga I had bought back in the day but it's been long enough that I figure it's re-evaluation time on my end.
Just realized all the episodes were up, guess ill try to get through them all today at work.

ReLIFE Episode 1 – Kaizaki Arata (27), Unemployed

Funnier than I expected and Im glad we jumped right into high school. I love character designs too.

I'll send you some Belgian chocolate. They're really tasty and are excellent quality.


So going by the rules of the Euro 2016 God, they are gonna lose right.

Goddamnit I was organizing my "anime calendar" for the season on my phone, and every goddamn show airs from Thursday to Sunday. It's going to be another one of those seasons with weekend overload. Ugh.

EDIT: Seems like Bamco is bringing Asterisk Wars for the Vita to the West, it's going to be announced officially at AnimeExpo. Thanks but no thanks on my side, but I'm sure there will be a couple of folks that will be happy with the news. Source is Gematsu's Twitter.


The best surprise would be if Aniplex started providing English subs for the extras such as commentaries on their premium releases here. I'm reminded of this because I just looked at Bandai's import editions of Gundam the Origin, which look great, but which don't have English subs on anything but the film itself either. I don't mind paying high prices for quality releases, but if you're not actually going to properly localize them I may as well be importing straight from Japan instead of going through Rightstuf or whatever.

Yeah, subs for extra features like that would be great. Though most of the extra features that are like that in the first place are only on their import BDs. Anytime they distribute an import over here, you're almost always guaranteed to pay less if you import it right from Japan. It's worth it to import unless you really want the translation booklet they sometimes include.

Today at Anime Expo, we'll be getting panels from Viz, Aniplex, and RightStuf. I'm most interested in RightStuf's panel personally; I'd love an update on those Utena BDs, and maybe a few more BD releases announced.


I like the old TV anime and what manga I had bought back in the day but it's been long enough that I figure it's re-evaluation time on my end.

I doubt this series in particular is gonna be that useful for that since it's gonna skip bigger parts of future arcs. If the worst case scenario is true from what we gathered from episode titles and the things that happen are not gonna happen and be skipped then the berserk fandom will hold this anime in their memory as long as a goldfish.


EDIT: Seems like Bamco is bringing Asterisk Wars for the Vita to the West, it's going to be announced officially at AnimeExpo. Thanks but no thanks on my side, but I'm sure there will be a couple of folks that will be happy with the news. Source is Gematsu's Twitter.

Is the show really that popular? Like, they'll localize that but not the Madoka Vita game? Weird decision.

Edit: Wow, we literally had the same thought!


ReLife 1

Premise is a fair bit cuter than the synopsis made it out to be. Will probably only watch because this all went up at once though.
How in the world does this get localized to the west and not the freaking Madoka Magica Vita game.

Is the show really that popular? Like, they'll localize that but not the Madoka Vita game? Weird decision.

Edit: Wow, we literally had the same thought!

I've already said it before, but for better or worse, the show seems to be really popular on the internet, Crunchy pushed damn hard for it. So yeah, that's it really.


Berserk 1

Ouch, the animation was very bad, and made the action quite disappointing . The style kinda reminded me of Knights of Sidonia, ( but with less budget and more ugly). Didn't like that frame dropping/skipping that they used at all, felt like i was laging :( The OST was probably the only good thing about this.
I liked the Berserker CG movies, but i don't think i can watch this ugly abomination.


ReLife 01
Not bad, more appealing than I thought it'd be. I'll keep watching since it's all up today anyways though the reason behind the experiment seems kinda dumb.


Berserk 1

Ouch, the animation was very bad, and made the action quite disappointing . The style kinda reminded me of Knights of Sidonia, ( but with less budget and more ugly). Didn't like that frame dropping/skipping that they used at all, felt like i was laging :( The OST was probably the only good thing about this.
I liked the Berserker CG movies, but i don't think i can watch this ugly abomination.

This CG is over the top CG like Ajin or Sidonia?
So going by the rules of the Euro 2016 God, they are gonna lose right.

Goddamnit I was organizing my "anime calendar" for the season on my phone, and every goddamn show airs from Thursday to Sunday. It's going to be another one of those seasons with weekend overload. Ugh.

EDIT: Seems like Bamco is bringing Asterisk Wars for the Vita to the West, it's going to be announced officially at AnimeExpo. Thanks but no thanks on my side, but I'm sure there will be a couple of folks that will be happy with the news. Source is Gematsu's Twitter.
I'll give this game a chance, I loved the series.
Berserk (1997) 6

The atmosphere this episode was great. Zodd was portrayed well as a fearsome beast who lays beyond even Guts and Griffith's range. Seeing Guts trembling in fear was strong enough on its own to signify the level of his opponent. I can't emphasize enough how excellent the background art is. Some of the spreads this episode looked like they could be illustrations out of a (modern work stylized after a) medieval manuscript. It really helps create a believable world.


So going by the rules of the Euro 2016 God, they are gonna lose right.

Goddamnit I was organizing my "anime calendar" for the season on my phone, and every goddamn show airs from Thursday to Sunday. It's going to be another one of those seasons with weekend overload. Ugh.

EDIT: Seems like Bamco is bringing Asterisk Wars for the Vita to the West, it's going to be announced officially at AnimeExpo. Thanks but no thanks on my side, but I'm sure there will be a couple of folks that will be happy with the news. Source is Gematsu's Twitter.

Garbage, I want my Clannad Vita localization! Even Cross Ange, or SNAFU, or a million other games that would be better....


Kaiba ep.1

I think I saw this as a similiar show (based on tags) to Rewrite or Orange from ANN when I was looking up info for their OT's and added it to my MAL on a whim.
Ot's been sitting there for a couple weeks, but I decided to test out an episode for no reason tonight and well, that was one of the weirdest first episodes I have ever witnessed! The art is basic, but the style is unique and the presentation is insane. I'm not sure what the hell I just watched, but I couldn't take my eyes off it as I tried to piece what was going on together. I really want to check out more now, I shouldn't have turned it on dammit.

The OP was trippy as hell, but the music was great, same with thevED.

It's so weird to see you pick a decent show unsolicited

Good taste, it's indeed a weird show and it will be probably confusing for a long while but it starts making more or less sense about 2/3 in.

Tower of Supremest Edge 01

Wait do we have any info on how much they're adapting ? Schierke first appearance is like 80 chapters away from where they are. Should they want to cover that arc too they'd need to adopt some truly Teekyu levels of pacing. Uless her appearance is just for prologue and fanservice sake.


Tower of Supremest Edge 01

Wait do we have any info on how much they're adapting ? Schierke first appearance is like 80 chapters away from where they are. Should they want to cover that arc too they'd need to adopt some truly Teekyu levels of pacing. Uless her appearance is just for prologue and fanservice sake.

Well they are going to get to the Tower of Conviction at episode 5, so with this being a 2 cour it seems, they're are pretty much likely to explore the Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc.
Kabaneri 12

Mumei you must live! You must! You terrible excuse for an protagonist, you :)

Terrible writing, terrible villain, terrible Mumei, cliched plot, totally predictable half assed ending. Great action scenes with a lot of energy, but that's ultimately all there was. Tons of hype, little substance. Tons of instant gratification, but nothing that will stick in your mind for years to come. Very, very disappointed with this one.

Garbage truck of the season on fire/10
Kidding, gets a 6 lol


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 14

holy shit, as a non-manga reader, Rohan Kishibe lived up to the hype set by manga fans even moreso than the Italian food ep did.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable Episode 14:

Well then, I know what my nightmares are going to look like for the next few days. That being said, yea, not really feeling the hype for the manga artist here.

Pretty interesting and the scientist is in on it too lol. I do wonder though, if there is romance (who are we kidding right, there will be) how weird are they going to make it. Will it be an issue actually for the main character? And once that year is up, what will happen to the relationships he built over time? Those questions alone make me want to watch this to the end. Helps that this is a high school SoL comedy, which was severely lacking genre last season. I'm definitely in.
Is ReLIFE as gross as the premise makes it sound?

Okay want me to tell you what I think will happen? They are 3rd years. Basically one year away from being adults (the normal kids that is). I'm putting money down and saying whoever likes him, will accept that he is old and will stay with even even after he reverts back to his normal self after the experiment is done.

That or, there won't be any romance at all, but I honestly doubt it.


It's this emote:

Oh... OK. I had to rehost it to see it on my work PC.

Do you know my work blocked YouTube from their wifi now... WTF. I mean, I could understand when they blocked HBOGo, Xfiniti, and the rest of the direct streaming media through the network, but now even the guest wifi cannot access it...
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