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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
"Harry I need you to kill Lord Voldemort."

"Okay I'm game."

"But you need to wait a month or so because of reasons, if you don't you risk everything."

"Harry I need you to kill Lord Voldemort."

"Okay I'm game."

"But you need to wait a month or so because of reasons, if you don't you risk everything."

i don't get it

is this an attack on titan joke?
Garma still catches a bad end though, and man does he not last in this series. Poor Sayla too. Amuro has it tough, but he's taking his lot in life a lot better this time around.

It's tone actually kinda reminds me at times of the Super Robot genre, sometimes going from deadly serious into straight campy with how over the top the villains can be, and the periodic immensely silly episodes that still have a ton of plot relevance.

Also Char's student council is the most extreme nepotism I've seen in awhile.

But I'm enjoying this quite a bit like I'd hoped I would. I was cautiously optimistic after my Wife said she'd liked it, a rarity considering she dislikes so many Mecha.


Kado 8

So I could talk about the show (this seems as good a time as any to observe that people seem awfully incurious as to where zaShunina comes from or what the anisotropic is like), but I think I spent more time looking up this book than watching the episode.


This "book", Ningen Banzai (Hooray for Humanity) by Saneatsu Mushanokōji, is a play written in 1922. It's a "kyogen", a Noh-style comedy. Mushanokōji is known as a Japanese humanist, a believer in the potential of the individual and, by extension, of mankind as a whole. In 1918, he founded a utopian commune, Atarashiki-mura ("New Village"). He wrote this play while living there. Though he left it after about a decade, he continued to support it, and the town still exists to this day (albeit with a tiny population of old people, persisting thanks to the generosity of the local government).

Anyway, there's no English-language summary of the plot of this play on the web, and because nothing happens in Noh plays and it's all pretty abstract, I probably didn't really understand the Japanese summary. But as I gather, it basically goes as follows:

Up in heaven, there's a god that rules the universe, and he has angels that take care of all the stars and planets. One particular angel takes care of one little planet orbiting one star in one system, where life exists. He deals with humanity, and they drive him crazy. Sometimes they perform incredible acts of altrusim, but sometimes they commit unbelievable atrocities. They nearly destroy themselves, yet always rebuild somehow. He doesn't know how to deal with them. He asks the god to let him deal with some other planet, but God tells him to just deal with it.

Anyway, stuff happens, and a god from a different universe shows up to visit his buddy here, and they hang out and talk. It turns out in his universe, there was also a planet with humans on it. But not anymore; at some point they all died out.

And at that point the gods and the angels all go "Hooray for humanity!" a few times and the curtain falls and that's the play. The summary I read doesn't fully explain why they cheer, but I'm pretty sure it's about that gradual process. People do good things and bad things, they succeed and make mistakes, but they survive, and humanity continues to progress. And that's an incredible miracle.

In other words, it's a really on-the-nose reference for the events of this particular episode.

Mushanokōji died at the age of 90, in 1976. He was appointed to the Diet after the war, but the US authorities kicked him out after they realized that he'd written in support of Imperial Japan during the war. Before the war, his brother was the Japanese ambassador to Germany.

Life is weird.
Kado 8

So I could talk about the show (this seems as good a time as any to observe that people seem awfully incurious as to where zaShunina comes from or what the anisotropic is like), but I think I spent more time looking up this book than watching the episode.

This "book", Ningen Banzai (Hooray for Humanity) by Saneatsu Mushanokōji, is a play written in 1922. It's a "kyogen", a Noh-style comedy. Mushanokōji is known as a Japanese humanist, a believer in the potential of the individual and, by extension, of mankind as a whole. In 1918, he founded a utopian commune, Atarashiki-mura ("New Village"). He wrote this play while living there. Though he left it after about a decade, he continued to support it, and the town still exists to this day (albeit with a tiny population of old people, persisting thanks to the generosity of the local government).

Anyway, there's no English-language summary of the plot of this play on the web, and because nothing happens in Noh plays and it's all pretty abstract, I probably didn't really understand the Japanese summary. But as I gather, it basically goes as follows:

Up in heaven, there's a god that rules the universe, and he has angels that take care of all the stars and planets. One particular angel takes care of one little planet orbiting one star in one system, where life exists. He deals with humanity, and they drive him crazy. Sometimes they perform incredible acts of altrusim, but sometimes they commit unbelievable atrocities. They nearly destroy themselves, yet always rebuild somehow. He doesn't know how to deal with them. He asks the god to let him deal with some other planet, but God tells him to just deal with it.

Anyway, stuff happens, and a god from a different universe shows up to visit his buddy here, and they hang out and talk. It turns out in his universe, there was also a planet with humans on it. But not anymore; at some point they all died out.

And at that point the gods and the angels all go "Hooray for humanity!" a few times and the curtain falls and that's the play. The summary I read doesn't fully explain why they cheer, but I'm pretty sure it's about that gradual process. People do good things and bad things, they succeed and make mistakes, but they survive, and humanity continues to progress. And that's an incredible miracle.

In other words, it's a really on-the-nose reference for the events of this particular episode.

Mushanokōji died at the age of 90, in 1976. He was appointed to the Diet after the war, but the US authorities kicked him out after they realized that he'd written in support of Imperial Japan during the war. Before the war, his brother was the Japanese ambassador to Germany.

Life is weird.

Fascinating. I hadn't paid the book too much mind, but thanks for digging up the details and sharing!

Edit: Also, I just have to say running contests can be infuriatingly frustrating sometimes. You pick a winner and then they don't even bother responding =/ Then you redraw and its the same thing, then you pick another winner and they respond, but forget you kinda need their shipping address otherwise where is the prize supposed to go ><


Napping Princess

Saw this over the weekend. For those not familiar this is the new film by Kenji Kamiyama (GitS:SAC, Moribito), made at the newish studio Signal MD. It has a bunch of young animators on it, along with veterans like Mitsuo Iso. Yet for what would definitely be classified as a "sakuga" film, I feel it rarely if ever shows it in the obvious ways that some of these shows do. The art and direction remains very consistent throughout, and no particular scene has a visual direction that makes it stand out or feel more important than others. That was pretty neat.

Before watching the movie, I actually knew very little about the movie. I knew it was about a girl who had fantastical dreams, and that there was something about the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and I was under the impression that there would be some sort of time travel. What I got instead was a near-future sci-fi story with a layer of magical realism over it. I found the narrative approach novel in a way I don't remember seeing executed before. It is very common to find fantasy works which have heavy elements of scifi, or scifi stories which use fantasy motifs which are explained away with scifi elements. But what's interesting here is that the main story setting is largely grounded in tech based scifi, but the fantastical elements come from a magic angle which is never really ever explained and has to be treated as something that simply is. This seemed really confusing to some friends I watched it with after the movie, but I really liked that touch.

As a overall film I think it works far better than his previous Re:Cyborg 009, but that's a really low bar. I actually like to think of this as a better Letter to Momo though. Both films are about a teenage girl who has to discover who her parents really are, and what they want in life. Their journey takes the form of a magical adventure, and while there's a lot of over the top action it is ultimately about family and the future. Yet the movies could not be more different in execution. While Okiura no doubt had lavish Ghibli-esque production values and an insane development time for his film, which showed in the final product, it felt like such a tried and true story that I simply couldn't get into it much. Everything felt so familiar and stale. On the other hand, Napping Princess had the energy of being something different even if the intent is the same, and while I wouldn't say all the story elements and themes were very well thought out, it felt unique and fresh at the very least.

If I have one major complaint about the film, it is that the story relies far too much on the lack of critical information to create a (not so) compelling mystery. Much of the suspense in the narrative comes from both the characters and the audience not having information simply because it is written as such for plot purposes. The fact that said information isn't particularly shocking or even interesting, ultimately, makes the thriller elements rather silly when it all comes together. And honestly I don't think all of it really comes together by the end, but that just goes with the territory of tech thrillers I guess.

Worth noting that for this movie, Kamiyama got Yoko Shimomura to compose the soundtrack. I think it worked out really well because she crafts of number of fitting themes throughout the film, and it was different enough because they definitely felt more like videogame music than a typical film score, with emphasis on catchy melodies and soothing piano work. What was absolutely hilarious though, was that apparently the ending theme is a Japanese cover of the Monkees song Day Dream Believer, but in my screening it was replaced with an instrumental piece (licensing?!) yet there were English and Chinese subtitles for the entire song throughout the credits, just without the song. Lmao.

I wouldn't say this is an amazing must-watch film by any means, but it was entertaining and unique enough that I didn't feel I wasted my time. There's good animation, direction, and music throughout. And it was satisfying to see Kamiyama finally crawl out of the hole of not having directed anything of significant value for years. Damn, I sound negative even when I'm being very positive! >_<

You don't have to do this. There are people you can talk to who want to help you, who care about you.

No there aren't. Why are you lying to him? DO IT CORNBREAD! SLAIN DID NOTHING WRONG!


Regardless of the medium, it's just painful to watch the main character ignore a love interest that clearly loves them back.

I get that it's fiction and all, but do you really think that's preferred? I think nobody's required to correspond to someone's feelings for them only because the other person really loves them... if anything, it completely disregards that it takes two people who care about each other in particular ways in order to make a couple.

Of course someone might end up falling for another person who's putting their love interest ahead of even themselves, and is constantly looking to please the other party in whichever way they can, but to think that the one on the receiving end of that crush/love is supposed to accept them because the other party's trying really hard is disrespecting both of them as rational people (or characters, since we're talking about fiction). If anything, going "oh well" and accepting the other person's love sounds like the easy way out, because who cares about who they themselves love if there's somebody else way more willing to love them back, right?

Stil, in Subaru's case, I'd label both the Rem->Subaru and Subaru->Emilia relationships as awfully one-sided, where the one in love is doing all sorts of feats that defy self-preservation or self-worth with the sole purpose of having their love interests notice them. It also ties into how characters in manga and anime are often absurdly roundabout when expressing their feelings to one another, since they'll nearly get themselves killed to protect someone, but when asked why they did it they'll often stutter or spew lines that only lead to further misunderstandings.

Subaru's feelings for Emilia were particularily weird for me. That long rant he gave to her was great in that it basically explained how he was on a damn high horse, thinking it his right to do stupid stuff merely because he thought it'd be a way to help Emilia and win her over at the same time... which was more or less a cover to avoid all his own personal issues. The series makes it so that his constant "notice me senpai" attitude finally appears to be working, which is sad because I don't think that's the right way to approach romance. It's nice to think someone's giving their all for your sake and all, but when it turns to courses of action that are self-destructive or downright suicidal, then you can't seriously expect that to work... I mean, if the other person cares about you (either romantically or as a good friend), do you think they'll be happy to see you drag your face in the mud and/or get into dangerous situations over and over just as a roundabout way to express your love for them?


Aldnoah Zero ep.1

Oh you poor things..... well, it looks pretty at least, not much to go on yet though.

Aldnoah Zero didn't end so much as it shrugged and just laid down.
Don't do this.
kiritobread you get particularly invested in ships, and Aldnoah Zero is almost NTR plus torture porn.
Corn. Corn please. Life gets better. It gets better!!
S1 is okay, S2 is bad. Don't do this, friend.
You don't have to do this. There are people you can talk to who want to help you, who care about you.

Oh, THAT bad?
Aldnoah S1 is kind of okay yeah. It's S2 that is just so goddamn bad... Basically it's so awful that it made me hate the whole series altogether.

Also to the folks saying LWA got good... Must be a good thing it only took 22 episodes right lmfao


Oh, THAT bad?

I don't know why you listen to this thread anymore. Most people here have bad taste and are jaded adults forcing themselves to like childish things. It's insufferable. The amount of negativity here. Every popular show is the "worst thing ever" if you listen to AnimeGAF. If you are enjoying it, why would you believe their irrational hatred?


I don't know why you listen to this thread anymore. Most people here have bad taste and are jaded adults forcing themselves to like childish things. It's insufferable. The amount of negativity here. Every popular show is the "worst thing ever" if you listen to AnimeGAF. If you are enjoying it, why would you believe their irrational hatred?

missing goldcrusader rn


Seriously, don't watch Aldnoah Zero. That Season 2... Jesus. I think one website even had a sort of Razzie-esque awards based off of one of the character's names, because said character was just that bad.

Also to the folks saying LWA got good... Must be a good thing it only took 22 episodes right lmfao

I literally just went through this with Flash S3. Luckily LWA is actually enjoyable in comparison.

I get that it's fiction and all, but do you really think that's preferred? I think nobody's required to correspond to someone's feelings for them only because the other person really loves them... if anything, it completely disregards that it takes two people who care about each other in particular ways in order to make a couple.

Of course someone might end up falling for another person who's putting their love interest ahead of even themselves, and is constantly looking to please the other party in whichever way they can, but to think that the one on the receiving end of that crush/love is supposed to accept them because the other party's trying really hard is disrespecting both of them as rational people (or characters, since we're talking about fiction). If anything, going "oh well" and accepting the other person's love sounds like the easy way out, because who cares about who they themselves love if there's somebody else way more willing to love them back, right?

Stil, in Subaru's case, I'd label both the Rem->Subaru and Subaru->Emilia relationships as awfully one-sided, where the one in love is doing all sorts of feats that defy self-preservation or self-worth with the sole purpose of having their love interests notice them. It also ties into how characters in manga and anime are often absurdly roundabout when expressing their feelings to one another, since they'll nearly get themselves killed to protect someone, but when asked why they did it they'll often stutter or spew lines that only lead to further misunderstandings.

Subaru's feelings for Emilia were particularily weird for me. That long rant he gave to her was great in that it basically explained how he was on a damn high horse, thinking it his right to do stupid stuff merely because he thought it'd be a way to help Emilia and win her over at the same time... which was more or less a cover to avoid all his own personal issues. The series makes it so that his constant "notice me senpai" attitude finally appears to be working, which is sad because I don't think that's the right way to approach romance. It's nice to think someone's giving their all for your sake and all, but when it turns to courses of action that are self-destructive or downright suicidal, then you can't seriously expect that to work... I mean, if the other person cares about you (either romantically or as a good friend), do you think they'll be happy to see you drag your face in the mud and/or get into dangerous situations over and over just as a roundabout way to express your love for them?

Huh, I never said any of what you're implying. Just that it's painful to watch lol

Any rational person knows that the love needs to be mutual, it's just that it sucks when it is one-sided.
Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 22

This season is painful for T2 fans as neither are actually that awesome at anything (well speaking more for Teshima) and all we can see is him just struggling the whole time. Even though he is the captain everyone is just so much better and he has to struggle with so many issues. Though maybe what makes him so lovable is he is someone all the non prodigy viewers can relate too.

Teshima is going to be the first death this season I think :(


Seriously, don't watch Aldnoah Zero. That Season 2... Jesus. I think one website even had a sort of Razzie-esque awards based off of one of the character's names, because said character was just that bad.

my favorite bad name is from chrome shield regios or whatever.

the reporter character named Mifi Rotten :p

I really enjoyed Flash S1. Somehow stopped watching for a while and fell behind S2, never to catch up again. RIP.

while I still enjoy flash.

s1 > s2 >>>> s3.

so yeah.
Garma still catches a bad end though, and man does he not last in this series. Poor Sayla too. Amuro has it tough, but he's taking his lot in life a lot better this time around.

It's tone actually kinda reminds me at times of the Super Robot genre, sometimes going from deadly serious into straight campy with how over the top the villains can be, and the periodic immensely silly episodes that still have a ton of plot relevance.

Also Char's student council is the most extreme nepotism I've seen in awhile.

But I'm enjoying this quite a bit like I'd hoped I would. I was cautiously optimistic after my Wife said she'd liked it, a rarity considering she dislikes so many Mecha.

Holy shit it's been a while since I heard the Char == Lelouch comparison from someone.
Kado 8

So I could talk about the show (this seems as good a time as any to observe that people seem awfully incurious as to where zaShunina comes from or what the anisotropic is like), but I think I spent more time looking up this book than watching the episode.

Thank you for the fascinating cultural lesson!

Napping Princess

Thank you for the impressions. Sounds like it's good enough for me to see it if it gets a wide release here but not good enough that I need to regret not flying to NYC to see it.


Yuki Yuna is a Hero - Ep. 3-4
Both episodes were very slice of life-ish, which I liked.
I'm not a big fan of the new girl, but she isn't that bad once you get to know her.
Looking things will get much more serious next episode.

Symphogear GX
Well, that sure was another season of Symphogear.
It's still a ton of fun, but the fight scene are mostly a lot of flash and not that much substance.
Really, the best action scene in this season was the one from the beginning of episode 1.

All the characters got a nice bit of develpoment, mostly involving their parents, which was very nice.
The anatagonist are still lacking. The are serviceable and as over the top as everything else in this series, but they are never that compelling.
Although, Ver's death scene was pretty good.

I'm ready for another season. Hopefully they keep improving the series and even if not, it should still be a ton of fun regardless.


I don't know why you listen to this thread anymore. Most people here have bad taste and are jaded adults forcing themselves to like childish things. It's insufferable. The amount of negativity here. Every popular show is the "worst thing ever" if you listen to AnimeGAF. If you are enjoying it, why would you believe their irrational hatred?
It is the dullest of thuds. Not even a funny or shocking kind of bad despite some early promise.
Aldnoah S1 is kind of okay yeah. It's S2 that is just so goddamn bad... Basically it's so awful that it made me hate the whole series altogether.
Also to the folks saying LWA got good... Must be a good thing it only took 22 episodes right lmfao
S2 is horrendous and retroactively damages and undermines anything S1 did right.

I was hoping for something Cross Ange kind of bad to suppliment the "craziness" recs I got the other day, lol.

Maybe I'll just finish Fantastic Children and Casshern Sins first, lol.


Eva rewatch through 17


also I forgot how long, drawn out, and horrible the kissing scene in 16 was.

It's just getting slower, and I know it's because of budget issues... but it doesn't make it better knowing that.

ideally the movies are more enjoyable for me.

though so far the show is actually worse than I remembered >.<


Yuki Yuna is a Hero - Ep. 3-4
Both episodes were very slice of life-ish, which I liked.
I'm not a big fan of the new girl, but she isn't that bad once you get to know her.
Looking things will get much more serious next episode.

Episode 5 is fucking awesome


Huh, I never said any of what you're implying. Just that it's painful to watch lol

Any rational person knows that the love needs to be mutual, it's just that it sucks when it is one-sided.

Yeah, I definitely got a bit too carried away and took your line out of context, but that was mostly because it reminded me of all that "romance" nonsense Re:Zero used, since Subaru's "love" for Emilia was kind of the moving force for the whole show, and that was kind of a waste regarding the other elements that made the series (which to me was mostly the whole thing about arriving at a place you barely understood and taking advantage of time loops to overcome various hardhips).


Tragic victim of fan death
I was exaggerating on how bad A/Z is but in terms of where it falls in line in regards to other mecha shows of the past decade, it's actually one of the better ones surprisingly. The problem where it ultimately fails, like many shows that have teenage mecha pilots, is that it tries to be serious but it ends up not. There are too many characters that a joking around or easygoing about the war that is going on, and perhaps that's their way of coping, it's hard to take any of the characters seriously. There are some standout characters and it is nice to see how people in that environment react but ultimately the shortcomings of many characters or just failure to be anything more than a boring cutout with a "schtick" is one of the driving problems in the show.

I also think the show falls off a cliff starting with the second season. It's sort of like Season 2 of Gundam 00 where they just try to do way too much and the plot that should've developed in S2 could've been much smoother over the course of 24 episodes not being split into two cour. Idk. It felt immensely rushed, characters went complete HAM and decided to abandon their pride altogether and went onto being massively selfish dicks.

Where the show excels is the animation. I do think it does look really good. I also like the character design as it does stray from the typical designs I'm used to. That being said, the mecha designs aren't really neat and the fact that we run into the classic Star Drive mentality of "talk talk talk then the mecha of the day" trend gets tiresome. It's a serviceable anime with a fairly inoffensive plot (since it's not even close to the level of Jesus Yamato).

Hope this clarifies.
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