Some first episodes...
SukaSuka 1
The Scarborough Fair montage sequence is by far the best thing about this episode, and actually feels like it came from something else entirely; otherwise this falls into what feels like fairly traditional light novel patterns; wondrous male protagonist surrounded by doting women, brightly coloured fantasy etc. etc., with little to visually or narratively recommend it. The montage isn't even that good, but with its jump cuts and visual humour (plus the very end dialogue sequence on top of the tower, which actually seemed far more interesting than anything else in the episode) it at least does something a bit different; it's also a lovely arrangement of the song.
While I understand why they shove the apocalyptic fight sequence into the beginning of the episode - because otherwise there's no action - it rather spoils what should be the "big moment", which is the ending reveal that the cute girls are living weapons. Instead, that's completely underplayed by the direction, animation and acting; surely that's what the stinger would be in print? Instead, we get that ridiculously over-exaggerated zoom in on Troll Girl's lips when she says "I won't eat you yet" in case the audience doesn't get it from the dialogue...
It's not bad, but I'm not sure what overall makes this particularly interesting to many people.
Tsuki ga Kirei 1
This show is kind of adorable, and that's about the best way I can think of to describe it. It's the kind of show that can only exist nowadays because even most Japanese people are watching anime streamed, I believe; it's just a very sweet little story about middle schoolers slowly falling in love, with honest-to-god vaguely real personalities (if slightly cloying).
I would definitely consider watching more of this.
Fukumenkei Noise 1
Shoujo romance love triangle stuff you and I have no doubt seen a million times before. This at least distinguishes itself by having a relatively exciting, well directed climax at a school music festival, but I'm not sure whether that really overrides the slightly clockwork feel of the rest of the story; I am probably just a bit over-cynical and jaded but the fact that both the pretty boys are long lost childhood friends, both have exciting links to music etc. just seems a bit too much like contrivance.
Kado 0
Can't remember if I posted about this; I haven't even watched any of the "proper" episodes of it yet and I'm slightly hooked. A whole episode of bureaucratic scientific admin was fine, but somehow the ending just completely grabbed me - even with the now traditionally slightly offputting CG. Must get around to watching more.