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Square-Enix finally gives us the final answer to one of the biggest FFVII arguments ever.


Fitting that both characters are on the weaker side (unless you cheese FF7 Cait Sith's slots).


The character’s original Japanese name is ケットシー.

So, yeah, both pronunciations are correct. One is Japanese, the other is English. It’s dumb to say the Japanese name when reading the English name, though.
But but but but ackchually the "Japanese" pronunciation is simply parroting the correct Scottish Gaelic pronunciation.


But but but but ackchually the "Japanese" pronunciation is simply parroting the correct Scottish Gaelic pronunciation.

A persons reason for giving someone a name are irrelevant, how you say your kids name is their name...

Which is why the correct pronounciation will always be Eeris

Boom. There it is. Fuck you Ket Shee people lolol! No ragrets! I always pronounced it right. What's funny is that on the FF Reddit there was post with 1200 upvotes telling people to prepare themselves to call him Ket Shee yesterday hahaha. Ket Shee is cat shit. Kate Sihth now...that's good.

I mean...that's the only way that series of letters ought to be pronounced...
Congrats, I guess! 🤠


The nicest person on this forum
Even Max has now realized that the REEEEEE is pure fucking extreme autism
How these people can enjoy any media if they get easily offended by anything and everything…..its absolutely miserable mindset…..I almost feel sorry for them…
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I have never in my life met anyone who called it ket shee. I don't know how the fuck someone would come up with that pronunciation for it.


Neo Member
I always pronounced it as it would be read in Spanish: Cait as "kite" (the flying thingy) and Sith as the Star Wars baddies.

Honestly will keep it that way cause I don't trust Square after the Aeris -> Aerith.
Aeris sounds cool and looks more ✨aesthetic✨ while Aerith is like a teen trying to name their first D&D character thinking that the th makes the name more medieval/fantasy.
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Rodent Whores
I don't know how the fuck someone would come up with that pronunciation for it.

Because the name is based on a cat-ghost myth from Scottish folklore, and that's what it sounds like in Gaelic.

Cat Sìth

Pronounced like “cat-shee” the name is derived from the Gaelic words “cait” meaning cat and “sith” the term for fairies. The malevolent ghost-like cat has all black fur aside from a small white spot on its chest and supposedly haunts the Scottish Highlands. The size of the creature is said to be close to the size of a large dog so many sightings could’ve mistaken a slightly larger animal with the Cat Sìth.

One of the theories about the Cat Sìth suggest that they aren’t fairies but are actually witches that have the ability to transform back and forth between human form and cat form. This however could only be done 9 times with the final transformation into the cat being permanent. This is often referenced as the origin for the concept of cats having 9 lives.

But why were the Cat Sìth considered malevolent creatures/spirits? Those in the Highlands did not trust them and believed that they were soul thieves. The common belief was that the Cat Sìth could pass over the corpse of the dead prior to burial and steal the soul from someone before the gods had claimed it. Special watches were set up to guard the dead known as “Feill Fadalach” which means late wake. Those on this watch would attempt to keep the Cat Sìth away from the room containing the corpse by distracting it in a variety of methods such as using catnip, riddles, games and music. The Cat Sìth was believed to be fond of warmth and therefore fires were never lit near the bodies so that they were not attracted to the area.


Tears in the rain
How these people can enjoy any media if they get easily offended by anything and everything…..its absolutely miserable mindset…..I almost feel sorry for them…
It's an echo chamber of morons. Just go back to that place's oldest threads and see that 95% of the original posters are all banned. They wanted a GAF 2.0 but the actual dude that started the place sold it for millions and bailed out almost immediately because that's all he wanted. Money. Bring in all the zombies, leave them at the mercy of straight up fascist style mods that perm anyone that doesn't go with the outrage of the day (this time it's defending Scottish heritage, other days it's about banning anyone that says that some rioters are opportunists instead of fighting for a good cause) They WANT to be offended. They want people to agree to their offense. They want to wallow in offense.

There ain't no f0rneus (my Gamertag) on the REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Who in the absolute fuck was pronouncing it "Ket Shee"? Can they read?


Seeing how many people genuinely care about stupid bullshit like this makes me lose hope that we're ever gonna make it as a species.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
It was obvious, the only retards who would say Ket Shee, or something equally stupid, are the ACKSHUALLY purposely contrarian weebs.


The Maximillian guy issued an official public apology for the error of his ways offending the freaks at Resetera because they threatened to car bomb him over the pronounciation of a fictional cartoon robot cat, lol


Because the name is based on a cat-ghost myth from Scottish folklore, and that's what it sounds like in Gaelic.

Ok it has sense, but it is and always will be Kate Sith.
In any case, I never pronounced the name of the protagonist correctly since english is not my native language . For me he's always Clod.
Better than Rah-you anyway.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Always pronounced it this way. Zidane on the other hand will always be Zai-dain to me and not the Zuh-dawn crap.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
When you think that place couldn't get more reeetarded hahahaha

Holy fuck lol

These are the same cunts who probably think Samhain is Halloween and pronounced Sam Hain and worst of all will try to correct a Gaeilgeoir on the pronunciation of their own fucking language.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Uh, but that's how I've pronounced it since 1997? :pie_diana:

Did people really struggle with this? I mean, most people don't know the difference between "then" and "than" so yeah, understandable i guess.
ResetEra is absolutely losing their minds over this saying it's cultural approprition and racism and that they're killing the Scottish race or whatever and anyone who doesn't prounce it Kett Shee is racist bigot
But in the same breath, this same group will insist on Latinx.

Maximillian Dood's an idiot for even being in that forum.
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