it's like some people are deliberately & intentionally missing the point so that they continue to believe what they want.
the question isn't whether a cartoony rpg appeals in the west, the question is if you placed a cartoony rpg next to a more 'tech powerhouse' rpg, westerners will, by the majority, choose the more visually 'realistic' looking title & base their purchase on the graphical presentation of the game.
the point that was being made was that in japan, regardless of what age you are, very little people get AS worked up about that aesthetics like their 'american/western culture' counterparts.
from the sounds of it, japanese consumers couldn't give a shit while westerners get worked up over it.
that's not the only factor as to why DQ is less popular of course (i personally beleive it's due to SE incompetence), but it's def a factor.
people citing shit like Simpsons and DBZ and Pokemon, and how they are widely accepted don't seem to want to 'get' the context of the question.