Also part of Everest is notorious for pits, in fact they have to use ladders to walk across them.
Yup, the Khumbu ice fall at the foot of Mt. Everest is riddled with crevasses.
Also part of Everest is notorious for pits, in fact they have to use ladders to walk across them.
I kind of felt with DLC they would go super crazy and make some kind of Tokyo Megaplex type track.
Who knows what they'll do. Hopefully it's not a crazy track for survival and more of a crazy track for trick it.
Could you imagine if it was like ALL HOLES SSX.
I would cry.
What's more annoying about this is the fact that you then need to restart which ends up in A) music is starting again with another song and B) loading times over and overthe death pits would be ok if you would be able to phase out and start right back on the track like in the original SSX. The idea of having to rewind and keep trying to get the jump right is a real irritating hassle. Especially with the other riders keep going forward in time. Not sure where EA got their ideas on time travel from.
the death pits would be ok if you would be able to phase out and start right back on the track like in the original SSX. The idea of having to rewind and keep trying to get the jump right is a real irritating hassle. Especially with the other riders keep going forward in time. Not sure where EA got their ideas on time travel from.
The death pits are also incredibly bad in parts that it seems that they intentionally obscure them from your view, particularly in caves. There are moments where all you see a cliff coming up but you don't know what is below it, meaning you have to memorize these tracks. It also sucks that you have to monitor your speed so you don't flying off to your death.
I'm starting to think the Edge score is right. There are so many bad ideas in this game that are sucking the fun out of it.
- Way way way too many death pits
- Uncontrollable wingsuits
- Solar suits / freezing in the middle of a race - wtf?
- Boring ass caves every 10 seconds
It's always a novel and pleasant feeling when you fall down a pit and are about to hit rewind, but then your dude actually lands and keeps going because there's actually something down there.
Also part of Everest is notorious for pits, in fact they have to use ladders to walk across them.
But yeah I agree, out of all the DD's, the ice one was the least egregious. The oxygen one is the worst.
..A) music is starting again with another song ...
@ BenjaminBirdie, level 5 or 6 at most - keep switching different characters.
Lol, entered my first global trick event, got ~15mio points nothing spectacular, look up to diamond and one dude had 70mio, fuck this shit. I will never get that badge and certainly not the badge for doing it 15x, there goes my platinum
Bottomless crevasses and low cave ceilings have no place on the event peaks. You can put that stuff on the backcountry runs and I won't argue against it but event peaks should be about high speed and big air without any need to worry about what's waiting around the corner to swallow you up or smack your head into.
Just got the badge for 60 minutes in the air with the wingsuit... God damn
I got stuck in a rock on the cold dd and froze to death. Felt bad man.![]()
Should've rewound!
I think my new "perfect" SSX game would feature the atmosphere and design from all of Tricky, 3, and 2012.
SSX 2012 -- tops of peaks or entire mountains of back country. Some runs would be total zen zones, others would be brutally punishing ridge runs.
SSX3 -- Middle-mountain zones that act as a transition between rugged back country and the first signs of man-made interference starts to show here.
Tricky -- Festival style atmosphere at the bottom section of the mountains, takes place in park-like terrain made to be exciting and zany.
You could have several mountains that use this scheme. You'd have to level characters to get access to higher altitudes. This means you'd have access to gear when you're properly levelled to use it. You've become comfortable with the controls if you're moving up, I'd think.
I believe that using a Skate style drop marker system would be wicked, if technically possible. It would allow you to session spots if you felt like it. When reaching a transition zone, you'd have a spot marked by flares that would either allow you to go back to your drop marker or it would let you board the helicopter. If you want to continue your run, SSX3 All Peaks Run style, you simple go past the flare-marked zone.
The helicopter would come in as a sort of custom playlist mechanic -- before you set out, you'd plan your route and link several runs together. If 3 mountains existed with A B C drops, you could make a play list like this, for instance:
- M1:B
- M2:A
- M2:A
- M2:C
- M3:C
This would allow you to string together X amount of time of just back country or everything, for instance. To cover up load times, you could mess with your gear while on the heli. (Or, if some EA tech wizard could figure out a way to start loading the next selected run while in the final stretch of the last zone, that'd be awesome too!)
I think things like this would be technical beasts that would be really hard to conquer, but a man can dream, right? Just some preliminary thoughts. It'd obviously be worked over a bunch if it were ever made into a game.
I welcome that too, but this game does have a decent share of unfair death pits and some that are just plain not fun to be around. As for SSX, it comes from a background of offering seamless game play that feels good to a lot of players, including myself. It might have been in EA's interest to make the majority of the tracks more fun to trick on and explore without fear of death. That and it's a Zen thing. It's nice to just relax and get your groove on for minutes at a time without breaking too much of a sweat.Trial and error in games is something that should be welcomed from time to time. It's worked for human learning since forever. Bit of a difficulty setting never hurt anyone.
Damn magnetic rails. It's already annoying when they suck you in when you're no where near them, but then sometimes they start pulling me in but I don't make it to the rail and I get sucked into a bottomless pit instead. Worse still, when I actually want to get on a rail, I'll ride over or clip right through itand into a bottomless pit, naturally.
This game is my biggest gaming disappointment in a long while. It's odd too, because the game can actually be a lot of fun at times but the negative bits bring it down so much and they've taken the series in really unfortunate ways. The demo feels almost dishonest in a way because it just completely masked a lot of the biggest issues the game has going against it.
So I'm simultaneously enjoying it and being super frustrated by the game. Still have this faint hope that I'll keep playing it until it just clicks and I love it, but for now SSX 3 remains king for me.
Damn it all my global events were locally erased again, what the hell is wrong with this game. this is really killing my fun. All I do is enter high-roller events and now I cant retry any of them for fear of wasting my money again.I got an idea! I just wont play for a week until all my current evenst cash out so I avoid wasting credits twice... <_<You've done it EA, you've involuntarily killed my replay value of SSX... by making me have to not play your game due to client side sync issues that should've been fixed in QA.
Had this happen to a friend. He removed a rival from showing after which progress was wiped.
Related to that bug EA mentioned about not to remove rivals or friends from your friends lists perhaps?
I am eventually planning to remove people from my friends list lol, what actually happens if you do? Everything gets wiped? Sounds pretty stupid!
Had this happen to a friend. He removed a rival from showing after which progress was wiped.
Related to that bug EA mentioned about not to remove rivals or friends from your friends lists perhaps?
I feel the same way. When the game is good, it's some of the best SSX in the series. When it's bad, I never want to play it again. It's just so damn inconsistent - like it was developed by two separate teams at two different times.
This is how I feel as well.
I finished the deadly descents within a couple days, and since then I haven't touched the game. I'm sure I'll return to it eventually, but it certainly didn't grab me like the previous games, and that was directly tied to the unfun track designs.
In the days after the game came out people were all like "Oh, if you don't like the deadly descents you can just play the other modes, and everything will be fine".
Well no, because the same shitty tracks still exist in the other modes, along with their stupid equipment requirements. THAT is the problem.
Clearly this development team didn't get it, and thought they knew how to make a "better" SSX game, and they were wrong. They were wrong from the get go, and the fans called them out on it, but unfortunately they didn't want to completely change directions. They just went halfway, and all the crap we don't like is what was left over from their original vision.
I'm hopeful they'll get to make a sequel though, because I think they'll listen to fan feedback and correct their mistakes.