
Hello fellow citizens of NeoGAF.
I wanted to give you a quick insight on how the development is currently going inside Star Citizen and also give you a small round-up on what's to come for this year and beyond. First of all the game's current Live version is 3.7.1 with 3.8 being the last major update for this year (Q4).
If you don't know since about a year or two the development team has decided to bring out a major patch each quarter of the year. Usually these updates consists of various new locations to explore, new ships to be made flight ready and new gameplay or tech systems to be implemented or improved on.
For example about a month ago we got patch version 3.7 which gave us caves to explore on various moons and planets, harvestable items such as plants or fruits to be sold at a store, fps mining with a hand mining tool, 2 new ships (Banu Defender and Mantis) aswell as 2 new ship variants, AI behaviour updates and overhauls aswell as more stability improvements.
Here is an approximate list of what you can currently do and explore in Star Citizen's Alpha version 3.7.1

If you never heard about Star Citizen it is a Massive Multipler RPG game set in space and currently in production. Backing of this project began in I believe 2012 and actual development in or around 2013. The game has seen a very long development phase and will likely stay in development for atleast the same length to be called "feature complete" aka Beta.

Development is growing exponentionally which means in order for development speed to increase there has to be a slow curve of development in the beginning since the artists and game developers have to create all the tech and assets that are needed first, after that everything comes together piece by piece (which we are slowly seeing now).
Coming Soon...
Citizen Con right around the corner (this time for free, yay) where we will see panels across the whole day, like building the next planet system Microtech and its moons which will be implemented in 3.8 aswell as a new gameplay demo where its rumoured that CIG is going to show as a new system to explore (Pyro). Let's hope they show something new to Squadron 42 aswell! (The Singleplayer campaign of SC)
Planned features for this Year
- First implementation of Medical system (med ships, hospitals on ground, etc..)
- New Microtech planet and its moons
- FPS Melee combat
- 3 new ships aswell as the Anvil Carrack which will be the biggest Exploration ship yet (note: biggest overall implemented ship currently is the Orign 890jump with a length of close over 200m
- Ground fog tech
2020 and beyond
In 2020 we expect to see the further improvements to the medical systems that will be hopefully implemented by the end of this year aswell as the first implementation of player status (hunger, thirst, dirtiness).
The first implementation of Ship salvaging should be coming aswell. Crusaders gas giant will be an actual Planet to fly to with a new landing zone, which means there will be some sort of gas tech implemented next year for gas giants. Refueling will be a big feature to look out for next year too.

I know many people are still unsure about Star Citizen but since around this year people who might not be so informed about this game slowly starting to realize that this might not be such a "scam" afterall that some would have said the past 5 years or more.
Slowly the gaming community realizes that this game is starting to shape into something thats actually impressive and never seen before.
Keep in mind thought that NO ONE knows if we will ever see a fully complete game with all of its features. Theres still plenty of VERY important milestones ahead where we as the community of Star Citizen say that these are the "make or break" features that need to be working in order for this game to be truly the thing it was in the vision from all those years ago. These milestones for example are Server Meshing.
Have a great day!