The PC specs used for the capture are also listed. Quite modest, really.
The PC specs used for the capture are also listed. Quite modest, really.
The dog convinced me. Upgrading to tier 250$.
the new update says they are #2 in most money raised towards a crowd funded game after project eternity, but isn't project cars 2nd place with around $3.7 million so far?
The specs used to run that early alpha build puts my heart at ease.
Damn, that's quite the commitment.
I don't think I'll be going that far... but don't mind chipping in some extra for the skins and other crap to help push this over the 4 million mark.
The specs used to run that early alpha build puts my heart at ease.
Bring on 2014.
Yeah, well, I figure if this (and Elite: Dangerous) doesn't succeed, it'll take another 10 years before we see another decent space sim. So I'm doing what I can. It was the same with Project Eternity. An old-school CRPG and a space sim, two dreams (of mine) come true!
Weve reached the $3.4 million unlock: the Goss System! At $3.5 million youll earn another system and learn more about the games docking mechanics. Lets get there soon!
Goss System
Ownership: UEE
Planets: 3
Planetary Rotation: Goss I 50 SED, Cassel (Goss II) 244 SED, Goss III 309 SED
Import: Food, Energy supplies
Export: Elements.
Crime Status: Low-Med.
Black Market: Kidnapping, Theft.
UEE Strategic Value: Blue
Description: Generally regarded as one of the most visually stunning systems in the Empire, the Goss System is a binary star system situated in the forefront of a massive emission nebula. Permanent bands of turqouise, gold and deep orange paint the sky from any location in the system.
All three of Goss planets are inhabitable. The bulk of the systems economy comes from tourism, but Gossians pride themselves on being self sufficient. Long-haul traders will find few bargains here, as the system produces little worthy of export and gathers its raw materials internally, mining and harvesting resources from the inner planets as needed.
The main destination is the lush, thriving resort world of Cassel (Goss II.) The surface is largely tropical rain forests dotted with stately pleasure domes constructed to support tourists and dozens of launch arcologies that house the descendants of the original Goss settlers. Goss I is a low-atmosphere world with abundant heavy metals. Scattered pockets of well-paid miners are a reasonable market for luxury goods and black market items, although the systems strict export policies prevent shipping raw materials out-system.
The Olympus Pool has dark side, too: the same nebula that delights tourists also acts as an effective curtain for several deep space pirate clans. Pirates are generally careful not to interfere in the tourism on Cassel but the brilliantly colored sky is believed to hide multiple clan operations facilities and supply chain master points.
WARNING: gravity effects of the binary star have rendered portions of the system untenable to starships not carrying Level 7 shields or above. Consult current gravity maps before attempting transit!
Next, at $3.5 million: Formerly the most distant UEE colony it grew to notoriety as the first contact point with the Vanduul. The attacks became so frequent that the settlers ultimately abandoned it.
I'm in before the Kickstarter ends but I can't decide between the $125 package that comes with the Hornet dogfighter or the $250 one that comes with the larger Constellation.
Christopher Roberts: Sorry to disapoint wont be tomorrow. May be Wed, if not will be Thur. Ryan is trying to get me the minimum stuff I want for the first proper ship reveal / flesh out by Wed. When you see it youll understand why its taken a while. Its not a sketch.
I'm in before the Kickstarter ends but I can't decide between the $125 package that comes with the Hornet dogfighter or the $250 one that comes with the larger Constellation.
wait so these ships that you get for giving them money (constellation, others) are your permanent ships in the game? If you don't throw the money now, you can't buy them during the game or upgrade or something?
I feel guilty retracting my Distance pledge so I can upgrade my Star Citizen pledge to the $60 tier(plus $5 for the electro skin hull enhancement).I removed my Strike Suit Zero pledge so I could up my Star Citizen pledge to Mercenary. So conflicted. I needed dat alpha.
If this were confirmed for Mac (or Linux), I'd back it, but without that confirmation, I'll just wait until it's made.
Honestly, I'm surprised at the lack of support.
Fuck. What am I doing.
Fellow Gaffer Citizens!
$4m, let's do this!
I removed my Strike Suit Zero pledge so I could up my Star Citizen pledge to Mercenary. So conflicted. I needed dat alpha.
I feel guilty retracting my Distance pledge so I can upgrade my Star Citizen pledge to the $60 tier(plus $5 for the electro skin hull enhancement).
Fuck. What am I doing.
This is the first video game kickstarter I've ever been interested in. The production quality of the game's self-promotion gives me great confidence. Looking at that $37 tier. We'll see, I'm really low on money. Might cancel my PSASBR preorder for this...
I am a pc gamer at heart and a graphics whore even more so. I love sci-fi, I love flying, and this looks awesome. So tempted.
This is the first video game kickstarter I've ever been interested in. The production quality of the game's self-promotion gives me great confidence. Looking at that $37 tier. We'll see, I'm really low on money. Might cancel my PSASBR preorder for this...
I am a pc gamer at heart and a graphics whore even more so. I love sci-fi, I love flying, and this looks awesome. So tempted.
so are there any pictures or the electro skin hull enhancement or any of the skins? And will these be available ingame if you didn't pledge?
Your kickstarter pledge will be merged with your RSI account. The only difference is how they accept payments. RSI instantly charges you. Kickstarter charges you at the end of the fund raising.Is there a difference between pledging with Kickstarter or RSI? (I've actually pledged via RSI, and should I switch over to Kickstarter)?
Are the digital add-ons going to be like DLC code?
I've already pledged to be an Early Adopter (comes with an Aurora) but purchased a 300i digital download. I could either use the 300i on my account or give it to a friend right? That's the assumption here, hope it's correct.
Is there a difference between pledging with Kickstarter or RSI? (I've actually pledged via RSI, and should I switch over to Kickstarter)?
Are the digital add-ons going to be like DLC code?
I've already pledged to be an Early Adopter (comes with an Aurora) but purchased a 300i digital download. I could either use the 300i on my account or give it to a friend right? That's the assumption here, hope it's correct.
Ellis System
Ownership: UEE (corporate)
Planets: 13
Planetary Rotation: Ellis IV (200 SED), Ellis IX (8,922 SED)
Import: Mechanical Goods, Luxury
Export: Fuel
Crime Status: Medium (Gambling)
Black Market: None
UEE Strategic Value: Purple
Description: Ellis is most famously home of the Murray Cup, the jewel in in-system star racing’s triple crown. The Ellis route runs through the densely packed inner worlds, through the twin asteroid belts and stops at one of Ellis VIII’s Lagrange points. A series of thousands of orbital monitoring buoys has been deployed throughout the system to monitor and broadcast race progress. During the off-season, aspiring racers and engine customization fans are allowed to run the track themselves for a small fee.
Ellis IV (Seahorse) is an entirely ordinary green-band planet save for an unusually high gravity for a settled world: over twice Earth standard. As such, Ellisians tend to be stocky and muscular and the planet’s fauna takes on a variety of interesting shapes (the best example being the aptly named flatcats.) Seahorse boasts a shining A+3 colonization rating from UEE Colonization Command.
Ellis IX (Walleye) is a gas giant which has been patterned for use as a refueling world. Large freighters and warships form visually impressive queues to take on much needed fuel, and a service industry has formed for long-haul transport crews making layovers in the system during the lengthy Earth-Pinecone run. Nearby refineries dot the planet’s skyline and cheaply convert the raw fuel for mass export.
Next, at $3.7 million: “Pirate System. Galactic Junkyard. One sun, there for light and a massive garbage disposal. “