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STAR CITIZEN, Chris Roberts' (Wing Commander) New Game [$25 million funded]




Constellation art! Maybe something else too?


Holy shit the Stella looks AMAZING. The .pdf brochure should be up on the RSI site in a little while, but you can see the pictures on IGN.


Meanwhile, we've unlocked another star system @ 3.7M$!

Cathcart System

Ownership: Lawless (Pirate)
Planets: 0
Planetary Rotation: n/a
Import: Refuse
Export: Salvage
Crime Status: High
Black Market: Weapons
UEE Strategic Value: Purple

Cathcart is widely recognized as a ‘pirate system,’ and its reputation in the UEE expends little treasure trying to downplay. At heart, Cathcart is a galactic junkyard with no natural planets and no particular redeeming qualities. It’s been humanity’s prime dumping ground for radioactive debris, failed starship hulls and out-of-date space technology for generations. The only enforced rule: leave the route between jump-points clear at all time.

The inhabitants of Cathcart have constructed makeshift environments by lashing together wrecked ships, orbital platforms and anything else that can be re-pressurized. It’s an interesting environment that has spawned a truly unique subculture… but the huge population of pirates, smugglers, mercenaries and outright killers means that anthropologists won’t be documenting it any time soon.

Cathcart’s largest “world” is called Spider, a sprawling mass of abandoned UEE warships spiraling in ever-increasing mated tendrils around an ancient colony ship’s massive hull. Visitors are encouraged to keep their suits on during their stay, as the shoddy construction of the inhabited areas often gives out. Still, it’s a great place to pick up a bargain if you aren’t picky about what century your ship upgrades came from.

Next, at $3.8 million: “Known to the Xi’An as a ProductionSystem: every planet has been classified as a work zone.”


As excited as I am for this game, $250/$225 is still too much for that. I hope they put out brochures for the other pledge ships before the campaign is over, though!

Also, these system descriptions remind me of the Mass Effect codex. Evocative and interesting as hell, but mostly pointless since very little of it is actually in-game.


I'm heartbroken. Because my dad lost his job, every bit of my paycheck that isn't going towards gasoline or food is now going towards supporting my family. I will not be able to participate in this, nor will I have any funds to spend on gaming until at least February.

I wanted to support this and Strike Suit Zero so much. :\
I'm heartbroken. Because my dad lost his job, every bit of my paycheck that isn't going towards gasoline or food is now going towards supporting my family. I will not be able to participate in this, nor will I have any funds to spend on gaming until at least February.

I wanted to support this and Strike Suit Zero so much. :\

Sorry to hear man. I hope your father rebounds quickly and finds a new place of work


As excited as I am for this game, $250/$225 is still too much for that. I hope they put out brochures for the other pledge ships before the campaign is over, though!

Also, these system descriptions remind me of the Mass Effect codex. Evocative and interesting as hell, but mostly pointless since very little of it is actually in-game.

Well, it really depends on the system, doesn't it? For example ...

"Cathcart’s largest “world” is called Spider, a sprawling mass of abandoned UEE warships spiraling in ever-increasing mated tendrils around an ancient colony ship’s massive hull."

That's something you'll be able to visit and should be a sight to behold.


That's something you'll be able to visit and should be a sight to behold.

I hope it amounts to more than a single planetary backdrop with the same exact three buildings you'd find in any other system.

Admittedly, what I'd like to see would be ridiculously expensive and well beyond the scope of most game budgets. It's nice to want things!


Well, it really depends on the system, doesn't it? For example ...

"Cathcart’s largest “world” is called Spider, a sprawling mass of abandoned UEE warships spiraling in ever-increasing mated tendrils around an ancient colony ship’s massive hull."

That's something you'll be able to visit and should be a sight to behold.

I think people are so used to video games lacking in the kind of ambition that 90s PC games had that they've forgotten how absolutely incredible PC gaming can be when there are literally no constraints at all. Even games like The Witcher 2 were constrained by anticipation of console limitations.

I hope it amounts to more than a single planetary backdrop with the same exact three buildings you'd find in any other system.

Admittedly, what I'd like to see would be ridiculously expensive and well beyond the scope of most game budgets. It's nice to want things!

The guys from War Horse wrote an article explaining that most AAA games are overbudget because they hire huge staffs that actually waste a lot of precious manpower. Apparently, if you have a smaller team, you can actually get significantly more done.


So very much looking forward to.... two years from now. That wait will be hellish.

I think I've overdone it. Strike Suit Zero (30 hours left!), Elite: Dangerous, Star Citizen... looks like I will be drowning in Space flight themed games.
(I blame Faster Than Light.)


Unless you have a regular group to fly with, is the RSI Constellation worth it? Thinking of going with the MISC Freelancer, since it is a one-person craft.


wow at the constellation pdf. so much detail. do you get to run through your own shit? I never even thought about that holy shit.

were the other ship pdf's released? Where can I find them? I want to see the aurora i think, the $30 pledge ship.

edit: nvm just saw the email. looks like only the constellation is available.

btw, does anyone recommend any flight sticks/joysticks? Something that can also be used in battlefield 3. Never used one before but I feel like i'm gonna need one.


I think i'm going to do the $125 at the site for the free lancer. I'm just going to wait for Saturday as I get 2% cash back from all purchases from discover. I might get 5% since its an online purchase but I dunno how discover will label it .


Man, a multi-station ship. The Constellation should be a blast co-op with friends. So, a close-range support fight, turrets, co-pilot. Good stuff. I wonder what the co-pilot actually does (operate weapons/subsystems?) - I hope it's something that's actually beneficial rather than just a gimmick.


btw, does anyone recommend any flight sticks/joysticks? Something that can also be used in battlefield 3. Never used one before but I feel like i'm gonna need one.

You should probably go with a HOTAS that's on the affordable side. Saitek X52 or Saitek X52 Pro would be my recommendation. All around solid joystick + throttle + rudder control (you twist the stick), well built, futuristic look.


X52 Pro
Man, a multi-station ship. The Constellation should be a blast co-op with friends. So, a close-range support fight, turrets, co-pilot. Good stuff. I wonder what the co-pilot actually does (operate weapons/subsystems?) - I hope it's something that's actually beneficial rather than just a gimmick.

You can actually install a second turret, so there'd be no need for a co-pilot.


Batteries the CRISIS!
did the devs say that?

Well, yeah, that's where I would have gotten that from. It was when Chris Roberts was describing all the professions players could take up. He described mechanics, navigators, merchants, bounty hunters, pirates, etc.


Man, a multi-station ship. The Constellation should be a blast co-op with friends. So, a close-range support fight, turrets, co-pilot. Good stuff. I wonder what the co-pilot actually does (operate weapons/subsystems?) - I hope it's something that's actually beneficial rather than just a gimmick.

Hmmm... co-pilot should essentially act as a navigator, information officer.

i.e. they can access the navigation details and info, keep track of all the various bogies in space, and provide the captain/main pilot with targeting and heading information (on top of whatever the captain can set for themselves).

Perhaps they can also manage the weapons.

So basically, his role is to augment the brain of the captain.

This would be excellent if it scales with ship size and crews. Like on the capital ship carrier, it has so many weapons to control that it's the entire job of one person to manage (not just target, but manage) weapon powers and subsystems.

Of course, the trick is to make all this function always accessible to the captain - just to scale up the amount of things to do such that one person couldn't possibly handle every facet all full bore the entire time.


speeding up til the end eh... nice going
We’re already to the $3.8 million mark, so here’s the 7th additional star system, Tal. Great work, pledgers, you’re directly building a universe!

Tal System

Ownership: Xi’An Empire
Planets: 7
Planetary Rotation: 240 SED (Tal II), 359 SED (Tal III), 566 SED (Tal IV), 673 SED (Tal V)
Import: Raw Materials
Export: Textiles, Processed Goods, Weapons
Crime Status: Low
Black Market: Narcotics
UEE Strategic Value: Green

Tal is a system on the edge of the Xi’An Empire and one which has been generally receptive to extended human presence. The entire planetary series is what the Xi’An call a ProductionSystem: every planet has been carefully planned and patterned as a specific work zone. Each inhabited world (Tal II through V) is filled with factories, refineries, food production domes and other facilities and each planet has a specific purpose in a larger production chain.

One visually surprising element of Tal is that the Xi’An love of large scale organization means that they have actually color coded their ProductionSystem worlds: EVERY structure on Tal II is a bright yellow, Tal III purple, Tal IV dark green and Tal V a burnt orange. Humans regularly express their disbelief that such a system is even possible, although it goes a long way to explaining why Xi’An frequently have trouble adapting to the chaos of human cities.

Although the actual system is far more complex than a simple summary can provide, merchants should know that Tal II produces large scale space fabrication, Tal III food and textiles, Tal IV processes hydrogen and antimatter and Tal V is responsible for end-stage processing of weapons. The Xi’An are happy to purchase raw materials for use on their factory planets and they sell surplus production runs at fair prices. It’s not the best place in the galaxy to score a deal, but dealing with the Xi’An is as close to being able to guarantee a small profit as you can find.

Next, at $3.9 million: “Located within the Banu Protectorate. A windswept mass of volcanic rock. The churning volcanoes under the surface help produce the systems main exports.”


I think it's ridiculous that TrackIR is a Kickstarter stretch goal. It'll be laughable if KS fails to meet 1.75mil despite the combined campaign being highly successful. It should be a combined goal.

Hmmm... co-pilot should essentially act as a navigator, information officer.

i.e. they can access the navigation details and info, keep track of all the various bogies in space, and provide the captain/main pilot with targeting and heading information (on top of whatever the captain can set for themselves).

Perhaps they can also manage the weapons.

So basically, his role is to augment the brain of the captain.

This would be excellent if it scales with ship size and crews. Like on the capital ship carrier, it has so many weapons to control that it's the entire job of one person to manage (not just target, but manage) weapon powers and subsystems.

Of course, the trick is to make all this function always accessible to the captain - just to scale up the amount of things to do such that one person couldn't possibly handle every facet all full bore the entire time.

I just hope it's done properly. A buddy and me played Dangerous Waters, a sub sim which features co-op multi-stations. So we'd assign different tasks to each other in the same sub. I'd be the commander/navigator, fiddle around with the periscope, calculate target motion analysis. He'd handle weapons systems, radar, sonar. We'd have to combine all our findings together in order to gather proper intel. It was a crapload of fun.


HOT #$@!, that Constellation ship looks amazing..............

................already threw $280 at Project Eternity just last month..............................want the Constellation so bad.....................but another $250.........................must................resist.......................but love space flight sims.......................so much.........................................HERRRGGHHHHHH..................

Please please, convince me that the Hornet or Freelancer will satisfy me as much as the Constellation...............or.................convince me that the Constellation will blow my mind and is worth bringing my Kickstarter funds for Oct/Nov up to a total of a half grand...........

....Kickstarter will be the death of my wallet.....................


HOT #$@!, that Constellation ship looks amazing..............

................already threw $280 at Project Eternity just last month..............................want the Constellation so bad.....................but another $250.........................must................resist.......................but love space flight sims.......................so much.........................................HERRRGGHHHHHH..................

Please please, convince me that the Hornet or Freelancer will satisfy me as much as the Constellation...............or.................convince me that the Constellation will blow my mind and is worth bringing my Kickstarter funds for Oct/Nov up to a total of a half grand...........

....Kickstarter will be the death of my wallet.....................



HOT #$@!, that Constellation ship looks amazing..............

................already threw $280 at Project Eternity just last month..............................want the Constellation so bad.....................but another $250.........................must................resist.......................but love space flight sims.......................so much.........................................HERRRGGHHHHHH..................

Please please, convince me that the Hornet or Freelancer will satisfy me as much as the Constellation...............or.................convince me that the Constellation will blow my mind and is worth bringing my Kickstarter funds for Oct/Nov up to a total of a half grand...........

....Kickstarter will be the death of my wallet.....................

Or you could, you know, enjoy working your way to the Constellation in-game ...

New update, we get to choose how the Freelancer is going to look.

So, as soon as they reach 4 Mio.$ I'll tweet Yoshida about it, so that he may see the light and tell him to make a new Colony Wars for PS4 and Vita.

Anybody care to join in?? Please?



So, as soon as they reach 4 Mio.$ I'll tweet Yoshida about it, so that he may see the light and tell him to make a new Colony Wars for PS4 and Vita.

Anybody care to join in?? Please?


Sounds like a good idea to me, and I've never played Colony Wars. I keep expecting it to hit PSN, and it keeps not happening...


The site is back up and I had to go with option 1 as I'm getting a Serenity vibe from it where as option 2 looks too plain

Yep, Option 1 is where it's at. Seeing that design I feel good about staying with the $125 level rather than going with the $250 Constellation.


Just so you know, the guys over at RSI will be doing a live broadcast on the last day of the campaign. Sunday, I think. 24h broadcast, apparently. Should be fun! :)


I think it's ridiculous that TrackIR is a Kickstarter stretch goal. It'll be laughable if KS fails to meet 1.75mil despite the combined campaign being highly successful. It should be a combined goal.

TrackIR will be dead in the water once the Rift launches... :p
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